
Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her
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Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

In 1986, the crew of "Journey to the West" was in full swing to shoot. On a hot summer day, a strange woman suddenly appeared on the set. She is petite and dark-skinned, a far cry from what one might expect.

However, when she stood in front of the camera, she instantly bloomed with a stunning light.

In just ten days, she created a character that the audience will never forget-Gao Cuilan.

Let's unveil the mystery of Wei Huili's role as Gao Cuilan, and explore the twists and turns behind Director Yang Jie's sentence "Beautiful girls are easy to find, but she is too rare".

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

In the preparation process of the 86th version of "Journey to the West", director Yang Jie had a grand artistic dream. She firmly believes that it is necessary to present the splendor and colorfulness of traditional Chinese mythology in the form of beauty.

This quest is not only reflected in the spectacular scenes and exquisite props, but also in the meticulous shaping of each character.

Yang Jie often said to her team: "We are here not only to find beautiful scenery, but also to discover beautiful people." She asked the staff to keep an eye out for local beauties, whether professional actors or folk entertainers, everywhere they went.

In her opinion, both fairies and goblins should be presented with beautiful appearances.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

However, for the role of Gao Cuilan, Yang Jie's requirements are even more stringent. What she needs is not only a beauty, but also a strange woman who can show "monkey spirit" in her beauty.

This unique temperament makes Yang Jie's casting road full of challenges.

In order to find the ideal candidate, Yang Jie led the team to travel all over the country and examined countless beauties. They may be as beautiful as immortals, but they always lack that touch of agility. As time passed, Yang Jie's brows became tighter and tighter, and the anxiety in her heart increased day by day.

After every audition, Yang Jie would sigh: "The beauty is like a cloud, but it's a pity that it's not the Miss Gao I want." She knows very well that the role of Gao Cuilan is very important to the whole show.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

If you choose the wrong one, it will not only affect the quality of the episode, but also damage the artistic quality of the entire work.

Just when the crew was at a loss, an unexpected turning point appeared. Assistant director Ma Dehua recommended an actor named Wei Huili to Yang Jie. At first, Yang Jie didn't have much hope for this little-known actor.

However, when she saw Wei Huili's performance in the movie "Jing Change", her eyes lit up.

The smart and clever image of "Xiao Cui" seems to be Gao Cuilan who came out of "Journey to the West".

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

However, finding the ideal actor is only the first step. How to convince the Shandong Peking Opera Troupe to lend their pillars was another daunting challenge. Yang Jie knows that the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, but for the sake of the artistic pursuit in her heart, she is ready to face the difficulties.

When Gao Cuilan's casting was at an impasse, assistant director Ma Dehua recommended a little-known actor to Yang Jie - Wei Huili. Ma Dehua once watched the movie "Essence Change" starring Wei Huili and was deeply moved by her performance.

At first, Yang Jie was cautious about this recommendation. When she heard that "Essence Change" was produced in Hong Kong, she was even more worried that it would be difficult to invite the other party. However, Ma Dehua's words dispelled her concerns: "Director Yang, don't get me wrong.

Wei Huili is the pillar of the Shandong Peking Opera Troupe, and her performance as Xiao Shunji in "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Troupe" is a must.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

These words aroused Yang Jie's interest. She immediately arranged for the whole group to watch "Jing Change" together, hoping to find Gao Cuilan's shadow from it. When the smart and cute "Little Cui" appeared on the screen, the entire screening room was silent.

Yang Jie stared intently at the screen, watching Wei Huili's delicate expression change, from the subtle transformation of her face to the mischievous pouting action, every detail showed a unique aura.

Especially in the scene of Xiaocui's transformation, Wei Huili vividly interpreted the process of turning a human into a monkey, making people feel as if they saw Sun Wukong possessing him.

After the movie, Yang Jie was so excited that she couldn't help herself. She turned to the assistant director and said, "That's her!" We have finally found the ideal Miss Gao! In Yang Jie's view, Wei Huili is not only beautiful and moving, but what is even more rare is that she can perfectly interpret the unique temperament of Miss Gao as a monkey.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

However, after the joy, an even greater challenge followed. When Yang Jie sent someone to the Shandong Peking Opera Troupe to invite Wei Huili, she was categorically refused. It turned out that as the pillar of the troupe, Wei Huili had already become the object of competition among the major crews.

Even the crew led by Sun Daolin, a famous actor from Shanghai Film Studio, couldn't invite her.

Faced with this unexpected predicament, Yang Jie fell into deep thought. She recalled Wei Huili's performance on the screen, and that unique temperament was irreplaceable by other actors.

If you miss Wei Huili, I'm afraid you won't be able to find such a suitable actor again.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

But how can you convince the Shandong Peking Opera Troupe? Yang Jie's heart was full of anxiety and expectation. She knew that it would be a difficult negotiation, but for the sake of her ideal image of Gao Cuilan, she decided to go all out.

Yang Jie secretly decided: "No matter what, I will invite Wei Huili." Even if it's only ten days, I want her to be the brightest star in "Journey to the West"! With this perseverance, Yang Jie began a journey of secondment full of twists and turns.

