
"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

author:Sprite speaks

In the Chinese entertainment industry, the "second generation of stars" has always attracted much attention. Huo Zun is such a young man who grew up with an aura. His father, Huo Feng, whose stage name is Huofeng, was a well-known singer in the last century.

Huofeng became famous in the music world with the two well-known songs "Big Flower Sedan Chair" and "Wife, Wife, I Love You", and won the love of many fans.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

However, the romantic feelings that Huofeng shows on stage are in stark contrast to the actions of his private life. After marrying the well-known singer Zhong Xiaoping and giving birth to Huo Zun, Huofeng soon abandoned his wife and children and threw himself into the arms of his new love.

This experience undoubtedly left a deep imprint on the young Huo Zun, and also laid a hidden danger for his future emotional outlook.

The ancients had a saying: "The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked", this sentence seems to have been confirmed by Huo Zun. Although Huo Zun is far more handsome than his father and is known as the "jade-faced son", he has difficulty repeating his father's mistakes when dealing with emotional problems.

Huo Zun's upbringing led to a complicated attitude towards relationships. On the one hand, he longs for sincere love; On the other hand, he instinctively fears repeating his father's mistakes and is suspicious of a long-term stable relationship.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

This contradictory psychological state has laid hidden dangers for his future emotional path.

The encounter between Huo Zun and Chen Lu was seen as an arrangement of fate. At that time, Huo Zun was just an unknown bar singer, and he was looking forward to one day shining on the music stage.

And Chen Lu, as an excellent dancer of the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe, instantly captured Huo Zun's heart with her gentle and generous temperament and outstanding dance skills.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

The meeting between the two was as beautiful as a fairy tale, Huo Zun fell in love with Chen Lu at first sight and began a passionate pursuit. Although Chen Lu's family has a lot of complaints about this relationship, the power of love eventually overcomes all obstacles.

Together, they embark on a journey full of hope and challenges.

In those difficult days, the last line of defense was Chen Lu, who unconditionally invested her salary into Huo Zun's music career and paid attention to the details of her boyfriend's life.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

Chen Lu's selfless dedication provided strong support for Huo Zun to pursue his dreams.

Chen Lu's sincerity deeply touched Huo Zun, and he made a promise affectionately that he would marry her when his career was successful. This promise is like a seed full of hope, taking root in Chen Lu's heart, nourishing her expectations for the future.

However, in 2014, a turning point of fate crept in. Huo Zun participated in the talent show "Good Songs of China" and became a well-known idol singer overnight with the song "Rolling Bead Curtain".

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

The stage, Spring Festival Gala, albums, and endorsements followed, and Huo Zun quickly became the most representative ancient singer of the new generation.

Just when the development of Huo Zun's career was in full swing, Chen Lu was full of anticipation and wanted to share the joy of this success with his lover. So, she proposed to Huo Zun that she wanted to make their relationship public.

However, when Huo Zun was at the peak of his career, he hesitated and refused Chen Lu's request on the grounds that "his career is on the rise, and his public relationship may lose fans", and even asked her to shut herself down on social platforms and pretend not to know herself.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

In the face of Huo Zun's request, although Chen Lu had some doubts, she still chose to understand and support. She continued to quietly play the role of "underground girlfriend", looking forward to one day being able to stand by Huo Zun's side publicly.

However, she did not expect that this choice would become the biggest regret of her life.

After nine years, they have transformed from unknown to high-profile public figures. However, with Huo Zun's popularity, such a sweet relationship has quietly changed.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

Will Chen Lu's dedication and waiting be exchanged for nothing? The answer to this question will gradually emerge in the following plots.

With Huo Zun's instant hit in "Good Chinese Songs", life has undergone earth-shaking changes. He went from an obscure bar singer to a new generation of old-fashioned singers overnight.

Opportunities such as the stage, Spring Festival Gala, albums, and endorsements are coming one after another, and Huo Zun seems to have stepped on a fast-moving train, galloping towards higher achievements.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

However, as Huo Zun's fame rose, his attitude towards Chen Lu also underwent subtle changes. His sweet words to Chen Lu gradually turned into cold words, and the former affection was replaced by indifference and alienation.

Huo Zun began to use cold violence against Chen Lu, excluding her from his life circle.

In the circle of friends, Huo Zun began to judge other women unscrupulously, as if he forgot that he still had a girlfriend who was waiting silently. His attitude towards variety shows has also become extremely critical, revealing an arrogant side.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

This former jade-faced boy seems to have been dazzled by the prosperity of Vanity Fair.

Although the two chose to hide their relationship, some keen netizens still found clues. Some people even went to Chen Lu's social platform to slander her for no reason.

In the face of such a situation, Chen Lu sought Huo Zun's explanation and help many times, but Huo Zun's response was perfunctory.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

Chen Lu's heart gradually cooled down in the disappointment again and again. She began to wonder if the relationship was worth holding on. The sweet memories of the past are powerless and pale in the cruelty of reality.

She knows very well that the nine years of youth she has paid may just be an empty joy.

