
Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

author:Tao Ge Gonzo Fun

Chen Huilin, this name was well-known in the Chinese music scene from the late 90s to the early 2000s.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

At that time, who didn't know her "Notepad"? Whenever the melody sounds, it can always evoke a large number of people's youthful memories. But such a big star was scolded by Xiang Huaqiang at the Xiangjia dinner, saying that she was a "little star who does not enter the stream".

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

It's a bit strange to say. Xiang Huaqiang, that is a bigwig in the Hong Kong film industry, and the Yongsheng Film Company he founded has become popular with many stars.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

Who did he go to the dinner party? are all bigwigs in the entertainment industry and business circles, and they are all figures with heads and faces. How can such an occasional thing happen? That night, Chen Huilin was happily following her uncle to the dinner.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

She was wearing a long dress, elegant and generous, and attracted a lot of attention as soon as she appeared. Just when she and her uncle were having a good conversation at the dinner, Xiang Huaqiang walked over.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

Xiang Huaqiang saw Chen Huilin at a glance, he looked her up and down, and then suddenly scolded: "You are a little star who is not in the stream, you also deserve to come here?" As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent. Chen Huilin was scolded at that time, she didn't expect to be humiliated like this on such an occasion.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

The incident later caused an uproar on the Internet. Some netizens said: "Xiang Huaqiang is too disrespectful, right? Chen Huilin is also a well-known singer, how can she scold her like this? Some netizens said: "The water in the entertainment industry is too deep, and this kind of dinner is not as simple as we imagined."

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

Some netizens also stood on Xiang Huaqiang's side, thinking that he might not be used to seeing some of the current atmosphere in the entertainment industry, so he expressed his dissatisfaction so directly. Although Chen Huilin suffered some grievances at that dinner, her career was not affected by this.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

On the contrary, with her hard work and talent, she is becoming more and more popular in the music scene. Her songs vary from lyrical slow songs to upbeat dance songs, each of which is loved by fans.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

Songs such as "It's Better to Dance" and "Arctic Snow" have become a must-have track for KTV. What about Xiang Huaqiang? As a legend in the Hong Kong film industry, he has always been the focus of the entertainment industry.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

He has become popular with countless stars and has also invested in many classic movies. Although his actions at that dinner caused some controversy, it is undeniable that his contribution to Hong Kong cinema was huge.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

It's been so long, and the turmoil at that dinner has long since subsided. But whenever people mention this, they still can't help but sigh: The entertainment industry is really a complicated place! It is precisely because of these turmoil and controversies that we can see the more real side of celebrities.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

In fact, behind the glamorous entertainment industry, there are many untold stories and bitterness. Although the stars have an enviable aura and income, they are also under great pressure and competition.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

They need to look perfect in front of the camera, they need to be their best selves on stage, and they need to be comfortable in a variety of events and situations. And singers like Chen Huilin have been in the entertainment industry for many years, and have won the love and recognition of the audience with their talent and hard work.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

Even after being wronged and humiliated at that dinner, she did not give up on her dreams and pursuits. This kind of perseverance is worthy of learning and respect from each and every one of us.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

As for Xiang Huaqiang, although his rhetoric at that dinner was a little excessive, as a bigwig who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, his views and evaluations of this circle also have a certain truth. We should look at this matter from multiple angles, instead of blindly blaming and criticizing.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

Although many years have passed since that dinner, it has left us with a deep food for thought. In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, everyone has their own story and experience.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

We should learn to understand and respect them, not just superficial evaluations and accusations. At the same time, we should also learn from Chen Huilin's perseverance and pursue her dreams bravely.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

I want to say that although the entertainment industry is glamorous, the bitterness and hard work behind it are something we can't see. Everyone who works hard in the entertainment industry deserves our understanding and attention to their stories.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

And the turmoil at the dinner party may have been just a small episode in their lives. What really deserves our attention is the hard work and dedication behind them, as well as their persistence and pursuit of their dreams.

Back then, Chen Huilin was taken to a banquet by her uncle and scolded by Xiang Huaqiang, you are a little star who is not in the stream!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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