
Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

author:Tao Ge Gonzo Fun

Let's listen to this, Nicholas Tse responded to the statement "Jackie Chan's successor", and he actually said "impossible".

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

This is really surprising, after all, this Xiao Xie classmate is also in the limelight in the film industry, how can he say no to this title? Let's talk about Nicholas Tse first, he is not a new student, but an "old Jianghu" who has been in the entertainment industry for many years. Back then, he debuted as a singer, and his voice was really unforgettable.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

He crossed over to the film industry again, and this leap was incredible, and it directly became a box office guarantee. His acting skills, hey, it's really not covered, from "The Informant" to "The Witness", which one doesn't make the audience watch it with relish? Especially in "The Informant", Nicholas Tse's performance in it is really eye-catching, portraying the inner world of the character vividly.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Jackie Chan, that's a legend of Chinese movies. His works, like the "Police Story" series, "Mythology", etc., are classics among classics.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

His action scenes, that's really nothing to say, every scene is thrilling. Jackie Chan not only has a high reputation in China, but is also famous internationally.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

His spirit of daring to fight hard and never say die has influenced generations of audiences. Now, netizens' response to Nicholas Tse has exploded.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Some netizens said: "Nicholas Tse is too modest, his action scenes are filmed so well, why can't he be Jackie Chan's successor?" Some netizens said: "Everyone has their own style and route, Nicholas Tse doesn't need to be anyone, he just needs to be himself." That's right, everyone has their own characteristics and style.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Although Nicholas Tse responded that it was "impossible", it doesn't mean that he is not good. On the contrary, his response is more like an expectation and positioning of himself.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

He doesn't want to be a shadow of others, but wants to go out of his own way. This kind of spirit is actually quite similar to Jackie Chan to some extent.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Didn't Jackie Chan also rely on his own efforts and innovation to lay a foundation of his own in the film industry? Back to Nicholas Tse, his acting skills and hard work are in everyone's eyes. From singer to actor, he has walked steadily every step of the way.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

His work, both music and film, has left a lasting impression. He used his strength to prove that he is not only an idol, but also a powerful one.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Although Nicholas Tse responded that it is impossible to become the "successor of Jackie Chan", this does not prevent him from continuing on his own path. Everyone has their own path to follow and their own dreams to pursue.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Nicholas Tse, he is walking his own way and chasing his dreams. We look forward to more surprises and touches from him in the future.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

When it comes to the successor of Jackie Chan, this is actually a very controversial topic. Jackie Chan's status and influence can be said to be unmatched in the Chinese film industry.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

His action scenes have a unique style, humor, and full of thrills, which is really boring to watch. It is indeed not easy to find someone who can replace him.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

We don't have to be too obsessed with finding a "successor to Jackie Chan". Because each actor has their own unique style and charisma, they should be encouraged to develop their own characteristics, rather than being framed into a fixed pattern.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Nicholas Tse is one such example, he has his own style and line, and his response shows that he does not want to be a copy of someone else. For Nicholas Tse's response, I think we should respect his choice.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

He has his own pursuits and dreams, and we should support him in his own path. What the Chinese-language film industry needs is a diverse mix of styles and talents, not immutable imitations and copying.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

I want to say that whether it is Jackie Chan or Nicholas Tse, they are both treasures of the Chinese film industry. With their talent and hard work, they have brought us countless classic works and unforgettable memories.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

We should cherish their contributions, and at the same time, we also hope that more talented actors can emerge to inject new vitality and creativity into Chinese films. In this era of diversity and inclusion, we should encourage every actor to discover and showcase their own characteristics.

Nicholas Tse responded to the "Jackie Chan successor" statement: Impossible

Because Chinese films can continue to innovate and develop, and move towards a more brilliant future.

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