
At about half past ten tonight, I received an urgent notice from the school that in view of the current severe flood control situation, the final exams originally scheduled for July 1 and 2 were cancelled and postponed to the beginning of the next semester. also

author:Under the catfish mountain

At about half past ten tonight, I received an urgent notice from the school that in view of the current severe flood control situation, the final exams originally scheduled for July 1 and 2 were cancelled and postponed to the beginning of the next semester. That is to say, tomorrow all teachers and students will officially have summer vacation, this news is a bit sudden, for primary and secondary school students, it can be described as a surprise. Haha, no final exams. In fact, this is a helpless move by the government, and it is also people-oriented. In this year's rainy season in the south, the sky seems to be leaking, and the pouring rain has been endless and has lasted for more than ten days, especially during the day today. The rivers are full of water, the flood situation is severe, and it is extremely unsafe for students to go to school.

At about half past ten tonight, I received an urgent notice from the school that in view of the current severe flood control situation, the final exams originally scheduled for July 1 and 2 were cancelled and postponed to the beginning of the next semester. also
At about half past ten tonight, I received an urgent notice from the school that in view of the current severe flood control situation, the final exams originally scheduled for July 1 and 2 were cancelled and postponed to the beginning of the next semester. also
At about half past ten tonight, I received an urgent notice from the school that in view of the current severe flood control situation, the final exams originally scheduled for July 1 and 2 were cancelled and postponed to the beginning of the next semester. also

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