
When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

author:Farmer's Note

In order to increase readability, some plots have been artistically processed, please pay attention to screening.

Everyone's marriage, there seems to be a fixed number in the dark, the ancients said that "a thousand miles of marriage is a thread", two people who have nothing to do with their ancestors may come together because of a small inadvertent matter.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

Of course, there is also the saying of "childhood sweethearts", growing up together since childhood, there has never been any love in their hearts, but their lives have been pressed together.

My name is Haijun, I was born in the mountains of Hunan in 70, a stupid boy who doesn't know the height of the sky, I am the second in the family, there is an eldest sister above, and there is a younger brother who is two years younger than me.

I was born in the 70s, although the countryside was indeed very backward at that time, but now it seems that that environment is not necessarily a bad thing for children.

At that time, almost every rural family had several children, and a family of three siblings like me was at best decent, and even when I was a child, I was very envious of those who had four or five or even six or seven siblings.

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, rural children had to help their parents do farm work, and at the age of fourteen or fifteen, they had to work in the fields in the mountains with their uncles in the production team, but they could only get half a centimeter, which was the legendary "semi-labor".

And at the age when you can't do heavy work, but you can run around the mountains, it is a truly happy and carefree childhood in your memory.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

For example, when I was about three years old, I spent most of my day playing outside except sleeping at home. When it's time to eat, people can eat a few bites at whichever house they want, regardless of whether they are relatives or not.

It wasn't until it got dark, when the parents came home to make dinner, stood at the door and shouted loudly, that the children went back to their homes. Why are parents so relieved of their children and raising their children free-range without supervision?

I think this is also one of the most nostalgic places in the countryside at that time, although the family conditions are not very good, but they are not stingy with giving other people's children a little food. Even if adults don't deal with each other, they may even be "enemies", and they will not be too mean to each other's children.

Anyway, every family has a few children, and the adults all go to work, and the children get together consciously or unconsciously. It doesn't matter if it's a group to keep warm, or if it's a big and a small group, anyway, a lot of men and women have a lot of children together, and the ages are uneven, and they grow up in three or five years.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

There are more than a dozen children born in the same year as me, although they are a Wanzi person, but the children seem to have a bit of a regional concept in their hearts, and there will always be a natural sense of closeness to a production team and close to home.

So, the closest to me were Xiaoqing and her brother - they are twins, the younger brother Xiaoqiang was born half an hour late, and he is very short, and he does look like a "younger brother". It's Xiaoqing, although she is a girl, but she has the style of a little adult.

Because our family and Xiaoqing's family are in a production team, her father is the captain, and my father is the accountant of the team, and the two families have frequent contacts, and by the way, our children are more affectionate.

Xiaoqing's three older sisters are much older, so she often takes Xiaoqiang's younger brother to play with me, and they have always taken care of each other and have nothing to do.

In the summer when he was five years old, Xiaoqing's grandfather passed away, and our group of children also played in the mourning hall for a few days, saying that they were helping to "keep a vigil", but in fact, they were just getting together to have a good time, and his family had to give everyone something to eat.

Xiaoqing's grandfather went up the mountain to be buried, the rural people, the coffin went out, the family was as usual, the adults had to work, and the children still played how they used to play.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

That afternoon, after lunch, a group of us children got together again, and the hot sun in the sky must not be able to stand it at home, so we agreed to go to the river to take a cold shower.

In fact, although everyone usually goes into the river together, if you go into the water after noon, girls rarely participate. But I didn't know what was going on that day, Xiao Qiang wanted to follow, so Xiao Qing had to take him with him.

As soon as we got to the river, we stripped naked, jumped into the water with our bare butts, soaked in the cool water, splashed and played with each other for a while, and touched the fish in the cracks of the stones by the river for a while. Xiaoqing sat under the big poplar tree by the river and watched us play in the water from afar.

The children in the water played for a while and then came ashore one after another, and everyone gathered under the poplar tree to enjoy the shade with Xiaoqing.

Children, when they get together, they must be talking nonsense in the sky and on the earth, and I don't know how to talk about the death of Grandpa Xiaoqing.

Not to mention, although the death of Grandpa Xiaoqing is a sad thing, it has become a very interesting and fun thing to say in the mouths of children.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

I will immediately describe to everyone the "process" after the death of Grandpa Xiaoqing, first gesturing in my hands, and then lying on the ground by myself, pretending that after the death of the old man, the body was placed on the mat on the ground, and the feet were wearing "longevity shoes" with white soles, and I also deliberately emphasized the small circle on the soles covered with a pen cap dipped in ink.

Finally, I talked about the fact that the old man's coffin was carried to the mountain, because I was one of the few playmates who sent the coffin to the mountain, and described to everyone that the coffin was put in the tomb and then the adults piled up earth on it.

After all, they are all children, and they can't speak clearly, so in order to prove that I am not wrong, I jumped up excitedly and said to everyone: If you don't believe it, I will show you a demonstration.

I pulled out a circle of grass after dividing it by two, and then beckoned everyone to work together, and directly dug out a sand pit with my hands.

