
Are all the mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room dead? Why can't I see mosquitoes when I turn on the air conditioner, and no one is bitten?

author:Song Changhong


In today's social development, there are many people who will choose to turn on the air conditioner and fan, when the sun is shining, people will choose to stay in the air-conditioned room, escape the heat and cool down, while watching the programs they love to watch, playing with their mobile phones, while enjoying the cool breeze on their faces, especially in summer, it is the season of breeding for all kinds of mosquitoes, and mosquitoes inject human venom, which makes people feel very annoying.

Are all the mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room dead? Why can't I see mosquitoes when I turn on the air conditioner, and no one is bitten?

However, in the summer, no one is bitten by mosquitoes, so what does this have to do with it?

That's because in the air-conditioned room with the air conditioner on, the mosquitoes have already died and can't die, so why do mosquitoes die, and what is the impact of the air conditioner on human health?

Why can't I see mosquitoes in an air-conditioned room?

In summer, it is the season when there are more mosquitoes, people will always have some more red and swollen small bumps, and sometimes they will be bitten by mosquitoes when they sleep at night, but as soon as they enter the air-conditioned room, they have never seen mosquitoes, and no one has been bitten by mosquitoes, why is this?

Are all the mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room dead? Why can't I see mosquitoes when I turn on the air conditioner, and no one is bitten?

Will mosquitoes be killed immediately after arriving in an air-conditioned room?

In the summer, mosquitoes like to breed, clothes, walls, tables are full of mosquitoes and mosquito eggs, as long as someone is on the mosquito, the mosquito will smell blood, and then take a few bites of the time, but once the mosquito flies into the air-conditioned room, no one has been bitten by the mosquito, this is because the mosquito breeding place has an air conditioner, doesn't it mean that after the air conditioner is turned on for a long time, the mosquito will die?

Mosquitoes are frozen to death.

If the temperature of the room is 26-27 degrees Celsius, when the cold air blown out by the air conditioner comes up, it will let the surrounding temperature slowly decrease, and the cooling effect of the air conditioner is the largest, which can reduce the temperature of the air-conditioned room to 17-18 degrees Celsius, and when it is low to this temperature, the mosquitoes will not be able to bear it.

Are all the mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room dead? Why can't I see mosquitoes when I turn on the air conditioner, and no one is bitten?

Generally speaking, the outdoor temperature is 4-5 degrees Celsius higher than the indoor temperature, the mosquito needs to be 27-29 degrees Celsius, the refrigeration and air conditioning will reduce the temperature of the air-conditioned room, if the temperature blown out by the air conditioner is 4-5 degrees Celsius lower than the temperature of the room, it is the "refrigeration" state of the air conditioner, at this temperature, mosquitoes are unable to lay eggs and reproduce, and can only wait for the temperature to return to 28 degrees Celsius to reproduce.

Some people will say that mosquitoes can actually resist low temperatures, after all, there are mosquitoes in winter, that is because in winter, mosquitoes will hibernate, even if they are frozen, mosquitoes also have a body temperature, and this body temperature can allow mosquitoes to move freely.

Are all the mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room dead? Why can't I see mosquitoes when I turn on the air conditioner, and no one is bitten?

In summer, although the temperature is a little low, but the mosquitoes can not hibernate, the temperature in the air-conditioned room is simply a snow paradise for mosquitoes, so after the mosquitoes enter the air-conditioned room, it will be frozen to death in less than half a day.

The effects of air conditioning on the body.

Although the air conditioner can kill mosquitoes, it will also cause some harm to the human body, the air conditioner in the room, the bacteria in the air will be more active, so that there may be a disease called "air-conditioning disease" in the air, some bacteria in the air will enter the human lungs, and the air conditioner will make people's bodies more fragile and easy to get sick.

Are all the mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room dead? Why can't I see mosquitoes when I turn on the air conditioner, and no one is bitten?

In addition, people stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, it will make people drowsy, unable to get out of bed, not good for people's health, and in the air-conditioned environment, it will also cause people to disappear to a certain extent, so although the air-conditioner will kill some mosquitoes, but people should also properly open the window for ventilation, and can not stay in the air-conditioned room all the time.


Mosquitoes will be frozen to death soon after entering the air-conditioned room, so people will not be bitten by mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room, and the air-conditioning is also harmful to people's health, people should pay attention.

Are all the mosquitoes in the air-conditioned room dead? Why can't I see mosquitoes when I turn on the air conditioner, and no one is bitten?

At the same time, in order to prevent mosquito bites when opening the window for ventilation, you can install some screens on the windows, so that the air can also circulate smoothly and not be afraid of mosquitoes taking advantage of the opportunity.

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