
The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

author:Ultra Face @ Righteous World


"Avenue of Stars" used to be CCTV's stage that carried the dreams of countless ordinary people, providing a broad platform for "ordinary dream chasers" to shine their own light.

Over the years, it has given birth to countless industry leaders, as evidenced by brilliant names such as "Phoenix Legend and Li Yugang".

Not every champion wins the spotlight, and some of them have had their lives twist and turn: a broken marriage, shelter under a bridge, or even a debt-saddled supply that has to sell groceries to make ends meet.

The road to the championship is also difficult and extraordinary.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Looking at their journey to popularity, this outcome is largely a consequence of their own behavioral choices.

Bao's brilliant victory in the "Avenue of Stars" stems from his true and inspirational life story, the innocent charm of his "grassroots" identity, and his unique voice, which affectionately performed "Shandandan Flowers Bloom Red and Gorgeous", this song is like a beacon, instantly lighting up the hearts of all audiences.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

When he introduced himself, he sketched a unique image in just a few words - "farmer", "poor background", "self-taught pioneer", a few strokes, showing his tenacity and talent.

With these eye-catching labels and Po's "crisp" loud singing voice, as if drawn by an invisible spotlight, the audience's eyes involuntarily followed him closely.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Po's outfit on the stage is unique, he is wearing a sheepskin cotton vest, and the white towel on his head is like a tightly maintained rural symbol.

After many rounds of fierce competition, Po is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience with his unique voice and charm. He won the "Monthly Crown of the Avenue of Stars" one after another, and what is even more amazing is that he surpassed the legendary group Phoenix Legend and won the eye-catching "Annual Championship" with a shocking victory, which is well deserved.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

From obscurity to fame, in 2006, Po got his wish and appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. There, he performed with all his might, once again showing his unique charm. Since then, the civilian hero has made a magnificent transformation and shined into a brilliant superstar.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

With Ah Bao's fame, commercial performance invitations and advertisements have come one after another, he has already taken off his sheepskin jacket, taken off his white turban, and turned into a business superstar Ah Bao with an annual income of 10 million.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, Bao's life trajectory has achieved a significant leap, he now enjoys a luxury life, driving a luxury car, and more fortunately, he has a youthful wife Zhang Dongling in his life, with an age difference of 15 years, as sweet as ever.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

With the accumulation of wealth, Po's life has become more and more colorful, but his words and deeds seem to reveal a hint of self-indulgence, which has aroused the doubts of those around him about Po's original intention.

As expected, a netizen's revelation of the truth completely revealed the fraudulent nature of Po.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

According to an insider, Po's true identity is not a "grassroots farmer" as he claims to be, and his rural background seems to be different from the truth.

Bao was part of a well-known company in Shanxi, came from a decent family, and has an extraordinary experience, he studied vocal art at a professional music conservatory, and once showed his unique charm as a resident singer in a bar.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Before stepping onto the stage of the Walk of Fame, his image strategy was ingenious, and the agency skillfully created a fictional "simple farmer" character, so as to strategically touch the heartstrings of a wide audience.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Overnight, Po's public image faced a serious crisis, and the storm of public opinion almost made it impossible for him to appear in public. Bearing overwhelming accusations, he made a difficult decision in 2015 - to say goodbye to the entertainment industry.

Since then, his figure has gradually faded from the public eye.

In the past five years, Po's figure has quietly disappeared from the circle, and rumors of his death have even circulated in the outside world.

Unexpectedly, in 2020, Po gave a surprising response to the former identity controversy, revealing that his original intention was to revive his comeback.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

On stage in 2021, Po reverts to his old costumes, eager to evoke emotional resonance from the audience, but he is responded to with silent indifference.

Po is now active on social media and frequently shares videos, however, compared to those influencers, there is obviously still a certain gap in his viewing data.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

This predicament is the inevitable consequence of his falsification of identity.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Not forgetting the musical soul of his original intention, Yang Guang is also pursuing the original notes step by step.

