
Germany announced the return of all the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition in its invasion of China, did other countries hear it?

author:Strategize and point troops

When Germany officially announced that it would return all the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition to the motherland during its invasion of China, this was undoubtedly earth-shattering news, which touched the heartstrings of the world and stirred the feelings of the Chinese people.

Germany announced the return of all the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition in its invasion of China, did other countries hear it?

Which of these cultural relics is not a shining pearl of Chinese civilization? Which one is not a living testimony of the soul and historical context of the nation? The exquisite bronze ware seems to tell the wisdom and painstaking efforts of ancient skilled craftsmen; The elegant calligraphy and painting seem to still have the affectionate brushstrokes of the literati and inkmen; The gorgeous ceramics are showing the unique charm of the Chinese land. Their existence is not only a treasure of art, but also a carrier of the long history and profound culture of the Chinese nation, carrying the dreams and pursuits of our ancestors.

Germany announced the return of all the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition in its invasion of China, did other countries hear it?

Recall that 124 years ago, the guns of the great powers bombarded the gates of China, and the Eight-Nation Coalition raged like bandits, plundering countless treasures. It was a history of humiliation for the Chinese nation, and it was a pain forever engraved in our hearts. However, the Chinese nation has never succumbed to darkness! Chen Sheng and Wu Guang shouted "Princes and generals, rather have a kind of", and rose up to resist the tyrannical Qin; Suwu Beihai shepherd sheep for 19 years, unyielding, highlighting the national integrity; Yue Fei was loyal to the country, swore to break the golden soldiers, and defended the mountains and rivers...... Countless heroic sons and daughters have stepped forward in the long river of history and written magnificent chapters with blood and life.

Germany announced the return of all the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition in its invasion of China, did other countries hear it?

After 124 years of trials and hardships and the unremitting efforts of hundreds of millions of people, China has awakened and risen like the Oriental Dragon! We are no longer the underdogs to be bullied, but the stars that are shining brighter on the international stage. The Tianwen-1 probe successfully landed on Mars to explore the mysteries of the universe; The domestic large aircraft C919 soars into the blue sky, showing the charm of Made in China; The Belt and Road Initiative is like a shining pearl connecting the cooperation and prosperity of countries along the route. China's voice is getting louder and louder in international affairs, and China's power plays a pivotal role on the world stage.

Germany's decision is a recognition of China's rise and a response to historical justice. However, we can't help but ask, what about other countries? When will those countries that still occupy Chinese cultural relics be able to return history to justice and civilization to dignity like Germany? Will the Chinese artifacts in the British Museum be able to embark on the road home as soon as possible? When will the Chinese treasures in the Louvre Museum in France be able to bathe in the Chinese sunshine again?

Germany announced the return of all the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition in its invasion of China, did other countries hear it?

China, the awakened dragon, faces the world with a peaceful and inclusive attitude, but we will never forget history. We hope that more countries will face up to history, follow Germany's example, and return the cultural treasures that belong to China. Because only by respecting history can we create a better future; Only by returning cultural relics can the glory of human civilization be fully continued. Let us look forward to the early arrival of that day, so that the splendid civilization of the Chinese nation will shine again on the world stage!

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