
Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


Cheng Yi's "drinker" style: from fruit tea to plum orchard, the warmth of the crew

It is said that between the mountains and the sea, at the filming site of the TV series "To the Mountains and Seas", the name Cheng Yi is well-known. Not because of his superb acting skills and charming appearance, but because of his heart that is deeper than the sea and higher than the mountain. In less than a month after filming began, the protagonist was very busy, not only busy memorizing lines and walking, but also busy preparing various drinks and snacks for the whole crew.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

It is said that one day, when the sun was in the sky and between shooting, Cheng Yi suddenly called everyone: "Come on, come on, everyone has worked hard, I invite everyone to drink fruit tea!" As soon as the words fell, I saw a cart full of all kinds of fruit tea being pushed in front of everyone. From refreshing lemon tea to tangy mango tea, each one is mouth-watering. Everyone gathered around, you and I have a cup, and the atmosphere of the scene instantly became lively.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

And that's not all! It didn't take long for Cheng Yi to appear in front of everyone mysteriously: "Hehe, I'm here again!" Guess what you brought to you this time? Before the words fell, I saw boxes of drinks being moved out. Wow! This is the most popular flavor of the moment! From chilled soda to refreshing tea. Everyone drank drinks and chatted at the same time, as if they had forgotten the fatigue of shooting.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

Not only that, Cheng Yi also specially prepared a special drink for everyone. When the bottles and cans of plum orchards appeared in front of everyone, many people exclaimed: "Wow! That's too sweet! "The sweet and sour taste of the plum orchard brings a touch of coolness to everyone in the hot summer.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

This kind of treatment is not something that every crew can enjoy. Some netizens joked on social media: "Cheng Yi wants to treat the crew as his home!" Some netizens ridiculed: "Is Cheng Yi secretly practicing the skill of 'buying people's hearts'?" But jokes are jokes, everyone knows in their hearts that this is Cheng Yi's sincere concern for the crew.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

Hot comments from netizens: Cheng Yi's "drinker" style has aroused heated discussions

Cheng Yi's series of moves quickly sparked heated discussions on social media. Some netizens said: "This kind of Cheng Yi is really heartwarming! Not only is the acting good, but also the beauty and kindness! Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that the crew who wants to join Cheng Yi in the future will not only be able to act, but also be able to taste tea and drinks!" ”

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

However, some netizens put forward different opinions: "Although Cheng Yi's approach is very intimate, there is no need to spend so much money every time, right?" Another netizen said: "Although Cheng Yi's sincerity is touching, we must also be careful not to over-consume my image." ”

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

Although these comments have their own opinions, they undoubtedly reflect everyone's attention and discussion about Cheng Yi's move. In this fast-paced, high-pressure entertainment industry, it is indeed a gratifying thing to have such a warm person.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

The warmth of the crew: the way to get along with sincerity for sincerity

In fact, not only Cheng Yi is paying for the crew, but also many crew members are silently contributing their own strength to the filming of this drama. From the director to the cinematographer, from the makeup artist to the prop master, everyone is working hard for the success of this show.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

Cheng Yi's actions undoubtedly injected a warm current into the entire crew. He not only expressed his gratitude to the crew with his actions, but also showed the responsibility and responsibility that an actor should have. He exchanged sincerity for sincerity, and established a deep friendship and trust relationship with the crew, which made the entire crew full of cohesion and centripetal force.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

And this way of getting along is exactly what we should learn in our daily lives. Whether at work or in life, we should learn to care, respect, and understand others. Only in this way can we build harmonious relationships and feel happy and happy for ourselves and others.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

Conclusion: Cheng Yi's "drinker" style has aroused heated discussions, but sincerity for sincerity is the eternal theme

Although Cheng Yi's series of actions have sparked heated discussions and discussions among netizens, we should see the positive significance in any case. He not only expressed his gratitude to the crew with his actions, but also set an example for us: sincerity for sincerity is the key to building a good interpersonal relationship.

Cheng Yi, please drink a big drink, and the crew members become "drinking" gods in seconds!

Of course, everyone has different views and evaluations of Cheng Yi's approach, but this is not important, the important thing is that we should draw some useful inspiration and insights from it. Let us learn to care for others, respect others, understand others, and make the world a better and warmer place!

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