
Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".

author:Internet Information Museum Pottery

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, the party members and cadres of Wangqiao Town carried out the party day with the theme of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead" and the commemorative medal awarding ceremony of "50 years of glory in the party". The leading group of Wangqiao Town, all the cadres of the organs and the representatives of 6 veteran party members who won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" participated in the event.

The flag-raising ceremony stimulates patriotic feelings

Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".
Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".

At 7 o'clock in the morning, with the majestic "March of the Volunteers" played, the flag-raiser raised his arms in the wind, and the bright five-star red flag was raised. All the staff were full of energy and stood solemnly, saluted the national flag together, sang the national anthem in unison, and saluted the national flag.

Review the oath and strengthen the original mission

Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".
Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".

Comrade Diao Zhiguo, secretary of the town party committee, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party, and solemnly swore in the face of the party flag, the solemn oath reminded every party member to keep in mind the solemn commitment when joining the party, keep in mind the original intention and mission of the communist party, always maintain the advanced nature of the party members, and devote themselves to the cause of socialism with full enthusiasm.

Party class baptism, strengthen the role model incentive

Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".
Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".

Comrade Diao Zhiguo, secretary of the town party committee, took "stressing discipline and abiding by rules, loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility" as the theme, and interpreted it in simple terms from the three aspects of "what is the party's discipline and the party's rules, the necessity of comprehensively carrying out party discipline learning and education, and being a person who understands discipline and discipline", and gave a vivid party lesson to all party members of the organ. It is emphasized that party members and cadres should be disciplined in their hearts, abide by discipline in action, be vigilant, know and fear, know and respect, and abide by the bottom line, always use party discipline to correct deviations, and use law and discipline to correct their clothes.

Medals were awarded to cultivate the feelings of love for the party

Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".

Comrade Diao Zhiguo, secretary of the town party committee, presented and wore the "50 years of glory in the party" medal to the representatives of the old party members who won the "50 years of glory in the party" medal, and congratulated the old party members who won the medal on behalf of the town party committee, and paid high tribute to the old comrades who unswervingly followed the party and were glorious in the party for 50 years.

Wangqiao Town carried out the July 1st theme party day activity of "feeling the history of struggle and forging ahead".

Through the special activities of celebrating the "July 1st", the party members and comrades have received profound education and baptism in ideology and spirit, and have rejuvenated and awakened their enthusiasm for work and struggle in the party's birthday.

Source: Da Mei Wang Bridge

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