In the face of the resolute attitude of the Shandong Peking Opera Troupe, Yang Jie did not give up lightly. She sent her right-hand man Li Chengru to the troupe again, hoping to impress the other party. However, the troupe remained unmoved.

Yang Jie even visited Wei Huili's home in person, sincerely expressing her appreciation for her talent and sincerity in the invitation, but still failed to make substantial progress.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

Just when the crew was at a loss, an unexpected turning point appeared. Li Yunsheng, a veteran actor who plays Lu Xing in the crew, provided a valuable message.

It turned out that Li Runsheng's family had been engaged in Peking Opera for generations and was quite influential in the industry. What's even more coincidental is that Li Runsheng's father had a deep friendship with the leadership of the Shandong Peking Opera Troupe.

Yang Jie's eyes lit up, and she immediately seized this rare opportunity and entrusted Li Runsheng to mediate. Li Runsheng readily agreed, he knew how important this was for "Journey to the West".

With the vigorous assistance of Li Runsheng's father, the attitude of the Shandong Peking Opera Troupe finally relaxed.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

After repeated negotiations, the troupe finally agreed to seconded Wei Huili to the Journey to the West crew. However, they only gave a short ten days to shoot. This news made Yang Jie both happy and worried.

Subsequently, Yang Jie immediately adjusted the filming plan and concentrated Wei Huili's scenes near Weifang and Qingdao Laoshan. She knows that time is of the essence and every second counts.

While the crew was preparing intensively, Wei Huili was also fully preparing for the role. She flipped through the script, figured out the role, and even tried to integrate her years of Peking Opera skills into film and television performances.

Finally, with the efforts of all parties, Wei Huili came to the set of "Journey to the West" as scheduled. However, when she appeared in front of everyone, the unexpected challenge reappeared.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

Wei Huili's image is far from the "Xiaocui" in everyone's minds, which makes the scene fall into an awkward silence for a while.

Faced with this sudden variable, Yang Jie's heart couldn't help but pass through a trace of worry. But she quickly compodied herself and was convinced of her choice. She secretly told herself: "A real actor can conquer the audience through performance."

With this belief, Yang Jie is ready to meet the next challenges.

When Wei Huili rushed to the set in the dust, her image surprised everyone present. Due to her previous experience of life in the countryside, her skin is tanned, and her figure is relatively thin, which is far from the image of "Xiaocui" in people's minds.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

The voice of doubt immediately rose, and some people even quietly suggested that the beautiful Xiang Ling should be reversed to Miss Gao, and Wei Huili should play the maid. These discussions quickly reached Yang Jie's ears, making her heart burn.

She snapped: "Who is the director?" Who the hell are you listening to? These words immediately silenced the doubters.

Despite the disturbances from the outside world, Wei Huili devoted herself to the role and worked hard to integrate her years of stage experience into film and television performances. When filming the scene where Zhu Bajie carried Miss Gao, who was transformed by Sun Wukong, Wei Huili had an idea and put forward a bold idea.

She suggested that she kneel on Zhu Bajie's back and keep twisting her body to show her "monkey spirit". This idea made Yang Jie's eyes shine, although it brought a lot of trouble to Ma Dehua, who played Zhu Bajie, but the effect was unexpectedly good.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

Looking at the lifelike "Monkey Miss Gao" in the monitor, Yang Jie smiled with relief. She knew she was right to insist. Wei Huili's performance not only perfectly interpreted the role, but also brought innovative inspiration to the entire crew.

In this way, in just ten days, Wei Huili completed all Miss Gao's scenes. Her performance was vivid, and the audience seemed to really see Miss Gao transformed by Sun Wukong, and they didn't notice that this was an actor performing.

Yang Jie looked at the film, with a satisfied smile on her face. She was secretly glad for her persistence and proud of discovering such a talent.

During the intense and fulfilling ten-day filming period, Wei Huili completed all of Gao Cuilan's scenes with amazing concentration and creativity. Her performance exceeded everyone's expectations, perfectly blending Miss Gao's smart playfulness with her "monkey spirit" traits.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

What the audience saw in front of the screen was not only a beautiful Miss Gao, but also a lifelike "Monkey King incarnation". Wei Huili's every look and every movement is just right, making people completely forget that this is an actor performing.

Yang Jie looked at the final film, with a smile of relief on her face. She knew she was right to insist.

Wei Huili relied on this short episode of performance to create a classic artistic image. Time flies, nearly 40 years have passed, and Miss Gao's image is still deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience, becoming one of the most memorable characters in the 86 version of "Journey to the West".

This is not only Wei Huili's personal success, but also the victory of director Yang Jie's discerning and persistent artistic pursuit. This tortuous and wonderful casting story has also become a good story behind the scenes of the 86 version of "Journey to the West", witnessing the birth process of a classic work.

Yang Jie said that it's just her, good-looking girls are easy to find, but it's too rare to see someone like her

It tells us that true artistic pursuits often require breaking conventions and daring to take risks in order to create timeless classics.

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