
The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

author:Delicate Jerry

As the saying goes, 'return home', there is controversy over the price of school uniforms. A set of school uniforms carries the youth and dreams of students, and whether the price is reasonable or not tugs at the heartstrings of countless parents. Let's walk into this discussion about the price of school uniforms and explore the truth behind it.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Recently, the cost of school uniforms in an experimental high school in Liangshan County, Jining City has aroused widespread concern. It is understood that the cost of the school's school uniform is as high as 790 yuan, including two sets of summer, two sets of spring and autumn school uniforms and a winter jacket. This price has confused and questioned many parents.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Regarding this price, the school responded that the cost of school uniforms was tendered in accordance with the requirements of relevant departments, including materials, processes, design and other aspects. However, parents don't fully agree with this. They believe that although the number of school uniforms is large, the price is still on the high side. Some parents even calculated that the school could make a profit of up to 300 yuan from each set of school uniforms. In addition, the school also requires senior high school students to pay a fee of 2,200 yuan for materials, and only accepts cash payment, which further deepens the doubts of parents. On social media, the topic quickly sparked widespread discussion. Some people support the school's approach, arguing that the quality and quantity of school uniforms are guaranteed; There are also those who oppose it, arguing that schools use school uniforms for profiteering, which infringes on the interests of parents and students.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Netizens have different opinions on this matter, and they have left messages to express their opinions:

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Some netizens said that 790 yuan is really not expensive, and their children's first-grade school uniforms cost 1480 yuan, which is reasonable in comparison.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Some netizens also think that they thought it was expensive at first, but after careful calculation, the price of four sets of school uniforms and a jacket is actually acceptable.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

However, some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the school's approach, believing that the school squeezes profits from students through school uniforms and other means, which is a waste of educational resources and an infringement on the rights and interests of students.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Some netizens joked that they don't have a jacket in their school, but they still have to charge 600 yuan, and they feel that they are 'routine' by the school.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Some netizens said that in addition to the cost of school uniforms, there are also various material fees, printing fees, extracurricular books and other fees, which cost a lot of money after a semester, which makes parents feel a lot of pressure.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Some netizens lamented that there are many school fees now, which makes parents overwhelmed, and calls on relevant departments to strengthen supervision and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students and parents.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

This discussion on the price of school uniforms not only reflects parents' concerns and concerns about education spending, but also exposes some problems in the current education field. It is hoped that the relevant departments can strengthen supervision to ensure the fair distribution and rational use of educational resources, so that every child can enjoy high-quality educational resources.

The school uniform is 790 yuan, and four sets of jackets are worth it?

Source of inspiration: Litchi News

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