
How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

author:Song Changhong


At night in the countryside, there are always fireflies flying, and we often see swarms of fireflies in the fields in the summer, forming a beautiful firefly lamp.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

So why do fireflies glow?

In the past, we used to see fireflies, but now they are becoming scarce, so what is the reason for the gradual decline in the number of fireflies?

The origin of the firefly.

Fireflies are also known as "beetles" and "fairy flies".

According to ancient records, fireflies originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty and were used as a kind of ornamental candles, and were given the names of "fireflies" and "fireflies", and later generations also called this kind of insect "fireflies".

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

Fireflies are mainly distributed in Asia, Africa, Central and South America.

Two-winged orange yellow, it is the most common of many species of fireflies, and it is also a relatively large type of firefly in Asia.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

Fireflies are also a kind of other insect animals, and the light on their bodies is fireflies that can attract the opposite sex, so when other insects mate with fireflies,

They will be attracted by the light on the fireflies, and the fireflies will seize the time of mating and take this opportunity to carry out the mating steps.

So why do fireflies glow?

How do fireflies generate light?

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

Fireflies can emit light for two reasons:

One is that the luminescent system and luminescent substances of fireflies are unique.

The second is that the luminous system and luminescent substances of fireflies have become very perfect in the process of evolution, so fireflies can emit light for a long time.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

The reason why fireflies emit light is actually because fireflies have a substance called "fluorescein", when fluorescein reacts with some other proteins.

It creates a light that can be seen.

And this light has a very bright color, so the fireflies will become very dazzling, because of the color of the light, so the fireflies will become very beautiful.

And the light will also become very attractive, so the fireflies will continue to glow.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

In order to be able to distinguish fireflies, the light of fireflies also has different colors, some are bright orange-yellow, and some are resounding green in the sky.

These colors can attract the opposite sex, and for fireflies, they can reproduce better, so they are also a very good way to survive.

The glow of fireflies.

Fireflies emit light because they have fluorescein in their body, which is also called "luciferin".

Luciferin is a cold light-emitting substance with stable odor and abundant activity, which is emitted by a type of light called "biochemiluminescence".

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

Biological cold light emission refers to the conversion of chemical energy into light energy through certain chemical reactions in liquid organisms, and the emitted light is cold light.

This cold light is very stable and active, and it is not afraid of heat and does not produce light, but it is very magical and a high value-added chemical.

Luciferin is excreted in the secreted body, and the color of luciferin is very rich, and it can map objects very clearly in dim conditions.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

And it is able to emit light of different colors.

Luminesin and reactive hormone are a flowing zwitterionic system, which will produce light in a certain environment, and as long as there is a fluorescein substance, as long as it is a plant and animal, it can emit light.

For example, spores, algae, fungi, lichens, these organisms can emit light.

Among living things, in addition to fireflies that can emit light for a long time, the luminescence of lichens is also very famous, and it is also a relatively stable luminescent substance.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

However, lichens can only emit light under certain conditions of humidity, temperature, and light, so they are inferior to fireflies.

Moreover, when lichens are looking for fireflies, they must be in a humid and dark space with a temperature of 20°C, otherwise lichens will not shine.

In plants and animals, there must be photosynthetic pigments when producing luminescent light, but fireflies can emit light without photosynthetic pigments when they are photosynthesizing.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

Because luciferin is an energy-consuming substance, during the evolution of fireflies, stored chemical energy is produced to further reduce luciferin's ability to emit light.

The luminescence system of fireflies is the light produced by the complex reaction of fluorescein and some other proteins in the organism.

Moreover, this light emission process can make reasonable use of energy, and the light formed is also very stable.

The reason for the gradual decline of fireflies.

There are three reasons for the gradual decline of the number of fireflies: first, "environmental factors";

the second is "light pollution";

the third is the "human factor";

At present, with the improvement of living standards, the rural ring of Mexico has gradually been destroyed.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

In the past, after the rain, it was common to see small shiny mud ditches in the middle of the road, and it was common to see some shaky fireflies in these shiny little mud ditches.

Nowadays, it is rarely seen, and our ecology is gradually deteriorating, which not only affects the inability of fireflies to survive and reproduce, but also affects the survival and reproduction of some other insects.

In addition, the existence of human factors, in rural life, people often go to the fields to live, and the fire of life will affect the survival of organisms near home.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

So the number of fireflies is gradually decreasing.

Fireflies breed in the spring, which is the breeding season for fireflies, and many fireflies can be seen in the fields.

Therefore, fireflies will also fly in groups, shooting beautiful lights, at this time it is the farmer brothers farming, so the fireflies in the field will accompany them to farm, so you will also see swarms of fireflies.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

But nowadays, with the development of the economy, a lot of agriculture has shifted to mechanization, so there are no swarms of fireflies to be seen.


Fireflies are also a very famous insect animal in the mainland, and the light of fireflies is also very dazzling, but when you catch fireflies, don't be on fireflies at will, because this will affect the survival of fireflies.

How does a firefly glow? It used to be common in rural areas, why are there fewer and fewer now?

The breath of fireflies is very important for fireflies, and if they feel uncomfortable, they will be frightened and irritated, prone to toxins, and may also cause harm to the human body.

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