Before the stage of the Walk of Fame, Yang Guang was a tenacious "dark" singer, and his life journey was a moving and inspirational poem. Despite the injustices of life, with his love of music, he still illuminates the way forward, and proves with his singing voice that imperfection can bloom with incomparable brilliance.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

It is his incomparable love and in-depth exploration of music that made Yang Guang stand out, successfully selected for the Municipal Disabled Persons' Art Troupe, and actively participated in the "Work of the Disabled Persons' Federation", writing his extraordinary road with his musical talent.

The picture scroll of the future full of expectations was ruthlessly written off by the injustice of fate, and the flame of hope in Yang Guang's heart was instantly extinguished.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

A sudden car accident ruthlessly took away Yang Guang's father, which was tantamount to a bolt from the blue of life, which made the already stormy family even more difficult.

Yang Guang, who is facing a low point in his life, is full of endless darkness in his heart after losing his father. He is well aware of his mother's hardships and does not want to leave her alone to bear the burden of life anymore.

At this moment, a tenacious determination burned in Yang Guang's heart, and he decided to fight against the odds and worry about his mother.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

He joined the Walk of Fame with fearless determination, with a dream and a determination to use this platform to reverse the fate of his family.

As expected, Yang Guang relied on his true story of his bumpy life and personal tenacity and inspirational spirit to break through many difficulties in the show, and finally broke through many difficulties with an affectionate song "You Are My Eyes" and successfully won the championship of the year.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

This success has earned him a lot of attention. In 2008, Yang Guang appeared on the bright stage of the Spring Festival Gala as promised, and showed his style in the Paralympics with a song "Happy Gathering in Beijing".

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

In the two bright highlight moments, Yang Guang became famous, and commercial performances and brand invitations came one after another. The eyes of the entire entertainment industry were attracted by the tenacious Yang Guang, and the stars expressed their care and admiration.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Yang Guang, who became famous in a short period of time, seems to have lost himself in the brilliant entertainment industry, and he was once deeply trapped in the whirlpool of fame and fortune and lost his way.

With the deepening of heated discussions on the Internet, negative information about Yang Guang has emerged in an endless stream, and one of the most concerned points is that he is frequently accused of "Yang Guang has a star shelf problem".

In a commercial performance, I was unable to properly control my emotions in the face of the challenge of not meeting the sound equipment as expected, and I apologized to my team members for not being able to properly control my emotions.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Yang Guang adheres to high standards, always politely declines invitations to local TV stations, he cherishes his CCTV background, and regards every appearance as to maintain his image, so he never cares about invitations to self-lowering specifications.

Yang Guang's unseen behavior ignited the audience's dissatisfaction, and everyone generally believed that he seemed to have forgotten his original intention after becoming popular.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

With the continuous revelations, the public's favorability of Yang Guang has plummeted.

As Yang Guang's popularity gradually declined and commercial performance opportunities became less and less, he keenly captured the industry dynamics and decided to switch to the field of short videos. In addition to continuing his musical talents, he also provides sharp and interesting comments on hot topics in the entertainment industry from a unique perspective.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Although the short video has not become popular, Yang Guang has now reaped the beauty of life - he has formed a warm family, and ushered in a healthy and intelligent little life, his life is undoubtedly full of satisfaction and happiness.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Among the champions who walked out of the Avenue of Stars, what is touching is that it seems that Liu Xiaodong's fate is the most tortuous, and his follow-up development is embarrassing.

On the Avenue of Stars in 2015, Liu Xiaodong competed with many ordinary players, and with his outstanding talent, he stood out from the ranks of the "grassroots" and became an instant hit, winning the "King of Popularity" of the year.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Before shining on the stage of the Avenue of Fame, Liu Xiaodong was a talented band drummer, and his unique musical rhythm charm attracted many loyal fans like a magnet.

Surprisingly, Liu Xiaodong did not rely on the music craze after becoming popular, nor did he continue his career as a singer, on the contrary, he managed to win a lot of attention with his unique means - his nose.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

The extraordinary skill of the nose: not only does he taste milk in a unique way, but the tip of his nose is even more amazing in bursting balloons, a skill that makes him a Guinness World Record holder.

