
Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

author:Gourmet qualities

The continent is vast and vast, the difference between the north and the south is very obvious, the south loves to eat rice, the north loves to eat noodles, but there is a food that the south and the north like, it is the steamed bun, the steamed bun is the noodle food, characterized by the fluffy and soft taste, easy to digest and absorb, do not have to worry about the burden of the stomach.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

The fillings in different buns are not the same, the southern buns like cooked meat filling, the filling is loose and delicious, fried in advance, it is easier to taste, but more friends still like fresh meat buns, the meat is juicy, and it is very enjoyable to eat. But now in the summer, the meat is more fatty, and everyone will prefer the vegetarian filling, the vegetarian stuffed buns are not greasy to eat, and they are very fragrant, and they want to eat again after eating.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

There are also many friends who will follow the recipe to learn to make steamed buns by themselves, but they find that they can't even do the first step of making noodles, sometimes they can't make it, sometimes they get sour, sometimes they have already made good noodles, but after steaming, they become dead bread, hard and unpalatable, what is going on? What went wrong?

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

Dough fermentation is based on the amount of yeast and the temperature of fermentation, when we steam the buns, we should put according to a kilogram of dry flour 5 grams of yeast powder 5 grams of sugar 5 grams of baking powder, and there is lard in the house, you can add a spoonful of lard, add lard noodles, the buns made are not only white and soft, but also have oil between the dough, and the dough will not become hard after cooling.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

When mixing the noodles, the water is also particular, not too cold, so that the fermentation speed is slow and not too hot, which will kill the yeast. The temperature is best around 40 degrees, and it is warm to the touch without burning your hands, so you can do it. Stir it into a larger dough first and then knead it into a dough, it doesn't matter if the first kneading is not smooth, let it stand for 3~5 minutes and then knead it, you can knead it smooth.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

After kneading, cover a pot lid and put it in a warm place, the current weather is left in the sun, about 20 minutes can be fermented, if it is winter or when the weather is cold, we take a basin of warm water to put the basin directly in the warm water, so that the fermentation speed is also very fast, but the water temperature should not be higher than 50 degrees, if there are conditions at home, you can also use the function of the steam oven.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

When we pull up the dough, we can see the honeycomb tissue inside, smell the taste under normal circumstances, there will be a little fermentation taste, if it is found that it has a sour taste, it proves that the fermentation is excessive, at this time we need to find some edible alkali, mix it in dry flour to knead it into the dough, knead it for a while, knead evenly, so that there will be no collapse when steaming the buns.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

Put the dough out on the cutting board and knead it for a while, knead it to exhaust it, and squeeze out all the small bubbles inside. After that, it is kneaded into long strips and formed into evenly sized dough, and then rolled into a skin. It can be used to wrap buns.

Today I will share with you a meat and vegetable filling, which is very suitable for summer eating, refreshing and not greasy. First prepare sweet potato vermicelli, soak it in hot water and soak it softly, then chop it, drain the water and put it in a bowl, a spoonful of thirteen spices, two spoons of dark soy sauce, stir evenly and then drizzle some sesame oil, the marinated vermicelli in this way tastes as fragrant as meat.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

Then prepare the tofu and put it in a bowl to crush it with your hands, after crushing it, put three eggs into it, add a little salt, a little pepper, stir evenly and put it in the oil pan, slowly fry it, fry it for a while after it is fried and fried, and fry the water in it dry, so that the tofu can not be eaten, and a little beany smell is full of the fragrance of eggs.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

Then prepare some minced meat, after the minced meat is marinated with salt and pepper in advance, add the minced green onion and ginger and fry until fragrant, then put in the minced meat and fry it quickly, and then add a little dark soy sauce to color and fry until every meat particle is slightly browned, it's OK, so that the processed meat foam has no fishy smell at all, and as long as the dough is cooked, the filling inside is cooked, the speed is very fast, and it is very suitable for summer production.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

Prepare a little more vegetables, now this season you can use fennel or leeks or bok choy. After washing, chop and mix with these fillings to make a wrap. Almost all of the stuffing is cooked, only a little green vegetable is raw, so it doesn't take a long time to steam, put cold water in the pot, then put it in the steaming drawer, and put the buns on the drawer cloth, no need for secondary fermentation.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

After that, turn on a low heat, heat the water in the pot with low heat, about 10 minutes to boil the water, hear the gurgling sound inside, start to steam, adjust the heat of the steamer to the maximum, steam for 10 minutes on high heat can turn off the fire, simmer for two or three minutes and then open the lid, so that the dough will not retract, will not wrinkle.

Steamed buns are most afraid of secondary fermentation, teach you a trick, white and soft without collapsing, novices can also succeed

Usually we steam steamed buns are in need of secondary fermentation, and then wrap the buns, and then wait for it to ferment and then put it on the steamer to steam, and today this method is equivalent to a fermentation, and in the process of steaming, the water in the steamer is slowly heated to achieve the purpose of secondary fermentation. Interested friends can collect it and try it, like my article, don't forget to like the collection and add a follow, thank you for reading, we'll see you next time.


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