
China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

author:Popular Science Bear
China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

The mainland is a veritable superpower, not only with a vast territory and a large population, but also with a very fast economic development in recent years, catching up with and surpassing many countries in the world, and even being able to compete with the United States.

It is precisely because of this that the countries of the world can look at us with admiration, and our international status is constantly improving.

However, the mainland is not as gorgeous and flawless as it seems on the surface, and there are actually some problems inside.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

One of the most striking is the surplus of certain products.

In the next five years, there will be a surplus of 8 products, especially the first place, which can be said to be owned by every family, if you don't pay attention, the loss may reach hundreds of thousands!

1. House

When it comes to the products that every household will have a surplus in the future, we have to mention the house.

Chinese have always been particularly persistent in buying a house, and in the early years of the real estate market fire, many people had spare money in their hands, and they would buy several sets at the same time.

These houses are not simply bought for living, but for a second sale or rental, so that you can earn the difference in price.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

However, in recent years, the fertility rate has continued to decline, the population is aging, and the real estate market is becoming more and more sluggish.

Against this backdrop, house prices are on a downward trend.

Some developers are crazy about building houses, but due to lack of funds, there is a phenomenon of unfinished buildings, and unfinished buildings can be seen in major cities.

For those who have multiple homes, it is not as easy as they think to sell their homes.

If it is just needed, there is nothing wrong with buying a house, but if it is purely for speculation, and you want to use the house in your hand to make a lot of money, this is obviously not a wise choice.

In the next 5 years, housing prices may continue to decline, and the house in hand may really lose money, and it is possible to lose hundreds of thousands.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

2. Automobiles

After talking about the house, it's time to talk about the car.

In fact, cars, like bicycles and electric vehicles, are all means of transportation.

However, the car has a large space, a sealed space, and is fast and has more functions, however, the price of the car is also relatively high.

In the past, people's economic conditions were not good, and few families could afford to buy a car, and most people still traveled by bicycle, electric car, or bus.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

With the continuous development of the economy, people's wallets are gradually bulging, and it is no longer difficult to buy a car.

Nowadays, there are more and more car brands on the market, and new models are constantly being introduced, in addition to all-fuel vehicles, there are also pure electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

Although more and more families are buying cars now, people are not buying them as fast as they can produce.

Coupled with the impact of the second-hand car market, many new cars are facing a backlog of goods, and the problem of automobile overcapacity will become more and more prominent in the next five years.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

3. Household appliances

Speaking of household appliances, what can you think of, I believe, it must be TV, refrigerator, washing machine, the utilization rate of refrigerators and washing machines is still relatively high, but TV is almost out of people's sight.

Although most homes have TVs, due to the popularity of smartphones and computers, people usually surf the Internet and watch videos, and rarely turn on the TV again.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

Now that smart home appliances have entered people's sight again, many people are ready to move again.

Obviously, the electrical appliances at home can still be used normally, but they still went to buy smart home appliances, which led to the forced withdrawal of the original ordinary home appliances.

In the next 5 years, the penetration rate of smart appliances will be further improved, and more ordinary household appliances will be withdrawn from the market, which is undoubtedly a waste of resources.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

Fourth, steel

The steel surplus is also a very serious problem.

In the early years, the mainland vigorously developed heavy industry, and its iron and steel smelting technology was several decades ahead of other countries, and it did make outstanding contributions to the mainland's economic development.

However, in recent years, the situation of excess steel has become more and more serious, and many steel companies have been affected or even closed down.

Due to the fierce competition, many companies are trying to expand their production scale, hoping to obtain higher profits.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

On the surface, by expanding production, you can increase your production volume, so that you can occupy more market share and make more profits.

In fact, in the process of expansion, if market demand is not taken into account, it is likely that there will be a situation where supply exceeds demand.

Now the steel industry is facing such a dilemma, resulting in an oversupply of steel products on the market, and the selling price has to be reduced.

According to relevant statistics, the mainland's current steel production is more than 1 billion tons per year, but the actual demand is only 7~800 million tons.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

Costs haven't changed, but selling prices have become lower, and there's a lot of inventory backlog, so profit margins are definitely smaller.

In the next five years, if companies do not realize their mistakes and continue to expand in a disorderly manner, not only will they not promote economic prosperity, but will also make the current market environment worse.

You will also be burdened with a heavy burden, and losses are inevitable.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

5. Clothing

Clothes are a necessity for everyone, from centenarians to newborn babies.