The unique path of innovation is not easy to master, but for Liu Xiaodong, behind the mastery of this special talent is his incomparably hard work and dedication.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Liu Xiaodong quickly amassed a lot of attention with his extraordinary talent and honor on the Walk of Fame, and at his peak, his performance fees hit a staggering six-figure mark.

In the subsequent schedule, Liu Xiaodong frequently appeared in various variety shows, accumulated a lot of wealth in an instant, and achieved great success.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

While Liu Xiaodong is busy with commercial performances, he seems to be content with the status quo, failing to actively improve his singing skills, instead showing his nose too much to attract attention.

However, relying only on sensationalism, Liu Xiaodong's hot state cannot last.

Liu Xiaodong, who became popular at the beginning, thought that he would be able to stay comfortable forever if he became famous in one fell swoop, but the ruthless reality told him that time flies, and now he has been forgotten by the public, and the popularity is like a cloud of smoke, and it is gone.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Faced with the dilemma of a sharp decline in income, Liu Xiaodong was confused, although he tried the road of live broadcasting, but the lack of content innovation still continued the original old model.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Liu Xiaodong realizes that pure skill is no longer enough, so he turns to digging and sharing his own bumpy life story in an attempt to arouse public pity and empathy.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

With extraordinary creativity, Liu Xiaodong set the live broadcast stage under the desolate bridge, faced the dilemma, and bluntly said that he was heavily indebted. In order to avoid debt, he chose Qiaodong as his home, which is not only the starting point of his live broadcast, but also a portrayal of his life.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

In order to create a strong theatrical effect and win the audience's full engagement, he carefully arranged a striking pair of red-soled heels on a shabby bed sheet, accompanied by a few inspirational books, and this detail convinces the depth of his character.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

In front of the live broadcast camera, he clutched the simple white-flour steamed bun and nibbled on the pickles he had just bought, and the picture touched people's heartstrings. What's even more worrying is that Liu Xiaodong candidly broadcast live, he suffers from eczema but suffers from financial constraints and can't afford medical expenses, and this dilemma goes straight to the hearts of the people.

This seems to call into question our wisdom not to treat people as uninformed funders!

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Although Liu Xiaodong's clothing and hairstyle are meticulous, it seems to be at odds with his image of a seven-figure debt. In the live broadcast, his shining perm was particularly eye-catching, but it attracted some netizens to ridicule: "My hair is so well maintained, it seems that the economic situation is not as tight as rumored!" ”

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

After being exposed, Liu Xiaodong unexpectedly innovated his strategy, and instead sold vegetables in the live broadcast, and insisted on online trading, the intention behind it was obviously not pure.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

What is hilarious is that Liu Xiaodong actually chose the ancient rod scale in the vegetable business, which triggered a witty ridicule from netizens: "Still using this? Are you sure you can accurately judge the weight? ”

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

No matter how ingenious the means are, Liu Xiaodong's "little abacus" have nothing to hide in front of netizens, and his pursuit of shortcuts and enthusiasm for hype and deception are destined to attract everyone's contempt and rejection.

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

Although the Avenue of Fame has bred many champions, there are very few that can establish themselves firmly. The dream of returning to the top with false images and hypocritical hype will only be quickly recognized by the audience's discerning eyes and eliminated.

"Trendsetting starts here. With a wealth of information channels, we can screen out authoritative and accurate dynamic updates for you. "

Breaking news: The Avenue of Stars surprised the masked farmer, who had a relationship with the super girl, and now his true identity is revealed to the world!

Longnan Kangxian revealed: "Yang Guang's Road to Arrogance: A Profound Lesson for Blind Artists"

"The talented Liu Xiaodong, a talented post-80s talent in Liling, has successfully broken a global smell record with his amazing olfactory power, and his 'nose king' skills are unique in the Zhuzhou Evening News."

The champion of the Avenue of Stars is down: divorce and bankruptcy and live in Qiaodong? The contrast between the past and the present is sad.

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