Huo Zun seems to have made a choice on the scales of love and career, his heart has been captured by the prosperity of Vanity Fair, and the promise of the past has become insignificant under the temptation of success.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

Chen Lu, who was once regarded as a treasure, has now become an obstacle to his career.

Huo Zun's change of heart not only hurt Chen Lu, but also disappointed many people who cared about them. This young man, who was once known as the "jade-faced boy", gradually lost himself under the temptation of fame and fortune.

He seems to have forgotten who gave him unconditional support in his most difficult times and who accompanied him through the most difficult years.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

After a long and relentless period of cold violence and many disappointments, Chen Lu finally couldn't bear it, and she decided to bravely announce her love affair with Huo Zun. This move was like dropping a bombshell, causing an uproar on the Internet.

Only then did people discover that Huo Zun's appearance was glamorous, but his heart was hiding such a ruthless side.

Huo Zun's various changes after becoming famous were exposed by Chen Lu. She exposed Huo Zun's bad words about women in her circle of friends, her cynicism when treating her, and her arrogance when participating in variety shows.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

These details allow the public to see a very different Huo Zun.

Faced with the sudden outbreak of public opinion, Huo Zun chose to withdraw from a variety show, hoping to calm the turmoil. However, this not only failed to improve the situation, but only made the public angry.

People began to question Huo Zun's character and ethics.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

In this Shura field of love, Chen Lu decided to completely separate from Huo Zun, she found Huo Zun and asked him to pay a breakup fee to compensate for her nine years of dedication and lost youth.

However, Huo Zun's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

Huo Zun chose not to reconcile or compromise with Chen Lu, but immediately filed a lawsuit against her, accusing her of extorting him for 9 million yuan in breakup fees. This move not only completely tore apart the last love between the two, but also plunged the whole incident into a more complex legal dispute.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

The development of this event was not expected by anyone. Chen Lu was arrested on charges of extortion, and the once loving lover is now no longer compatible in court. This relationship, which was once considered sweet, finally ends in such a tragic way.

A series of recent events have made the public see the cruel reality behind the entertainment industry. Huo Zun and Chen Lu, who were once regarded as a model couple, are now mired in legal disputes and moral controversies.

This story also provokes people to think deeply about love in the entertainment industry: in Vanity Fair, can sincere feelings stand the test? After becoming famous, will artists always "go ashore with the first sword and kill the desired person first"?

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

Huo Zun's prosecution of Chen Lu was a legal victory, but it was criticized at the level of morality and public opinion as never before. His image has completely collapsed in the hearts of the public, and the image of the "jade-faced boy" in the past has now become a negative man who is spurned by everyone.

Fans who were once fascinated by his music and talent are now expressing disappointment and anger.

Under the overwhelming fire of public opinion, Huo Zun's career suffered a heavy blow. Many commercial endorsements and performance invitations have been cancelled, and his position in the music industry is in jeopardy.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

In the end, Huo Zun chose to reluctantly announce his retirement from the entertainment industry, trying to calm down the turmoil by "retiring from the circle to ensure safety".

In this way, Huo Zun's career seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and all the brilliant achievements became a flash in the pan. It took him nine years to climb from obscurity as a bar-resident singer to the pinnacle of his career, only to lose everything in a matter of days.

This ancient singer, who was once hailed as the most representative of the new generation, can only retire from the stage in disgrace.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

Chen Lu's situation is impressive. She gave nine years of her youth for love, but lost love and freedom. She is in prison, not knowing when she will see the light of day again.

She once invested all her savings to support Huo Zun's dream, but now she is in legal trouble because she asks for a breakup fee.

Once-loving lovers are now at an impasse because of sin. Huo Zun lost his career and the support of the public, and Chen Lu lost his freedom and the person he once loved. This love, which started from sweet to bitter, finally became an indelible scar in the lives of two people.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

This ending makes people lament the impermanence of fate, and at the same time it also sounds a wake-up call for us to know that in the process of pursuing success, we must not forget our original intention, let alone live up to the people who once trusted and supported us.

The love story of Huo Zun and Chen Lu seems to be a mirror, reflecting the fragile nature of love in the entertainment industry. "The first sword on the shore, the first to kill the person you like", this sentence seems to have become a helpless choice for many celebrities, and it also reveals the cruel reality of love in Vanity Fair.

The experience of Huo Zun and Chen Lu reminds us that no matter what kind of environment we are in, we should cherish true and innocent feelings and not lose ourselves because of fame and fortune. Moreover, this story also warns us that we should maintain a rational attitude towards celebrity romance, oppose deification, and avoid easy denial.

"The first sword on the shore, first cut the person you like", Chen Lu took 9 years of youth and "ruined" Huo Zun's life

On the road to chasing our dreams, we need not only courage and perseverance, but also the determination to firmly believe in our beliefs and standards. Only in this way can we maintain our original intention in Vanity Fair, so as not to lose ourselves on the road to success and hurt those who have supported and loved us.

In short, this story teaches us that true success cannot be built on sacrificing others or betraying feelings, and in the special environment of the entertainment industry, the method of balancing career and relationship is still a question worth pondering for everyone.

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