
"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

author:Sprite speaks

Born into a traditional family in Shanghai, Zhu Yuchen is believed to be tasked with carrying on the responsibility of carrying on the lineage, despite the seemingly open family of his family. His parents had a patriarchal concept, and after having his sister Zhu Beibei, they ushered in the birth of Zhu Yuchen.

In order to devote herself to cultivating her son, Zhu's mother resolutely quit her job and devoted herself to her son. And Zhu Yuchen's childhood was like a puppet that was carefully manipulated, and his daily life was under the control of his mother.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

From getting up at four or five o'clock to make soup, to making friends and deciding on the content of study, his mother's love has become ubiquitous and controlling little Zhu Yuchen, who drinks the soup carefully prepared by his mother every day, and rarely even drinks a sip of pure water.

In such an environment, Zhu Yuchen gradually lost the ability to think independently and deal with problems. He was accustomed to obeying his mother's arrangement, and was full of ignorance and curiosity about the world around him.

It wasn't until he grew up that he was surprised to find that his classmates were able to do many things independently, while he had to rely on his mother for everything.

Aware of the gap between him and his peers, Zhu Yuchen can't wait to pursue independence and control of his life. He mustered up the courage to choose a school in Beijing during the college entrance examination, hoping to escape from his mother's influence and have his own independent life.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

However, whether it's cleaning the dorms, getting along with roommates, or scalding the school creeper with hot water to keep mosquitoes at bay, mother's love is everywhere and suffocating.

Zhu Yuchen unknowingly became a love-and-hate "mom boy". His eyes revealed both dependence on his mother and a desire to break free. This label is like an invisible shackle, which seems to be light, but what is locked is the shackles of life.

Every day, Zhu Yuchen had to deal with more than a dozen phone calls from his mother asking about his whereabouts, and the contradictions in his heart were increasing day by day.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

In 2006, Zhu Yuchen officially set foot in the showbiz with "Hui Niang Yuan Heart" and started his acting career. This fledgling young man's eyes reveal a vision for the future and a passion for performance.

Opportunity soon extended an olive branch to this young man full of potential.

However, his mother's meticulous care and protection did not come to dominate his career at the right time. Those characters who needed to be scolded and beaten were vetoed by their mothers one by one. Zhu Yuchen's acting path became narrower and narrower, and his brows became deeper and deeper.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

Every time he receives a new script, he has to get into a bargaining impasse with his mother.

With the passage of time, the once high-spirited teenager gradually turned into an eighteenth-tier artist. Seeing Deng Chao in the same period become a 10 billion box office male god, Zhu Yuchen's eyes could not hide his loss.

He began to reflect on his acting career, but he couldn't get rid of his mother's influence.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

Maxima often has, but Bole does not often have. Until 2023, Lady Luck once again gave the former rising star a chance. 's outstanding performance in "Agent Mission" made Zhu Yuchen the focus again, and his acting skills were eye-catching, as if he saw the dawn of hope.

He used his superb acting skills to prove that he is still that powerful actor.

However, the reality is harsh. As long as people mention Zhu Yuchen, their first reaction is still the label of "Ma Bao Nan", not his acting skills. This made Zhu Yuchen feel very helpless and frustrated.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

He understands that in order to really gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, acting skills alone are not enough, and he also needs to get rid of the shadow of "Ma Bao Nan" In the gap between career and family, Zhu Yuchen began a new round of struggle and thinking.

Xu Yuchen's love life is like a tragic overseas Chinese drama carefully directed by his mother, and he has experienced three embarrassing marriages.

Zhu Yuchen's mother, in the role of a strict examiner, began to conduct an all-round assessment of Tang Wei. She is barely satisfied with Tang Wei's family background and appearance, but the most fatal problem is that Tang Wei doesn't know housework and can't take care of people.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

Zhu's mother said solemnly: "If you want to be with my son, you have to take care of his life, he can't do anything, you need to learn these in advance" This sentence was like a basin of cold water poured on Tang Wei's head, a trace of horror flashed in her eyes, and then turned around and left Zhu Yuchen could only watch his first love disappear like this, and his heart was full of helplessness and loss.

In the crew of the TV series "Love is Perfect with You", Huo Siyan appeared. The two fell in love for a long time, and Zhu Yuchen's eyes once again ignited a spark of hope. However, the appearance of Zhu's mother once again broke this hard-won emotion.

She followed her son into the group inch by inch, and personally handled every meal, resulting in Zhu Yuchen never dining with the crew Huo Siyan watched this scene, the love in her eyes was gradually replaced by helplessness, she realized that this kind of life is not acceptable to ordinary people In the end, Huo Siyan chose to leave silently, leaving Zhu Yuchen alone to face his mother's "love".

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

In the third act, 33-year-old Zhu Yuchen meets Jiang Yan, who is known as a good wife and mother. Zhu Yuchen is full of hope for this relationship, believing that she is her mother's ideal daughter-in-law. However, her mother disliked Kang Yeon's dress too revealingly and thought that she lacked a tutor.

Seeing that she was misunderstood, Jiang Yan's eyes were full of grievances and incomprehension, and finally chose to leave Zhu Yuchen once again tasted the bitterness of the relationship breakdown.

Watching his mother destroy his feelings again and again, Zhu Yuchen's eyes were full of helplessness and pain. He couldn't bear to hurt his mother's feelings, but at the same time he longed for his own happiness.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

This inner struggle made it difficult for him to move on the emotional path.