And China has a population of 1.4 billion, even if everyone only buys one piece of clothing a year, they can sell 1.4 billion pieces, not to mention that everyone buys more than one piece a year.

Statistics show that a person can buy at least 500 pieces of clothing in his lifetime.

Although the statistics may seem like a lot, the textile industry is developing at a very fast pace.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

Textile mills of all kinds have sprung up like mushrooms, producing more and more clothes and styles of new ones.

For the common people, the emergence of these textile factories can allow them to wear more desirable clothes, but the production of these clothes is facing the problem of surplus.

Even a small garment factory is capable of producing thousands of pieces of clothing in a day.

If it is a large garment factory, it is possible to produce tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of pieces a day.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

If you go to the street now, you will see a variety of clothing stores everywhere.

When you go inside, you will find that the store has a dazzling variety of clothes.

Although there is a relatively large gap in price, basically people of all ages and life classes can buy the one they like.

This situation has a considerable impact on the textile industry, and it has also caused great pressure on clothing wholesale and retail merchants.

In the next five years, if we don't find a way to improve, I am afraid that the problems we will face will become more serious.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

6. Coal

In the past, people's living conditions were not good, whether it was cooking or heating, the demand for coal was quite large.

At that time, coal would also be used to generate electricity to meet people's demand for electricity.

However, with the continuous progress of society, people's living conditions are getting better and better, and various new products are emerging one after another.

There are gas stoves for cooking, heating and air conditioning for heating, and even electricity generation is no longer dependent on coal, which makes coal useless.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

Nowadays, the most useful place for coal is in winter heating, and it is basically concentrated in rural areas in the north.

Heating is installed in the city, and as long as you pay a certain amount of money, you can heat day and night, and you don't need to burn coal for heating.

The country is now taking environmental protection very seriously, and is also vigorously promoting more environmentally friendly heating methods, such as the use of natural gas, solar energy, etc., and has begun trials in many regions, which has led to a further reduction in the demand for coal.

In the next five years, the problem of coal surplus will become more and more prominent, and coal production enterprises will also face huge challenges.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

7. Mobile phones

In today's society, mobile phones can be said to be a necessity, and almost everyone has one.

Now that technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, smartphones are all over the market, attracting more and more people's attention.

The replacement speed of smart phones is very fast, and each update will add different functions, and at the same time, it will also expand the capacity, which brings great convenience to people's daily life.

The living conditions of modern people are much better, and the speed of changing mobile phones has also accelerated significantly.

In the past, a mobile phone could not be repaired before it was discarded, but now, as long as you see a new product on the market, you want to eliminate the mobile phone you use now and buy a new product.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

Under the influence of such a market background, mobile phone manufacturers have also begun to continuously expand their production scale, and many new mobile phones will be launched every year.

As the production of mobile phones continues to increase, there is gradually a situation of overcapacity.

The demand in the market is less than the supply, and the inventory of mobile phones begins to be overstocked, and manufacturers have to lower prices to sell, which also leads to shrinking profits.

In the next 5 years, this phenomenon is likely to persist and even worsen.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

8. Cement

The last surplus product is cement.

In everyone's mind, cement is a necessity for building bridges, paving roads, and building houses.

Every wide road we walk on now, every house we live in is made of cement.

It is believed that the market demand for cement is very large.

After all, there are more than 1 billion people on the mainland, and if we want to meet the housing and road needs of so many people, we need to build a large number of houses and roads.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?

Because of this, we will think of vigorously developing the cement industry, many cement factories have sung up, and the supply of cement is also increasing.

Unexpectedly, with the change of the times, the aging phenomenon has worsened, the birth rate has decreased, and many young people have given up getting married and buying a house.

As fewer people buy houses, the sale of houses becomes a problem, and the pace of construction naturally slows down.

Cement was originally born for the construction of infrastructure such as houses, but now the speed of infrastructure construction has slowed down, and cement is still being vigorously produced, so it will naturally become a surplus product.

China's surplus of 8 products in the next five years, the first place is available, or will it lose hundreds of thousands?


No matter what kind of industry it is, no matter what kind of products it produces, it should be based on market demand.

If we ignore market demand and blindly expand the scale of production, it will inevitably lead to oversupply.

Once this happens, the problem of surplus products will be prominent, which is not conducive to the development of the economy.

Behind the surplus of products, it is not only the economic problem that is involved, but also the quality of life, environmental protection and other aspects.

It is hoped that the relevant departments can pay enough attention and work together to solve the problem effectively.


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