
"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged

author:Lone Star Alone


China has always been a hospitable country, but we only welcome foreigners who are qualified and cultivated! An incident that happened recently was really a stone that stirred up a thousand waves!

A trip to China from an Indian female internet celebrity on this hot summer day, but not a good start, her behavior not only makes us Chinese angry, but even foreign friends angry! Today, let's talk about it.

"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged

Scenario 1: "Unreasonable confrontation" of mobile phone stores

As soon as the Indian female Internet celebrity got off the plane, she went directly to the mobile phone store at her first stop. You say go to the mobile phone store and buy the things we welcome normally. But as soon as she entered the door, regardless of whether the shopkeeper wanted to or not, she picked up her mobile phone and took a picture of someone else's face. The shopkeeper looked confused and greeted him with a smile.

The shopkeeper can only communicate with her in not very fluent English, but what about her? Completely ignoring the difficulties of the shopkeeper, giving instructions in stiff English, with an arrogant attitude.

"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged

The scene spread online, and netizens were angry. Someone said: "It's not about buying something, it's clearly about causing trouble!" The rest said: "Even in their own country, it cannot be so rude!" Even Indian netizens saw it and left a message accusing: "This is so shameful, not only did it lose its face, but it also hurt the friendship between the two countries." ”

"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged

Scene 2: The "awkward exploration" of a clothing store

Coming out of the mobile phone store, she walked into a clothing store again. As soon as I entered the door, I didn't say anything. Come up and ask the owner, "What's your name?" We Chinese all know that this is not a normal greeting and directly touches on other people's privacy.

Her high-minded appearance, as if she was looking at others, made people feel particularly uncomfortable. It's not over yet. I don't pay for taking the bus, I take the camera everywhere, whether others want it or not, I don't understand the rules at all.

China has always been a country of etiquette, and we pay attention to mutual respect. How can there be a little respect for her behavior like this?

"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged

Scene 3: "Domineering behavior" on the street

Stepping out of the bus and walking down the street, she didn't stop either. From the convenience store to the street, her discordant figure can be seen everywhere.

Seeing a strange aunt riding an electric car, she sat on it without saying a word, and she had to let her aunt take her away no matter whether others went well or not. Auntie didn't want to, she still refused to give up.

Later, when she met the police, she immediately "changed her face". The arrogance just now suddenly disappeared and became honest. The difference between before and after is really laughable. Typical "bullying the soft and afraid of the hard"!

"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged

Scene 4: The "absurd game" of the hotel

When she got back to the hotel, she still didn't stop. A cup of coffee, keep asking the waiter's name, as if someone else won't give up if he doesn't say it. We didn't know what she wanted to do, but it made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

What's even more outrageous is that when she checks out, she wants to pay the bill with a meager Indian rupee. Isn't that a joke? Luckily, she was able to make the payment normally.

This series of behaviors is really speechless. Doesn't she know that you have to be well-behaved and polite when you go out?

"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged


"Civilized exchanges should be based on mutual respect." This incident can teach us a good lesson. It made us understand the importance of personal qualities and made us think more deeply about cultural differences and respect.

We in China have always been known for our tolerance and generosity, showing the style of a great power. But rude behavior like this female internet celebrity is absolutely not allowed and will surely be spit on by everyone.

In today's era of globalization, each traveler represents not only himself, but also his or her country. We all want to see a communication full of respect and understanding, not such a chilling "cultural collision".

"Shame on going abroad": The video of an Indian woman's rudeness in China went viral, and audiences at home and abroad were outraged

China's door will always be open to the world. We welcome every friendly friend. But remember, every friendly heart deserves to be treated gently. I hope this doesn't happen again in the future. I also hope that everyone can become a quality and cultivated traveler and make the world a better place.

You see, this female Internet celebrity wanted to come to China to play, and the result was like this, I guess she didn't expect this ending. We can't be like her, we must pay attention to our words and deeds when we go out, and don't humiliate our country!

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