
For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

author:Horse Born Steven


The word "old waist" is no longer only used to describe the waist in today's society, and in the same way, this word is no longer only used to describe the old people who are not easy to use in people's lives.

In modern society, many people have various problems with their waists when they are still young, so at such a time, the age of 40 is no longer the early warning age for waist problems.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

In today's society, it is already important to take care of your waist health.

So what is the physiological importance of the waist?

In addition, as we all know, there is a great relationship between the waist and sex, what is the impact of sex on the waist?

So, how can you tell if your waist is still healthy?

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

The effect of the waist on sexual life.

In the structure of the human body, the waist can be said to have a very important part.

There is a pivotal part in the human body, which can be said to be very critical, and the human waist is the pivotal part of the human body and the support point of the human body.

There are tens of thousands of bones in the body of people living on the earth, and 206 bones in these tens of thousands of bones are cervical vertebrae that can move freely.

Next, we look down at the spine, which is made up of 24 vertebrae, which not only connects the upper part of the human body to the lower part, but also supports the shoulders, chest, abdomen, and pelvis.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

These 24 vertebrae are located in the waist of the human body, and their function is to connect the upper body with the lower body, and at the same time to support the weight of the upper body.

In addition, the waist also has an important role to assist the movement of the human body, for example, if the human body wants to walk, it must be maintained by the support of the waist, and at the same time, when turning, it is also supported by the hub of the waist.

Not only that, the waist also has the role of stabilizing the core, the human body has its own body movement trajectory, and in the process of this movement, the waist not only helps the movement of the human body but also protects the internal organs from damage.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

In addition, the waist also has an important role for men, that is, it supports the reproductive organs in the male human body, and at the same time, the waist also bears the weight from the upper body during sexual activity.

This is also the reason why men will have problems such as waist pain and lumbar disc after a long time of bending over to work, and it will also affect men's sexual function.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

Physiologically speaking, there is no direct relationship between the quality of the waist and sexual life, but from the perspective of life, the two have a non-negligible connection.

In modern society, men's sex life is becoming more and more important, so men need to take care of their waist health.

Otherwise, no matter how rich the sex life is, there will be no interest and feeling, and even affect physical and mental health.

Ways to observe the health of your lower back.

The waist plays such an important role in the human body, so how to judge whether the waist is still in a healthy state in life?

First of all, we can observe from the thickness of the waist, a thick waist does not mean that the person's waist is very bad, it may just be the structural relationship of the human body, the waist will appear particularly thick.

But if a person's waist is very thin, then there may be a problem behind the waist.

In addition, we also have to see if this waist is flat.

There are also possible hidden dangers in the uneven waist, which is likely to be a bone problem in the waist, and such a person may be prone to lumbar spine problems.

Secondly, we can also observe from the bones, whether a person's bones are good or not, which is not only related to his growth environment, but also related to his physical health.

The bones of the waist certainly play a very important role, but if a person's bones are not particularly good, then it is likely that his waist is not stable enough, and the lumbar spine has been greatly affected, so there is a problem with the bones.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

In addition, we can also observe it from the muscles on the waist of the person.

A person with a strong body naturally not only has muscles in the chest muscles and arms, but also the muscles in the relative waist are also very developed, which also reflects a person's strength.

People like this, just from the outside, the muscle groups in the waist are very strong, so such people are not easily injured.

People with underdeveloped muscle groups in the waist may need to pay more attention to the health of the waist.

Because the muscles of the waist are not developed enough, it is easy for people to bruise their waist when doing heavy physical labor, resulting in waist injuries.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

At the same time, we can also observe from the person's sitting posture whether a person has a bad waist, if not only after a long time of sitting, the waist has begun to hurt, then we should pay more attention to the health of the waist.

Because there are many people in life, such as some middle-aged men who will have pain in their lower back after sitting for a long time, if they are affected for a long time, their waist may be in a state of discomfort for a long time, which is likely to have an impact on his work and life.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

Therefore, if you want to have a healthy waist, in addition to observing these methods above, we should also pay more attention to details in our daily life, and do the following to make your waist health to the next level.

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

The little things that protect the health of the lower back.

The first is to pay attention to your sitting posture, because in modern society, many people have been sitting for a long time, which has become a common phenomenon in modern society, and people's pace of life is getting faster and faster.

Therefore, sitting for long periods of time is unavoidable, so after sitting for a long time, be sure to pay attention to your sitting posture.

Try not to hunch over the stool, and at the same time, after sitting for a long time, you can stand up and move appropriately.

If the body is in one position for a long time, the waist is easily affected, because the waist is very prone to problems, and the back muscles are also very easily affected.

The second thing to pay attention to is to keep warm, many men do not pay attention to the warmth of the waist in winter, so it is easy to suffer from waist diseases.

It may even cause chronic diseases, which will outweigh the losses at that time, the waist has many meridians, and the waist is still a very important part, if there is a problem in the waist, it is very easy to cause diseases in other places.

The third is to maintain a moderate level of exercise.

In today's society, the strength of the body is mainly assisted by machines and instruments, so the strength of people is getting worse day by day.

But if you don't have the strength, you have to make up for it through exercise, otherwise the strength of the body will become smaller and smaller, and eventually you will not be able to support your body.

If there is a problem with the waist, the person will have to rest in bed for a period of time, and after a long time, there will be problems with the legs, so it can be said that the problem of the waist will have a great impact on the person.

So how to exercise the strength of the waist through moderate exercise?

For men over 40 years old, is the waist good, what details can be judged?

In addition to some simple exercises, you can try to do some yoga movements, yoga has a good effect on exercising the body.

Similarly, yoga also has a good effect on the waist, so it is also a very good choice to do yoga exercises in moderation.


The word "old waist" has now been integrated into people's lives, so at such a time, the waist has such an important role, if you want to have a healthy waist, then you must pay more attention to the health of your waist.

In addition to having a great impact on men's sex life, the health of the waist also plays a very important role in overall health, so the health of the waist should not be neglected.