There is a tomb (sand pit), but the coffin is really hard to find, I looked at everyone, isn't it just Xiaoqing's grandfather? So he called Xiaoqiang over and asked him to lie down in the sand pit.

Xiaoqiang honestly followed my command to go down, but was stopped by Xiaoqing, saying don't bully him for being ignorant, what is the problem coming to me.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

Because there are many of us, the sand pit dug out is really not small, Xiao Qiang's thin ones are lying in it and there is a lot of vacancy, since Xiao Qing is willing to go up, I can't ask for it, after calling Xiao Qiang up, I directly dragged Xiao Qing down the sand pit.

Xiaoqing was quite honest at that time, and probably listened to me all the time, although I pushed her down the bunker a little "rudely", but still lay down as I told her.

Everything was ready, the drama had to be done, the tomb was there, and the "coffin" inside was also available, so I beckoned everyone to fill the sand pit with sand and simulate the scene of the adults building a tomb on the mountain.

The children usually play games together, and this kind of thing is commonplace, and under my orders, everyone piled sand on Xiaoqing in the pit.

In a few clicks, Xiaoqing's whole body was buried in the sand, and only one head was left outside. I was also careful to cover her with sand around her face, leaving her with only her nose, mouth and eyes on the outside.

I saw Xiaoqing's face gradually turn white, and he said to me with no strength in his mouth: I can't win when I'm angry, can I come out?

Hearing Xiaoqing say that she couldn't win out, I panicked, and my first thought was not to pull her out, but to pull out her legs and run home.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

Seeing that I had run away, the other children also coaxed me to disperse.

In the end, only Xiaoqing who was buried in the sand pit was left on the entire beach, and Xiaoqiang, who was crying on the side.

Maybe Xiaoqing's life should not be extinguished, or Xiaoqiang's crying played a role, and someone from the nearest family by the river heard it, so he ran out of the beach to watch the movement, which only "dug" Xiaoqing out of the sand pit, and his lips were already bruised.

In the past, when children played together, it was inevitable that there would be times when they didn't deal with each other. Weaker children often go home crying, and adults just ask a few words, but they are generally gone.

But this time it was not so easy to pass the test, the Xiaoqing sisters and brothers were sent home by the villager and told their parents all about their afternoon experience. Xiaoqing's father was very worried when he heard this, and immediately took Xiaoqing to my house to block the door.

Fortunately, he and my father had a good relationship, and this time I didn't mess around, but I still hope to teach me a lesson.

After my parents knew the cause and effect, they gave me a meal of "under the yellow eel" in front of Xiaoqing's father, and I screamed in pain, but my mouth was still shouting at her father:

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

I gave her a nose to breathe, who knew she was so unburied? Besides, aren't you dead, why are you coming to the door like this?

Xiaoqing's father couldn't cry or laugh, of course, it was not good to deal with me, a child who "didn't even have a yellow asshole", but he also patiently asked me: If it really hurts, even if you don't die and leave a cripple, what will you do?

I was also dizzy, and there was only one hope in my heart, that is, the bamboo branch in my father's hand would no longer pump my ass, and my mouth immediately answered: as long as she is not dead, if she is disabled, I will support her for the rest of my life.

As soon as these words came out, I didn't feel anything, anyway, the bamboo branch in my father's hand did stop, and Xiaoqing's father also looked suffocated, stared at my father for a while, and then shook his head and left with a smile.

This incident is actually just a small episode when I was a child, it should be the first two days, and I really don't dare to go to Xiaoqing's house again.

But in less than three or five days, the companions have not still gotten together, as if nothing unpleasant has ever happened.

The happy times of the same year always passed so quickly, and the next year, we went to school.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

It's just that among our classmates, there are really few outstanding academic performance, and Xiaoqing and I are almost on par with each other. On the contrary, Xiaoqiang, who has always been inconspicuous, although he is often bullied by us, his achievements are gone.

Xiaoqing and I went home after finishing junior high school, and there were more than a dozen children in our bay who were enlightened at the same time, and it seems that only Xiaoqiang, the black guy, went to high school, and later went to college and became a city person.

Xiaoqing and I went home to farm, but we looked down and didn't look up, but after all, we have grown up, and we don't have the unrestrainedness we had when we were young.

But I don't know when it started, Xiaoqing and I seem to be a little bit eye-to-eye. When I went to the neighboring village to watch a movie, I walked and walked together, and when I got some delicious food outside, I would always bring it to her.

By 92, we came to Guangdong to work together and entered the same electronics factory. Growing up together like this, the young people who know the roots know the bottom of the matter, compared to those simple fellow villagers, they feel a little more like relatives.

In 93, Xiaoqing and I got married, and on the day of the wedding, my father-in-law was still "reminiscing about the past" with my father.

When I played at home, I buried her in a sand pit, and her father came to the door to complain and married her when he grew up

When this kid was beaten, he blurted out that he was going to marry my girl, but he didn't expect it to be true. #长文创作激励计划#

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