
More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

Recently, the principal of Ruian Tingtian Kindergarten let us see what the real "Sichuan Opera Changing Face" is!

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

Parents went to the kindergarten to ask for an explanation, and the principal yelled at the parents to let them leave, and after seeing the camera, they became "smiling tigers" in seconds!


(Video source: Upstream News)

Some parents posted a video on the Internet, saying:

The wound is deep and visible to the bone, if it wasn't for someone pushing it down, how could it have fallen so badly? With a skeptical mentality, parents went to the park to ask the person in charge to check the monitoring.

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

The person in charge of the park said at first that there was monitoring to view, but when the parents arrived at the kindergarten, they changed their words, saying that the child fell in the blind spot of monitoring, and there was no monitoring record.

The inconsistent attitude of the park's statement made the parents feel that there was something hidden in it, so they insisted on seeing the surveillance video at the time of the incident. Who knew that the kindergarten principal also said that the surveillance video was damaged, and there was no way to view it.

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

Later, after many inquiries, the parents learned that their daughter was pushed down by Yu Moumou in the same class after taking basketball lessons and fell to her head. The scary thing is that the park not only does not provide monitoring, but also wants to be perfunctory, and there is no explanation for the child who fell and injured himself in the kindergarten!

caused the other parent to not admit that his child pushed down the netizen's daughter, and now he has not even apologized, let alone compensated!

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

So there is the scene at the beginning of the video: the netizen is holding a board, on which what happened, hoping that the kindergarten can give their children an explanation.

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

The person in charge of the kindergarten not only snatched the sign from the parents, but also shouted loudly: ""

The kindergarten principal turned her head and saw the netizen's husband holding a mobile phone at her, and the moment she saw the camera, she immediately changed her face and was a smiling tiger!

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

One second he was still roaring, and the next second he smiled when he saw the camera, it was really a long insight, it was even more exciting than the Sichuan opera changing face!

At present, the public security has intervened in the investigation and is mediating.

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

With the fermentation of the incident, more and more netizens began to pay attention to the incident and expressed their opinions and opinions one after another.

They called on the kindergarten to face up to the problem, actively investigate the truth of the incident, and give a fair explanation to the injured girl and her family.


"For such a young child, the kindergarten is too irresponsible"

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

"I heard that if an adult sees it, it doesn't count as evidence, and what a child says doesn't count, only monitoring can prove it. Only what a man over eighteen said is evidence. ”

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

"Is this woman the principal, so she can change her face, do you still dare to be on her? This kind of face-changing speed is absolutely ruthless. ”

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

The child's injury made the parents feel heartbroken, and also made the majority of netizens question the safety management of the kindergarten.

Kindergarten is an important place for children to grow up, and it should provide a safe, healthy and happy environment for children to grow up. But in this incident, we saw the loopholes in the safety management of the kindergarten and the irresponsible attitude of the kindergarten.

This attitude not only left the parents of the injured girls disappointed and angry, but also caused other parents to have deep concerns about the safety management of the kindergarten......

(The material comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, contact to delete)

More than 20 stitches! A 3-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten, and the principal in front of the camera turned into a smiling tiger in seconds!

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