
Chang'e-6 Chief Designer: China has no problem going to and returning to the moon and vows to plant the national flag there

author:Tech gurus

At the helm of China's Chang'e-6 mission, Chief Designer Hu Hao, passionately and publicly declares that the technical path to the moon and back safely is completely unimpeded.

He said with confidence: "We have successfully built a bridge to the moon, and it is only a matter of time before the Chinese nation's dream of being on the moon is realized." Our goal is to plant the Chinese flag on the distant and mysterious surface of the moon, and I believe that this great moment is coming. Now, we are going all out to accelerate towards that shared dream – the moon. ”

Chang'e-6 Chief Designer: China has no problem going to and returning to the moon and vows to plant the national flag there

Hu Hao also mentioned that although the Chang'e-6 mission was drilled to a depth of slightly more than 1 meter, and it was a little regrettable that it did not meet the expected goal, he firmly believes that this small setback in the face of complex underground conditions will only motivate them to work harder to ensure the success of future missions.

Hu Hao enthusiastically shared their challenges and decision-making process: "We are faced with a big decision, and when the drill bit goes deep into the moon, we need a lot of power. We don't know if we'll be able to dig deeper, because the moon mission has a limited time and the probe's energy is limited. Our team of experts has deliberately determined that there may be stone obstructions and that further drilling could cost us our previous results. At this critical juncture, we chose to halt drilling to protect the smooth progress of the follow-up mission. ”

Chang'e-6 Chief Designer: China has no problem going to and returning to the moon and vows to plant the national flag there

The China Manned Space Engineering Office has announced that the selection of the fourth batch of astronauts will be successfully completed. These new astronauts will join the active team to carry out the follow-up mission of the space station and achieve the ambitious goal of landing the Chinese on the moon.

Chang'e-6 Chief Designer: China has no problem going to and returning to the moon and vows to plant the national flag there

"We are also actively working on how to involve international astronauts and space tourists in missions to the space station. It is believed that in the near future, China's space station will welcome more new members from different backgrounds. ”

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