
The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

author:Meiling Layman


The consulting director of United International Market Research Co., Ltd. bluntly said that the "gallium and germanium export restriction order" issued by China is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, and once China encounters gallium and germanium export restrictions, its global chip production capacity will be destroyed.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

As we all know, the ultimate purpose of the trade war launched by the United States is to suppress domestic chip production capacity and restrict the expansion of China's chip production capacity in various ways, thereby suppressing China's high-tech industry.

This time, the United States announced the restriction of China's gallium and germanium exports, which is undoubtedly a naked rush to suppress China's chip production capacity, is China really unable to escape?

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

What is the important role of gallium and germanium in the development of the chip industry?

How did the United States suppress China's chip production capacity?

So how should China respond?

The United States and Japan jointly announced: "China must make huge concessions to develop the chip industry." ”

On September 15, China's Ministry of Commerce announced a gallium and germanium export ban on China to the United States and Japan, which also means that once China encounters gallium and germanium export restrictions, its global chip production capacity will be destroyed.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

He said: "China's issuance of the 'gallium and germanium export restriction order' is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, we never expected that China would so simply restrict the export of gallium and germanium to the United States and Japan, this opening, is a huge impact on the global industrial chain."

In the long run, the decision to ban gallium and germanium exports will have a significant impact on the global semiconductor industry.

Once the export of gallium and germanium is banned, this will undoubtedly lead to the farewell of the global chip era of cheapness, and the price will rise rapidly!"

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

However, the United States and Japan issued a ban on gallium and germanium exports to China, in fact, it is not surprising, at the beginning of the establishment of the first-mover advantage of chips, has been warning Chinese high-tech companies that if China's chips exceed 70% of the production capacity of the United States, the future of Chinese chips will not be afraid.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

How China develops chips, the United States will suppress them!

The United States has always been well aware of China's chip industry, and they do not hesitate to use all means to suppress it, and it is based on this attitude towards China's chip industry that when China develops semiconductor technology, the United States will be afraid that once China occupies the global chip market, the impact on the world will be very huge.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

From the perspective of the United States, if China starts its own chip industry, it will not only pose a huge threat to the high-tech industry in the United States, but also play a great role in the living environment of the United States.

Therefore, in any case, they must prevent China from developing the chip industry, they not only suppress China, but also limit China's chip production capacity, that is, if China wants to occupy a place in the global chip market, China must pay huge concessions if it wants to develop the chip industry.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

The reservoir of first-mover advantage of the United States in this half-century.

As the first country in the semiconductor technology industry, the United States has been researching semiconductor technology since half a century ago, and has invested a lot of money to establish an industrial system of semiconductor technology, and has now become a seed player in global semiconductor technology.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

They have accumulated a lot of experience in semiconductor technology research, built a series of research systems, comprehensively accumulated strength, and obtained a large number of top scientists, who have accumulated many years of experience in semiconductor technology and provided great help to the semiconductor industry in the United States.

In this way, the United States can build its own semiconductor industry system with a series of measures on the basis of first-mover advantage, and continuously improve this system, so as to build a very large industrial machine.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

The United States has always had a strong control over its semiconductor technology industry, and in order to maintain its own industrial system, it must prevent China's chip industry from going global no matter what, so it has formulated a series of policies to suppress China and force China to make huge concessions to the chip industry.

As an upstart in the global semiconductor technology industry, China is also moving towards the intelligent industry, and at the same time, it is also moving towards the pace of development in the technology and industrial chain, moving towards the semiconductor industry, and going very fast in terms of technology and industrial chain, but the semiconductor industry is a very big gap between the seed and the follow-up products.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

Under the leadership of the American consciousness, there is still a certain gap with the chip industry in the United States.

The industrial chain of semiconductor technology is very important in the global semiconductor industry, which directly affects the competitiveness of products.

In the semiconductor industry chain, gallium germanium is a kind of semiconductor material, is the key material for the invention of integrated circuits, semiconductor materials have gradually developed into the semiconductor industry, the core material is the material of integrated circuits, has a very important role.

Semiconductor materials can exert the electronic characteristics of a diode, and are widely used in computers, communications, consumer electronics, automotive electronics and other fields.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

In semiconductor materials, gallium and germanium are very important materials, germanium can be manufactured by metal oxide semiconductor process, which has a very important role, and germanium, as a pMOS transistor, has very superior characteristics and high-quality transmission characteristics, but there is still a certain gap between the characteristics of germanium and silicon materials, and at the same time, in semiconductor materials, it can also increase the electronic properties of heteroatoms, obtain high-mobility electrons, and improve the operation speed of the device.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

The United States has cracked down on China's chip production capacity.

Since 2018, the United States has restricted China's chip production capacity, China's chip industry has been greatly affected, the United States exports of chip production capacity accounts for the top 30% of the global semiconductor industry, known as the "global chip giant", the United States not only controls the global chip industry, but also controls the global semiconductor industry, so China is very difficult in the semiconductor industry.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

After decades of development in China's semiconductor industry, it has only come to this point, and it is more difficult to enter the world's chip industry, the United States controls the global semiconductor industry, China has invested more than a billion US dollars, and has never been able to go out, and the United States has also banned the export of chip production capacity to China, resulting in high chip prices.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

In this way, China is very passive in the global chip market, and the industrial chain and technology are very weak.

The United States has been suppressing China on the issue of exporting chip production capacity, exerting maximum pressure on China, so as to control the era of global semiconductors, and China can only provide chip technology to the United States.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

In the semiconductor industry terminal consumption, the United States occupies a leading position, capital and technology have a double advantage, in this profit space, occupy a very large proportion, China's semiconductor industry in the global midstream position, is far less than the United States chip product profit space, to achieve the global leadership of the semiconductor industry, China needs to actively cooperate, but also to improve their own innovation capabilities.

China should respond to a ban on gallium and germanium exports to China by the United States and Japan.

For a long time, the United States has been suppressing China's chip production capacity, and the export of chip production capacity must first reach China before the United States agrees.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

Therefore, from today on, China should restrict the export of gallium and germanium materials to the United States, as long as the United States exports gallium and germanium semiconductor materials to China, China will export once, so that in the long run, the gallium and germanium materials exported by the United States will fall to the trough, and China will have a long-term development time.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

In addition, China can also learn from the United States on the issue of gallium and germanium exports, achieve all-round development, improve its own technology and industrial chain, continuously improve its sense of innovation, and actively develop its own chip industry, so as to develop and grow China's chip industry and not reach the rival countries of the United States and Japan.

Conclusion: China needs to expand its strength to develop the chip industry.

In order for China's semiconductor industry to move towards the world, it needs to expand its technology and industrial chain, improve its own strength, and at the same time, in addition to its own core technology, it must also have independent and controllable basic materials to improve the ability of independent innovation.

The United States and Japan frantically counterattacked China's gallium and germanium restriction order! Jointly announced: China's chip production capacity will be destroyed

It is also necessary to make a breakthrough in raw materials, only in this way can we continue to improve our technology and industry, make the semiconductor industry stronger, and also a force to narrow the gap between China and the United States.

China should calmly respond to such an act of joining forces with China and resolutely continue to move forward.

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