
45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people


Recently, a group of photos of Tian Liang and a pair of children appearing at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In the photo, the 45-year-old former Olympic champion looks as old as his son!

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

Netizens sighed: "This gene is too powerful, father and son can't tell who is who in the same frame!"

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

Tian Liang himself was wearing a black T-shirt with white trousers, and he was very casual in casual clothes.

But what is surprising is that his tight, smooth, wrinkle-free baby face really can't tell that he is 45 years old. On the contrary, it is a pair of children next to him, who are taller than their fathers, and they look more mature than Tian Liang. Especially his son Tian Liangliang, his facial features are almost exactly the same as his father, no wonder some netizens exclaimed: "These two stand together, and I really can't tell which is the father and which is the son for a while!"

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

Not only did his son inherit Tian Liang's good looks, but even his daughter Sen Die was like a copy and paste, with the same delicate facial features as her father. The three of them wore sunglasses and took a group photo together, which made their temperament even more outstanding, no wonder netizens shouted: "This family is so eye-catching!" In fact, in "Where Are You Going, Dad", Sendie and Tian Liang have countless fans with their tacit father-daughter interaction. Now after many years, from a lively and lovely little girl to a slim girl, Sendie has become more and more temperamental, and Tian Liang, who is standing on the side, is a little "overwhelmed".

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

In fact, Sendie is not only outstanding in appearance, but also outstanding in talent and academics.

At the age of 16, she not only plays the piano perfectly, but also is a tennis player, who has played for 8 hours in a continuous 40-degree heat, and this hard-working quality has amazed many netizens. And this appearance at Cambridge University must be to prepare for the upcoming study abroad. Compared with other second-generation stars in the same period, Sendie is more diligent in his studies and has completely inherited the fine style of his parents' hard work.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people
45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

Compared with his daughter's excellence, Tian Liang also has high hopes for his son Tian Liangliang. Liang Zai, who is almost exactly the same height and appearance as his father, although he is still a little young, but his cold style is not inferior to his father at all.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

Tian Liang once said in an interview that he was very strict with Liangzai, but he also gave maximum encouragement and guidance. Behind the excellence is the well-intentioned education of parents. As a sports star couple, Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian's cultivation of children can be described as all-round and high-standard, but they are never doting. Whether it is a good living habit or a character that is not afraid of hardship, it is the influence of parents who practice and accumulate over time.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

Now, under the careful teaching of two excellent parents, Sendie and Liangzai have grown into enviable "other people's children".

In the face of the upcoming new stage of life, I believe that they will be able to repay their parents with better results, and also give back to all those who care about and love them. As a person who has come over, Tian Liang and his wife's godson scripture is undoubtedly worthy of learning from many parents.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

Finally, let us wish Sendie and Liangzai a bright future and continue to shine on the bright road of life. At the same time, I also wish Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian to stay young forever, and continue to write the legend of sports and parenting with more excellent offspring. For ordinary people, it may be difficult for us to replicate their achievements, but the spirit of hard work and self-discipline is something that each of us can learn.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

On the road of growth, the second generation of stars has always been perceived by the eyes of the public and the media.

Their every move has been judged by tens of millions of people. Growing up healthy and happy in such an environment requires a lot of courage in itself. Sendie and Liangzai's achievements today are inseparable from their parents' education, but they are inseparable from their own hard work. Each generation has its own mission and challenges, and their era has just begun. Let us bless every child who works hard to grow up with the most tolerant attitude, and witness every teenager who is brave enough to pursue his dreams.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, and it is difficult to distinguish his children in the same frame! It's really money that can support people

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