
Why do mainlanders only stay in Hong Kong for 7 days, while Japanese stay for 30 days and Americans for 90 days?

author:Lotte Pai Daddy

Hong Kong's appeal goes far beyond its bustling streets and rich international shopping experience, and the classic Hong Kong film has undoubtedly added a touch of color to its tourism boom. These films and television productions have not only won the love of audiences around the world, but also made Hong Kong a must-visit place in the hearts of countless mainland tourists, who account for as much as 80% of Hong Kong tourists, and their contribution to Hong Kong's tourism industry is self-evident.

Why do mainlanders only stay in Hong Kong for 7 days, while Japanese stay for 30 days and Americans for 90 days?

However, when we delve into the length of stay in Hong Kong, we find a thought-provoking phenomenon: compared to the 30-day stay period for Japanese tourists and the three-month period for American tourists, the seven-day stay period for mainland tourists seems relatively short. There are many reasons behind this:

First of all, the difference in visa policies is a factor that cannot be ignored. Mainland visitors to Hong Kong usually apply for a visit visa, which is based on the current immigration control policy, and the standard stay period is set at 7 days. Tourists from other countries and regions may enjoy a longer visa validity period and stay period due to their different geographical, cultural and economic relationships with Hong Kong.

Why do mainlanders only stay in Hong Kong for 7 days, while Japanese stay for 30 days and Americans for 90 days?

Secondly, tourism demand and spending power also affect the setting of the duration of stay to a certain extent. As an international tourist hotspot, Hong Kong attracts tourists from all over the world. There are differences in tourism demand and spending power among tourists from different countries and regions. Some tourists may prefer an in-depth tour, and they want to stay in Hong Kong longer to fully experience the city's charms. As a result, they may have been granted a longer period of stay.

Why do mainlanders only stay in Hong Kong for 7 days, while Japanese stay for 30 days and Americans for 90 days?

In addition, the immigration management strategy is also an important factor affecting the length of stay. In order to maintain the stability and order of the tourism market, the HKSAR Government will formulate and adjust the immigration policy according to the actual situation and needs. This includes setting different length of stay for visitors from different countries and regions. This strategy aims to balance supply and demand in the tourism market and ensure the sustainable development of the tourism industry.

Why do mainlanders only stay in Hong Kong for 7 days, while Japanese stay for 30 days and Americans for 90 days?

Of course, these explanations are based on general speculation and are not representative of all specific situations. In fact, the length of stay in Hong Kong for visitors from each country or region may vary depending on individual circumstances, the type of visa, and the specific regulations at the time of entry.

In addition, while mainland visitors typically stay in Hong Kong for seven days, that doesn't mean they can't apply for an extension. Under special circumstances, in case of emergency or need to continue stay, Mainland tourists may apply to the Hong Kong Immigration Department for extension of stay. However, whether or not to grant an extension depends on the circumstances and the duration of each extension is generally not more than 14 days.

To sum up, the length of stay of mainland tourists in Hong Kong is the result of a combination of factors. These factors include differences in visa policies, travel demand and spending power, and immigration management strategies. If you have specific questions or need more detailed information, it is recommended to consult the relevant immigration authority or travel agency. At the same time, we also look forward to further improving Hong Kong's immigration policies to provide a more convenient and friendly travel environment for tourists from all over the world.

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