
How to subvert your workplace philosophy?

author:Lao Wang said business

In the workplace, you often encounter various challenges and confusions, and in the Tao Te Ching, "the opposite, the movement of the Tao; The weak, the use of the Tao" may provide you with a way to think about and solve problems in the workplace.

How to subvert your workplace philosophy?

So, I will first understand the phrase "the opposite, the movement of the Tao". The meaning of this phrase is that the development of things is often achieved by the opposite means. In the workplace, you often encounter various pressures and challenges, and at this time, you need to think backwards and look at problems from different angles in order to find solutions to problems. For example, when you are having a hard time at work, you can try to think from a different perspective or seek help from others instead of blindly sticking to your own ideas. This way, you'll be better equipped to meet the challenges of the workplace and achieve your career goals.

Next, let's take a look at "The Weak, the Use of the Way". The meaning of this phrase is that a weak force can also play a strong role. In the workplace, you often encounter opponents who are stronger than yourself, at this time, you can't give up because of your weakness, but use your strengths to give full play to your abilities. For example, when you encounter competition at work, you can use your professional knowledge and skills, as well as good interpersonal relationships, to improve your competitiveness and succeed in the workplace.

In short, in the Tao Te Ching, "the opposite, the movement of the Tao; The weak are the use of the way", which provides you with a way to think about and solve problems in the workplace. You need to learn to look at things from a different perspective, use your strengths, and bring out your abilities in order to succeed in the workplace.

How to subvert your workplace philosophy?

So, how do you use these two sentences in the actual workplace? Lao Wang gives you 3 suggestions:

1. Problems in the workplace are not always solved in a straight line. Sometimes, taking the opposite strategy can achieve unexpected results. Li Ming is a sales manager, and his work is very stressful, and he has to face various challenges every day. One day, he had a very tricky problem. An important customer raised a lot of questions about his product and even threatened to cancel the order. Li Ming felt very anxious and didn't know how to deal with it. At this time, he remembered the "opposite, the movement of the Tao" in the Tao Te Ching, and he decided to think about this issue in reverse, no longer seeing the customer's doubts as an attack on himself, but as a help to himself, because this would allow him to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of his products. So, he began to actively collect customer feedback, improve his product, and finally succeeded in not only retaining this customer, but also winning more customers because of this improved product. This is the practical application of "the opposite, the movement of the Tao".

2. Professionals should learn to look for opportunities for growth in the face of adversity. The "weak one, the use of the Tao" mentioned in the Tao Te Ching reminds us to have an eye for discovering the potential resources around us. Zhang Hua is the founder of a startup company that is just starting out and faces a lot of strong competitors. While other companies have deep pockets, the company founded by Zhang Hua does not have enough capital to match. Zhang Hua felt very anxious and did not know how to survive this competition. At this time, he remembered the "weak one, the use of the Tao" in the Tao Te Ching, and decided to use his own strengths to give full play to his innovation ability. So, he began to actively look for opportunities for innovation, and eventually they developed a completely new product that caused a huge response in the market and catapulted their company to the best in the industry. This is the practical application of "the weak, the use of the way".

How to subvert your workplace philosophy?

3. Maintaining a humble attitude is also an important factor for success in the workplace. In the workplace, you may meet colleagues or leaders who are more experienced than you, at this time, maintaining a learning mindset and humbly asking for advice can not only help you quickly improve your ability, but also establish good interpersonal relationships. In the case of Ms. Zhou, she found herself inexperienced in some areas after joining a new company. Rather than be discouraged, she took the initiative to seek advice from experienced colleagues and actively participated in various training and networking activities. After a few months, her professional skills and teamwork skills have improved significantly.

Write at the end

In the workplace, you must learn to think backwards, look at problems from different angles, be good at discovering and using the resources around you, and maintain a humble attitude to keep learning, so that you can achieve personal growth and development.

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