
can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

author:Brief History of Ushi叨

The women who can make Japan sink - enter the heroine king

She single-handedly fought against the entire Japanese government, quit her job with an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, spent all her savings, and spent 25 years collecting video materials and oral evidence of more than 900 victim survivors, and sued Japan in court 41 times! This is a heroine. Have you ever heard of her name? It's Ms. Wang Xuan.

Why is it intentional that such a great woman is rarely publicized in the media, there are no promotional documentaries, and her name and figure are rarely seen in textbooks? Or is there something else going on?

can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

The deeds of the king's choice

After the resumption of the college entrance examination, Wang Xuan was successfully admitted to Hangzhou University and chose to study in the English Department. After graduating, he relied on what he learned to serve his hometown and went back to become an English teacher. Later, she wanted to go to a Western country to continue her studies, but she went to Japan with her husband by mistake. It could have been a peaceful life in Kochi, but the script of fate doesn't seem to be arranged that way.

When she saw the short sentence in the "Japan Times": "The first international seminar on Unit 731 was held in China", she began to run on a path of litigation with no end in sight, and she was accompanied by a group of old people full of historical trauma!

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, eight relatives in Wang Xuan's family were killed, and when he was a child, his father once briefly talked about his uncle being tortured by the plague, and her father's painful and terrifying expression at that time made her unforgettable for the rest of her life. Therefore, after Wang Xuan worked in Japan, she wanted to seek justice from the Japanese government, but she didn't know how to do it.

can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

Just when she fell into the panic of having no way to serve the country, she was elected by her fellow villagers to become the head of the plaintiff group of 180 victims of bacteriological warfare lawsuits in Zhejiang, Hunan and other places.

In 1995, Wang Xuan gave up the temptation to coach in Japan, and persistently embarked on the road of litigation and compensation against Japan, determined to avenge the grievances of countless Chinese victims.

In order to investigate and collect evidence, she traveled between China and Japan all the year round, leaving her footprints in the hometowns of countless domestic victims.

But in fact, every statement and debate is torment, because it is to uncover the bloody scars of her compatriots and China, but for the sake of justice to come one day earlier, she has to endure this torment, which also makes her more determined and courageous on this road.

can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

The heinous crimes of the Japanese army

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the shameless and heinous Japanese army launched bacteriological warfare in disregard of humanitarianism, and because a large number of germs with a very high lethality rate were dropped in many places on the mainland, a large number of Chinese compatriots suffered from ulceration on their bodies and even became unable to move their limbs. Every time she saw those shocking old photos, Wang Xuan couldn't calm down for a long time, but she said: Since she has seen them, she can't turn around.

Japan's crimes are unforgivable, and we are not qualified to forgive our ancestors!

Don't forget the national shame, rejuvenating China is the mission of every Chinese for generations!

can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

Once, Wang Xuan read a piece of news from an English newspaper, "The first international seminar on Unit 731 was held in Harbin. At the meeting, two Japanese reported that they had gone to Chongshan Village, Yiwu, Zhejiang Province to investigate the plague epidemic caused by 731 bacteriological warfare! One day in 1942, a Japanese plane flew over the small village, and a terrible plague broke out in the village a dozen days later.

When Wang Xuan came to her hometown, she found a group of old people with rotten feet, who could not wear socks for the rest of their lives, and some were even so serious that they had amputated their limbs. According to the villagers, more than 400 villagers died of the plague in agony, and at that time they did not know the cause of the disaster, except that a Japanese army calling itself an anti-epidemic unit came to Chongshan Village, and they turned it into a vivisection experimental field.

Wang Xuan continued to collect those horrific pictures, materials, and investigation recordings, and slowly piled up ironclad evidence of the bacteriological warfare crimes of the Japanese army invading China.

can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

We may not be as great as the Chosen King, but at least we should not be indifferent bystanders;

You can hide in a corner and be silent, but don't slander and ridicule someone who is braver than you, because the light he has won may shine on you;

can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

It's a long way to get confirmation

Wang Xuan gave up his study abroad path to another life and devoted himself to fighting for justice for his fellow victims. But this road is far from being as simple as she imagined, she not only has to make detailed visits and inquiries in various places, but also make records every day! A series of trivial things such as sorting out the investigation materials and shooting the recordings had to be done by herself.

Someone asked her, "Don't you feel tired?" ”

Wang Xuan said decisively: "Of course." But that's my mission! ”

A sentence of my mission is a lifetime of dedication, a lifetime of hard work, and a dedication of the spring silkworm to the end of the silkworm, and the wax torch to ashes and tears.

But as she said: the mission must be achieved, love gives birth to all laws, and love overcomes all difficulties. As long as she thinks of being able to avenge the grievances of her compatriots and uphold justice, Wang Xuan is like being beaten with chicken blood and full of fighting spirit! At the beginning, she was still doing research while working, but later, in order to work more carefully, she resolutely quit her job with an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, and visited Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places all year round, and traveled between China, Japan, and the United States.

41 lawsuits in 10 years. Although the cross-border lawsuit on February 16, 1998 was not won, Wang Xuan at that time was like a saint warrior, fighting with each other in the court in Tokyo, Japan. In the face of failure, she did not give up, but continued to travel between the two countries to collect stronger evidence.

Finally, on August 27, 2002, the Tokyo District Court ruled for the first time that the Japanese Government had developed bacteriological weapons and carried out bacteriological warfare in China.

The dirty truth that has been covered up for a long time has finally been recognized as the truth, which is also an important achievement of milestone significance after years of hard work by Wang Xuan. Seeing that the efforts made finally ushered in a little reward, Wang Xuan's heart at this moment is more determined, this road must be walked to the end, until today, Wang Xuan is still seeking justice for the suffering compatriots!

can sink Japan and make the Chinese woman hated by the Japanese government the most! Her heroine, the king's choice

Chinese women, Chinese power

There has never been a shortage of people in China who work hard, who ask for their lives for the people, and who sacrifice their lives for righteousness. It took 25 years to collect the data and evidence of more than 900 survivors, and made the most comprehensive information on bacterial infections to date! During this period, Wang Xuan launched transnational lawsuits against Japan again and again, and she never gave up and restored the historical truth with perseverance and perseverance. This stubbornness is the innate resilience of every Chinese woman.

Chairman Mao once said: Women can reach half the sky! The deeds of women who did not let their eyebrows be bearded were not uncommon in that Anti-Japanese War era.

In today's era of peace, there are not a few women like Wang Xuan who have been wronged for the people. I hope that everyone can use this light of justice to kill all sides and find justice for the sacrificed compatriots as soon as possible!


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