
Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

author:Heaven and earth


Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about the entertainment industry today, especially about the "goddess of literature and art" Tian Fuzhen that we are familiar with.

Having said that, the name Tian Fuzhen is well-known in the Chinese music scene, and her unique voice and heartfelt lyrics have captured the hearts of many boys and girls.

But recently, she seems to have encountered a little "little turmoil" at a music feast in Hong Kong, what is going on? Let's find out.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

At the ONE LOVE ASIA FESTIVAL held in Hong Kong on June 29, Tian Fuzhen made a stunning appearance with a new look.

Her shoulder-length hair, undyed or hot, naturally falls on her shoulders, like a breeze in early summer, gently blowing through people's hearts, making people feel a different kind of freshness and nature.

Such a new image, does it make you feel that she has added a bit of mature charm?

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

She performed a series of classic songs such as "You Don't Think of Me", "Nobody Knows" and "Or a Song" on stage.

Each song is like an unsent love letter, full of affection and affection, which makes people intoxicated.

Especially the song "Don't Think of Me", when the melody sounded, the eyes of many fans in the audience were moist, and they seemed to follow Tian Fuzhen through those moments of love and hate, immersed in the endless emotions.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

On the stage, Tian Fuzhen also had a warm interaction with the audience, and asked everyone with a smile: "How is the new hairstyle?" "That kind of affinity, it's like a sister next door, and people can't help but want to give her a big thumbs up.

However, the good times did not last long, and the sudden change in the situation on the Internet cast a shadow on all this beauty.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

"Don't You Think of Me" not only hovers in people's hearts, but it also quietly climbed onto the Weibo hot search list, but this time not because of the magic of the melody, but because of a so-called "pasta incident".

Heck, the name sounds appetizing, but behind it is actually a storm of public opinion.

Tian Fuzhen's unintentional remarks in a live broadcast were interpreted as a position on a sensitive issue, which is good, and the Internet suddenly exploded, and all kinds of voices came one after another.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

Some mainland netizens said that they were very hurt and bluntly said that they were disappointed and even angry at her words and deeds.

Someone left a message in the comment area: "I used to like your songs so much, but now I have mixed feelings in my heart." ”

This emotion is like a sudden rain that extinguishes the flame of love accumulated over the years.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

Tian Fuzhen originally planned to shine in Tianjin, but the result was like a well-prepared party that was extinguished by a sudden rain.

Think about it, the mainland market is simply a glittering treasure map in the Chinese music scene, losing such a piece of blessed land, which singer is not a big matter in his heart?

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

The data guy is so honest that people love and hate, it clearly tells you that the mainland music market is amazingly big, and the potential is as deep as the sea, while the Taiwan market is like a small pond looking at the vast sea, and it can only be sighed.

This time, Tian Fuzhen's stage lacks such a large piece of fertile soil, and the opportunity to perform and the money earned in the account naturally have to be discounted not very beautifully.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

It's like wanting to cook a table full of Han people, but the kitchen suddenly becomes smaller, and the ingredients can only be settled, and the loss and helplessness can be imagined.

At this time, Tian Fuzhen's agent was probably so worried that his hair was about to turn white.

Although the Taiwan market is good, after all, the stage is small, there are many people who share the cake, and the performance fee is nothing compared with the mainland.

The bitterness in the agent's heart may only be in the dead of night, silently telling the starry sky.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

Tian Fuzhen, a singer with many fans in the Chinese music scene, is standing at a crossroads in his career, facing a dilemma that many celebrities have a headache for: should he continue to dance lightly in the fog of public opinion and skillfully avoid those sensitive topics, or should he take a brave step and try to build a bridge of communication between personal beliefs and public expectations?

Every step is like a difficult acrobatic performance, which must not only show elegance, but also be vigilant at all times, because the wind direction of public opinion is often more unpredictable than the swing change, and if you are not careful, you may fall from the height of public opinion into the center of the whirlpool.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

For those of us who eat melons, the changes in the entertainment industry always bring a bit of after-dinner conversation, which makes people sigh that "your circle is really messy", and at the same time, they can't help but think about the relationship between art and politics.

These two should be like two lanes on the highway, each moving forward without interfering with each other, but in the intricate web of reality, they are often like two sudden air currents, meeting at some inadvertent corner, stirring up a heart-pounding storm.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious

The challenge faced by Tian Fuzhen is like an open-ended test for all public figures - how to find the "single-plank bridge" that can not only stand comfortably but not fall into the water without losing balance between the glamorous stage and the surging social opinion.

This not only tests her wisdom and courage, but also reminds everyone who stands in the spotlight to stay true to themselves and take care of the bigger picture, perhaps like trying to walk on the edge of a coffee cup, to be as steady as an old dog and as flexible as a cat, to find the perfect balance between not letting the coffee spill and drinking elegantly.

Tian Fuzhen started singing in Hong Kong, and netizens didn't buy it all over the world, and the agent was anxious


In general, Tian Fuzhen's encounter is not only a "cold snap" that she personally encountered, but also a ripple in the complex ecological pond of the entertainment industry, reflecting the coolness of the general environment.

In this era of information explosion and position first, no one can underestimate the art of "standing in line".

After all, every word and deed of a celebrity is like walking a tightrope, and if you are not careful, you may change from the favorite of fans to the target of public criticism.

Therefore, I still hope that our public friends can learn to express their positions clearly and skillfully under the spotlight, neither losing their demeanor nor losing their temperature, after all, humor dissolves embarrassment, wisdom illuminates positions, so it is not more emotionally intelligent!

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