
Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

author:Unheard of

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Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Recently, a topic of missile maintenance has attracted the onlookers and heated discussions of the majority of netizens!


It has been learned that there are only two specialized colleges and universities in the country for this missile maintenance specialty......

Missiles still need to be repaired?

Netizens ridiculed ↓

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

△ Good guy, this is really a scarce sex professional [embarrassed laugh]

There are also netizens ridiculing ↓

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

△ I have to say, you know how to maintain~

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

After the video came out, it also caused heated discussions among the majority of netizens, this session of netizens knows how to comment, I want to die of laughter in the comments:

Hahaha, is there really a crane top red major?

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

I have to say that in the future, your brother will definitely be a scarce talent in this area [awkward laughter]

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

Good guy, you understand the gold content of 985 and 211 [tears]

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

One-time employment talents [crying silently]

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

If I go to fix it, will I blame it for not learning well [I want to be quiet]

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

It's okay, netizens are just playing stalks, this major is still very promising, think about it, graduation is an iron rice bowl~

Laughing numbly, when he chose the missile maintenance major, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned, and died of laughter in the comment area!

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