
Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life
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Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

In the history of Chinese television, "Journey to the West" is undoubtedly a bright pearl. However, what is less known is that behind this beloved production, there is a heartbreaking story hidden.

Director Yang Jie paid an unimaginable price in order to complete this huge production. She trekked through mountains and rivers and traveled to more than 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country just to find the best shooting locations.

In extremely difficult conditions, the crew had only one cameraman and one camera. This harsh filming environment not only caused Yang Jie's husband to suffer from severe vitiligo, but her daughter also almost fell into a state of dementia.

Even though "Journey to the West" has achieved unprecedented success after its broadcast, Yang Jie still can't look directly at this work that has poured all her heart and soul into it. Ten years later, she still can't bear the pain in her heart and chooses not to watch this masterpiece that has brought her fame and fortune but is scarred.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

In 1929, Yang Jie was born in a scholarly family in Sichuan. Her father is an experienced teacher, and this family background provides Yang Jie with unique conditions for her growth.

Yang Jie, who has shown extraordinary talent since she was a child, has excellent academic performance and a strong interest in literature. Her writing skills were exceptional, and her novels were published in newspapers at a young age, which was a remarkable thing at the time.

Yang Jie's talent was fully proven at the age of 16. She was admitted to the university with honors and began her journey in higher education. After graduating from university, Yang Jie was assigned to Qingdao Radio Station as an announcer.

In this position, Yang Jie's talents have been fully exerted and exercised.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

However, Yang Jie was not satisfied with this. She actively participated in various social activities, even joined the army, and starred in many dramas. These rich and colorful experiences have made Yang Jie's experience and insight far beyond that of her peers.

Her voice spread through the radio to the streets of Qingdao, and her talent and charm also attracted the attention of many people.

At the age of less than 20, Yang Jie has already become the backbone of the radio station. Her hard work, intellect and rich life experience laid a solid foundation for her future success in the television industry.

The young Yang Jie is full of vigor and enthusiasm, and her future seems bright. Little did she know, however, that fate was about to bring her an unforgettable love experience that would have a profound impact on her life.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

While working at Qingdao Radio Station, Yang Jie met her first important partner in her life - Zhou Chuanji. As one of the interns of the radio station, Zhou Chuanji quickly attracted Yang Jie's attention with his outstanding talent and handsome appearance.

The young man, who would later be hailed as the "titan of the Chinese film industry", was not only proficient in English, but also showed extraordinary talent in the field of music, and soon became the focus of the radio station.

Between two talented young people, a spark of love soon sparked. Their relationship heats up quickly, but the relationship encounters a lot of resistance. Yang Jie's mother strongly opposed the relationship, and even the leaders of the TV station disagreed.

In the face of these pressures, Yang Jie showed amazing courage and determination. She chose to insist on her love, and resolutely entered the palace of marriage with Zhou Chuanji in 1951.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

However, life after marriage was not as good as Yang Jie imagined. The two had many conflicts due to the huge difference in family backgrounds. Yang Jie grew up in a privileged environment and lacked the ability to live independently.

Zhou Chuanji, on the other hand, devoted all his energy to his career and inevitably neglected to take care of his family life. The differences in their lifestyles and values gradually emerged, and there were constant disputes.

Still, they didn't give up easily. Over the next decade, they worked hard to maintain the marriage, during which they had three children. However, time has not healed the rift between them, but has only deepened the conflict.

Every time they quarrel, the two were exhausted, but they were never able to find an effective solution.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

Finally, in 1961, at the insistence of Yang Jie's mother, this marriage that had lasted for ten years came to an end. At the time of the divorce, Zhou Chuanji remembered that Yang Jie had five ribs removed due to lung disease, leaving her body with permanent disabilities, and her heart was full of reluctance.

However, Yang Jie's mother always thought that this marriage was inappropriate and insisted that the two go through the divorce procedures as soon as possible.

After the divorce, Yang Jie took on the responsibility of raising three children alone. As a single mother, she faced tremendous pressure and challenges. However, these difficulties did not break her.

Instead, she puts all her energy into her work, filling the emotional void with career achievements.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

Although this marriage ended in failure, it also made Yang Jie more mature. She learned valuable life lessons that laid the foundation for her later career and love life.

This experience also made her understand that marriage not only needs love, but also requires the compatibility of life concepts and values between the two parties.

After experiencing the failure of her first marriage, Yang Jie did not lose hope in love. Fate favored her again, and let her meet her true son on CCTV - Wang Chongqiu.

This love, which spans the age difference of 14 years, not only made up for Yang Jie's regrets in the first half of her life, but also gave her the courage and strength to continue to pursue her career.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

Wang Chongqiu is a photographer who came to work for a television station after retiring from the army. Although they are 14 years younger than Yang Jie, at work, the two have an amazing tacit understanding.