In an interview many years later, someone exclaimed: "Zhu Yuchen is not looking for a bride, but a mother." This point of view shows the root of Zhu Yuchen's emotional entanglement, and it also touches the hearts of many people.

After three failed romances, Zhu Yuchen seems to have lost confidence in love. However, the trajectory of fate is full of drama. In 2018, he and Du Ruo officially announced their love, which made people see a glimmer of hope.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

Although there is no news of their marriage yet, it is already a huge step forward to get Zhu Yuchen's mother to agree to the relationship between the two.

Zhu Yuchen's bumpy love road is not only his personal tragedy, but also reflects the general dilemma faced by Ma Baonan in his relationship. His experience tells us that excessive maternal love can sometimes become a stumbling block to children's happiness.

The label "Ma Bao Nan" is like an invisible shackle, tightly binding Zhu Yuchen. The formation of this imprint can be traced back to his college days. When he stepped onto the campus in Beijing and was full of anticipation to start living independently, his mother's excessive intervention attracted the attention of those around him.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

When he was newly enrolled, Zhu's mother made Zhu Yuchen instantly famous in school. She cleaned the dormitory spotlessly and meticulously arranged all of her son's belongings.

What's even more surprising is that she asked her roommates about their living habits one by one, and even scalded the school's creeper with hot water, just to prevent mosquitoes from entering the dormitory, which made the classmates look at Zhu Yuchen with both sympathy and a hint of ridicule.

This label has seriously affected Zhu Yuchen's social life and career development, so that whenever he wants to try a new role in the entertainment industry, his mother's voice will always ring in his ears, vetoing those roles that are scolded and beaten.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Zhu Yuchen's eyes, but in the end he chose to compromise, which caused his acting path to become narrower and narrower, and his acting career was also restricted.

Zhu Yuchen's eyebrows revealed his inner struggle. He wants to be independent and take control of his own life, but he can't let go of his dependence on his mother. This ambivalence makes him often hesitate in life and work.

Even in the crew, he could not escape the influence of his mother, and he had to answer more than a dozen calls every day asking about his whereabouts.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

The label of "Ma Bao Man" has always been Zhu Yuchen's biggest weakness. No matter how outstanding his achievements in acting are, the first thing that comes to mind when people mention him is always his relationship with his mother.

This made Zhu Yuchen feel powerless and frustrated.

Zhu Yuchen's process of growing from a well-cared child to a controversial "mom bao man" reflects many problems in contemporary family education. Too much maternal love not only failed to make him smooth sailing on the road of life, but became an obstacle to his progress.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

Zhu Yuchen's story has become a vivid teaching material about parent-child relationship and personal growth.

In 2018, 45-year-old Zhu Yuchen finally turned around emotionally. He made his relationship with Du Ruo public, and this news was like a bombshell, which caused a lot of shock in the entertainment industry.

The public has speculated whether this woman named Du Ruo can break through the obstacles of Zhu's mother and become the one who breaks the curse of "Ma Bao Man".

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

However, the news of the marriage between the two has not come out so far, and Zhu Yuchen's eyes have both expectation and a trace of worry. He knows very well that there is still a long way to go to truly get rid of the label of "mom bao man".

Zhu Yuchen's mother agreed that the two would fall in love, which is already a huge progress, but the future is still full of unknowns.

Although Zhu Yuchen was not a popular rising star back then, he still worked tirelessly on the road of actor. In 2023, his performance in "Secret Service Mission" was well received, proving that his acting skills are still excellent.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

Zhu Yuchen hopes that through his own efforts, people will remember that he is not only a "mom boy", but also a powerful actor.

However, the reality is harsh. 45-year-old Zhu Yuchen is still burdened with the label of "no one dares to marry", this situation is not only his personal predicament, but also reflects the society's general view of the phenomenon of "Ma Bao Nan".

Zhu Yuchen still has challenges ahead of him. He needs to continue to work hard in his career to prove his worth; Emotionally, he needs to find a balance that will perpetuate his mother's love for him and achieve personal happiness.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

Zhu Yuchen's experience brings us deep thinking. Is overprotection love or hurt? How important is independence to a person's growth? These are questions that deserve to be pondered by every parent and child.

In this era of advocating personality development, the phenomenon of "Ma Bao Man" seems out of place, which not only affects the growth of individuals, but also has a negative impact on the family and society. Zhu Yuchen's story tells us that true love should be to let go and let children grow up independently, rather than imposing their own will on others.

Even if you love your son no matter how much you love it, as a mother, you should give him a certain amount of personal space. If you want your son to be a useful person, you should focus on developing his problem-solving skills, rather than doing everything and making decisions for him.

"Ma Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen: was forcibly demolished by his mother for three marriages, and no one dares to marry him at the age of 45 now

After all, as a parent, you can't follow your child all the time.

For young people, the courage to break through the constraints and find their true self is the right way to grow. Nowadays, society has become more and more convinced that "mom bao men" cannot be married, women are becoming more and more independent, and they are more unwilling to accept a man who listens to his mother in everything and has no opinions.

Zhu Yuchen's story is like a mirror that allows us to examine our own parent-child relationship and personal growth. It reminds us that love and freedom should go hand in hand, and only then can we raise a truly independent and mature next generation.

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