
Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling posted a recent photo, sticking out her tongue and selling cuteness with a strong figure, netizens: like Yue Yunpeng

author:A big cow who loves to share

Bi Ling, the daughter of "Grandpa Bi" Bi Fujian, recently became a hot topic among netizens again because of a set of photos of "masculine" style. In the photo, Bi Ling has a punk hairstyle, shaved hair on both sides, a dark shirt, exaggerated earrings, rings and necklaces, and a muscular figure, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a cool boy. This really "fried" netizens, and they speculated whose son this was?

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling posted a recent photo, sticking out her tongue and selling cuteness with a strong figure, netizens: like Yue Yunpeng

Bi Ling's style is indeed quite "out of line" at first glance, and there is an obvious contrast with the traditional female image in our impression. But when you think about it, what's so strange about that? Nowadays, society is becoming more and more inclusive, and everyone has the right to choose the lifestyle they want, whether it is the style of dressing or the path of life, as long as it does not violate the law and morality, it should be respected and understood.

Don't look at netizens "blowing up the pot" one by one, in fact, they all know in their hearts: this is just Bi Ling expressing his personality. There is no need for her to deliberately imitate any "cookie-cutter" female image in order to cater to the public's aesthetics. On the contrary, it is this courage to break through tradition that is even more commendable.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling posted a recent photo, sticking out her tongue and selling cuteness with a strong figure, netizens: like Yue Yunpeng

Netizens' discussion of Bi Ling's appearance has set off a wave of enthusiasm. Some people say that she is like Yue Yunpeng, some people say that she is like "Gazi", and some people say that she is like "Mo Xiaobei...... These comments, which seem to be discussing appearances, are actually exposing a deep-rooted mindset: Do you have to look like a certain star to be recognized?

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling posted a recent photo, sticking out her tongue and selling cuteness with a strong figure, netizens: like Yue Yunpeng

Bi Ling is Bi Fujian's daughter, there is no doubt about it. But her appearance and character should not be the standard by which she is judged. Instead of dwelling on who she looks like, it is better to focus on her talent and personality.

Don't look at Bi Ling, who always causes controversy in her appearance and dress, but she lives quite confidently and happily. From the photos she posted, you can feel her pursuit of self-style and love for life. She had achieved excellent results at the Ontario College of Art and Design and is now working in art and design, which is a testament to the fact that she is a talented and thoughtful girl.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling posted a recent photo, sticking out her tongue and selling cuteness with a strong figure, netizens: like Yue Yunpeng

Bi Ling's story actually reflects a phenomenon in our society: many people always use inherent models to define others, but ignore the differences and uniqueness of each person. We need to learn to respect other people's choices and understand their pursuits, which is true tolerance and understanding.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling posted a recent photo, sticking out her tongue and selling cuteness with a strong figure, netizens: like Yue Yunpeng

Bi Ling, you are brave to be yourself and live your wonderful life, which is the most valuable wealth in life. We should applaud your self-confidence and independence, but we should also ask ourselves: Is our understanding of "individuality" still narrow?

Perhaps, only when we truly learn to appreciate the diversity of individuality can we truly understand the true meaning of "freedom".

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