With the increase in contact, Wang Chongqiu was deeply attracted by Yang Jie's talent and perseverance. However, Yang Jie had no idea about Wang Chongqiu's admiration. She considers herself 14 years older, has three children, is not in good health, and never thought that anyone would fall in love with her.

It wasn't until Wang Chongqiu plucked up the courage to confess to her and expressed his willingness to share the responsibility of the family that Yang Jie was surprised to realize the existence of this feeling. Faced with this "sister and brother love", Yang Jie's heart was full of hesitation and uneasiness.

She worries that the age gap will become an obstacle between the two and that she will experience the failure of her marriage again.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

However, Wang Chongqiu's sincerity and persistence touched her. In the process of pursuing for three years, Wang Chongqiu proved his love with practical actions. He not only fully supported Yang Jie in his work, but also took the initiative to take care of Yang Jie's three children.

His maturity and sense of responsibility far exceeded his age, which made Yang Jie gradually unload his guard.

Taiwan leaders and Yang Jie's family had in-depth conversations with Wang Chongqiu, trying to understand his true thoughts. In the face of doubts, Wang Chongqiu has always been firm and sincere.

He said that he was not impulsive, but after careful consideration, he firmly believed that he and Yang Jie could get along in harmony and create a better future together.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

In the end, Wang Chongqiu's sincerity touched everyone and won Yang Jie's heart. In 1969, Yang Jie and Wang Chongqiu officially entered the marriage hall. This time, Yang Jie's mother did not object, and seemed to see the sincere feelings between the couple.

After marriage, the two tacitly cooperated at work, supported each other in life, and also conceived a daughter together and formed a happy family. Yang Jie and Wang Chongqiu served as directors and cinematographers respectively, and they went hand in hand in their careers and created many excellent works together.

As she grew older, Yang Jie's health deteriorated and she often fell ill. But Wang Chongqiu never gave up and took good care of her, so that her condition was alleviated.

His dedication and care made Yang Jie feel truly happy and secure.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

This love that transcends age proves that sincere feelings can transcend the boundaries of age. It shows the importance of mutual understanding and support in marriage, and also allows Yang Jie to find the perfect balance between career and family.

Until Yang Jie's death, the relationship between the two remained the same. At Yang Jie's funeral, Wang Chongqiu wrote a sincere eulogy, and every word was full of thoughts and respect for Yang Jie, which made people moved.

Yang Jie's life experience, especially her two marriages, provides us with valuable life inspiration. Her story not only shows the complexities of love, but also reveals how to find a balance between career and relationship.

From her first marriage, we can see that the passion of love alone is not enough to sustain a long-lasting relationship. Although the combination of Yang Jie and Zhou Chuanji stems from free love, it ignores the suggestions of the family and the consideration of practical factors.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

This experience has taught us that when making major life decisions, we should not completely disregard the opinions of others, especially those who care about us. Family members' objections are often based on their life experiences and what they know about us, and deserve our serious consideration.

In contrast, Yang Jie's second marriage demonstrates the importance of mutual understanding and support. Despite the significant age gap with Wang Chongqiu, their relationship is unusually harmonious.

This tells us that the success of marriage does not depend on the matching of external conditions, but on whether two people can truly understand and support each other. Wang Chongqiu's support for Yang Jie's career and their tacit cooperation in their work are key factors in the success of this marriage.

In terms of career, Yang Jie has shown extraordinary tenacity. Even under the most difficult conditions, she still persevered in her career pursuits, and eventually achieved classics like "Journey to the West".

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

This kind of dedication and dedication to the cause is worthy of our learning and admiration.

Yang Jie's story teaches us that love and career are not an either/or choice. Through constant adjustment and hard work, we can find a balance between the two, both to achieve our career ambitions and to reap the rewards of sincere love.

Her experience has taught us that a successful life requires a balance in all aspects, rather than a one-sided pursuit of one aspect of achievement.

Yang Jie's life is as wonderful as "Journey to the West" directed by her, leaving us rich spiritual wealth. Her works not only enriched the content of China's television industry, but also set a model for later film and television creation.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

The success of "Journey to the West" proves that even under the conditions of scarce resources, as long as there is firm belief and unremitting efforts, classics can be created.

Yang Jie's two marriages show her growth and wisdom in the relationship, which provides us with valuable references. From the failure of the first marriage to the success of the second marriage, we see how a woman can find herself in love and how she can hold on to her dreams in the face of adversity.

Her story teaches us that genuine feelings can transcend age gaps, and that mutual understanding and support are the keys to long-lasting relationships.

More importantly, Yang Jie's life experience shows us how a woman can find a balance between career and love, how to assert herself in difficult circumstances, and how to manage a marriage with love and understanding.

Yang Jie's love: ended her 10-year marriage with Zhou Chuanji and married Wang Chongqiu, who was 14 years younger, and accompanied her for the rest of her life

These are the precious treasures she left to future generations and will always inspire future generations.

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