
I'm desperate! Zhong Nanshan will also have "inconvenient legs and feet": he has not recovered from a gout attack for more than 20 days

author:Little Red Orange 1218 commented on the article

I heard that Academician Zhong Nanshan had a gout attack, and this time it was quite serious, it has been more than 20 days, and it has not improved. It's like a bolt from the blue, chilling people from head to toe. This 88-year-old man, who is usually physically strong and energetic, why was he suddenly entangled in gout? This thing is like pouring a basin of cold water on all gout patients, and people can't help but sigh, even Academician Zhong Nanshan can't bear it, what the hell is this gout?

I'm desperate! Zhong Nanshan will also have "inconvenient legs and feet": he has not recovered from a gout attack for more than 20 days

Gout, this thing, is like a stubborn old friend, who comes to the door from time to time, which makes people unguardable. Think about it, Academician Zhong Nanshan, that is the Taishan Beidou in the medical world, his knowledge reserves, network resources, self-discipline and diligence, which is not the top? But even so, gout still found him, like an uninvited guest, which caught people off guard. This thing is like telling us that gout is really not a joke, it is like an invisible killer, quietly eroding our health.

I'm desperate! Zhong Nanshan will also have "inconvenient legs and feet": he has not recovered from a gout attack for more than 20 days

However, we must not be discouraged, after all, life has to go on and health has to be maintained. Although gout cannot be cured, we can reduce the number of attacks, reduce the level of uric acid, and protect the function of the kidneys by controlling diet, regular work and rest, and exercising appropriately. It's like telling us that while we can't destroy the enemy, we can learn to live with it and make it a vignette in our lives, rather than a leitmotif.

I'm desperate! Zhong Nanshan will also have "inconvenient legs and feet": he has not recovered from a gout attack for more than 20 days

Speaking of which, I have to mention those miracle doctors and prescriptions that claim to cure gout. It's like a big pit, waiting for us to jump in. Remember, if someone says that it can cure gout, it is definitely a liar, don't believe it. A real doctor will only tell you how to control the condition and reduce the flare-up, and will never boast that it can be completely cured. This thing is like telling us that treating diseases is like being a human being, we must seek truth from facts, be down-to-earth, and don't think about taking shortcuts, otherwise, we will suffer in the end.

I'm desperate! Zhong Nanshan will also have "inconvenient legs and feet": he has not recovered from a gout attack for more than 20 days

Finally, we have to learn from the optimistic spirit of Academician Zhong Nanshan. Despite the gout attack, he still maintained a positive attitude, saying that his heart, liver, brain, lungs and kidneys were fine, and nothing was serious. This is like telling us to stay optimistic, believe in ourselves and believe in the future, even in the face of illness. Just like Academician Zhong Nanshan said, I hope to work for the health of the motherland for 70 years. This is like telling us that as long as we have faith and perseverance, nothing is impossible.

I'm desperate! Zhong Nanshan will also have "inconvenient legs and feet": he has not recovered from a gout attack for more than 20 days

So, this incident is like a wake-up call, reminding us to pay attention to our health and caring for our bodies, and at the same time, it is also like a revelation to tell us to stay optimistic and stick to our beliefs even in the face of difficulties. After all, life is like a roller coaster, there are highs and lows, joys and sorrows, only by maintaining a normal heart, can we go further and fly higher in the journey of life.

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