
Netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it, 42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and the circle of friends revealed that he had no makeup and no filming for 3 years

author:Fog and flowers on the clouds

In 2014, the article and Yao Di's private affair was made public by the media, and the turmoil pushed the two to the center of public opinion like a raging storm. After the incident broke out, the article chose to be quiet for a period of time and tried to return to the family, but the shadow of the past is as ghostly as difficult to erase. Despite his efforts, the marriage broke down five years later. The article's image and career suffered a heavy blow as a result, and he went from a high-spirited star to a cautious and humble ordinary person.

Netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it, 42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and the circle of friends revealed that he had no makeup and no filming for 3 years

The article became cautious after the derailment incident and had to rely on the help of friends to make ends meet. Acting in dramas has become his main source of life, the glamorous articles in front of the stage no longer exist, he always wears a hat and mask in front of the public, and he does not even dare to show his face in a photo with his daughter, wrapping his body and mind, revealing a deep inferiority complex and remorse.

Netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it, 42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and the circle of friends revealed that he had no makeup and no filming for 3 years

Yao Di lost almost everything after the scandal, her name became the target of public criticism, and her acting career stalled. The once glorious scenery turned into obscurity, and she began to try to transform into a director, seeking a new way out of her career. However, her directorial works have not been released for a long time, her life is in trouble, and the former starlight is long gone.

Netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it, 42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and the circle of friends revealed that he had no makeup and no filming for 3 years

On June 29, Yao Di made a rare appearance at a small event, and the changes in her body shape and appearance made her look like two people. This outing is the first time in three years that she has returned to makeup, and seems to be trying to find her former self. At the event, she seemed no longer confident, and she spoke in a low voice, as if she was deeply disturbed. Despite the drastic change in appearance, her eyes still showed exhaustion and pleading.

Netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it, 42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and the circle of friends revealed that he had no makeup and no filming for 3 years

At the event, Yao Di was introduced to many producers in the circle by her friend Yang Xiaopei, which seemed to be an opportunity for her comeback. Photos from the scene show her with a number of bigwigs, making people wonder if there is a chance to return to the screen. But after so many twists and turns, it is still unknown whether the public will still be willing to accept her.

Netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it, 42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and the circle of friends revealed that he had no makeup and no filming for 3 years

Yao Di's love journey after the article incident was not smooth, she once entered the marriage again, but soon suffered betrayal. The news of her husband's night party beauty in the media dealt another blow to her already fragile heart. Although he was silent to the outside world, it is reported that the marriage also ended in divorce. The glory of the past is in stark contrast to the current downfall, which is embarrassing.

Netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it, 42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and the circle of friends revealed that he had no makeup and no filming for 3 years

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