
75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best


In China, there is a phenomenon that many men are particularly restrained in their emotional expression. This is not just a problem of individual people, but a general social phenomenon. Imagine a couple sitting opposite each other in a romantic and harmonious atmosphere during an intimate dinner moment. The woman's eyes flashed with anticipation, waiting for the man to say the simple but powerful "I love you". However, the man just smiled awkwardly or changed the subject, making this supposed loving moment a little awkward.

Behind this phenomenon, there are deep cultural and historical roots. In traditional Chinese culture, men are often expected to play a strong, restrained role. They are taught to hide their emotions and not to show their inner vulnerability. This notion has been passed down from generation to generation, forming a pattern that is difficult to break. Many men are taught from an early age that showing emotion is a sign of weakness, which undoubtedly puts obstacles in the way of their emotional expression.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

However, with the development of society and the renewal of concepts, more and more people have begun to realize the importance of emotional expression. The communication of emotions is not only a woman's right, men also need to express their emotions, which is essential for building healthy relationships. But in practice, many men are still confused and struggling. They don't know how to start, and they are even afraid that expressing emotions will make them appear "manly" enough.

Xiao Zhang, for example, is such a typical Chinese male. He loves his girlfriend dearly, but every time he tries to express it, he always finds it difficult to speak. He is afraid that his emotional expression will make the other person feel uncomfortable, or that he is worried that he will not perform well enough. This inner struggle makes him particularly clumsy in emotional expression.

But the barriers to emotional expression are not insurmountable. As society redefines gender roles, more and more men are trying to break the shackles of tradition and express their emotions bravely. They learn to express love in different ways, such as through actions, through small gifts, or even through a handwritten love letter. These methods are not as direct as saying "I love you", but they can also convey affection and warmth.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

In this process, the support and understanding of women is also particularly important. Their encouragement and acceptance can help men overcome their fears and express their emotions more confidently. At the same time, society should be more understanding and tolerant, so that everyone can freely express their emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

In short, the barriers to emotional expression of Chinese men are a complex problem, which involves multiple levels such as culture, education, and social concepts. However, with the progress of society and the renewal of people's concepts, we have reason to believe that this problem will gradually improve. Everyone should be encouraged to express their feelings, whether male or female, and should have the right to express love.

In China, traditional ideas have a profound impact on men's emotional expression. This belief is that men should remain restrained and serious, and not easily show their emotions. This kind of thinking is deeply ingrained and still has a lot of influence even in modern society.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

First, let's talk about how this idea came about. In ancient China, Confucian culture emphasized the character of a "gentleman", which included the quality of "being quiet". This cultural tradition continues to this day, and many families and elders still believe that men should remain calm and self-controlled, and should not easily reveal their emotions. This concept has played a guiding role in the growth of many men and has become a code of conduct for them.

However, this notion also poses some problems. When men are suppressed in their emotional expression, they may feel inner struggles and contradictions. They are eager to share their feelings with their loved ones, but they are afraid that doing so will make them appear weak enough. This inner struggle not only affects their emotional well-being, but can also have a negative impact on their marital relationship.

In marriage, emotional communication is very important. Couples need to express their feelings in order to increase understanding and trust in each other. If one partner is always suppressing their emotions and is reluctant to share them with the other person, this can lead to the relationship becoming distant and strained. In the long run, the quality of the marriage may be affected and may even lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

In addition, the suppression of emotional expression may also have an impact on men's mental health. Studies have shown that long-term emotional repression may lead to psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. This is detrimental to both the individual's quality of life and social functioning.

Nevertheless, we should also see that with the development of society and the renewal of ideas, more and more people have begun to realize the importance of emotional expression. Many men are beginning to try to break the shackles of tradition and express their emotions bravely. They learn to express love in different ways, such as through actions, through small gifts, or even through a handwritten love letter. These methods are not as direct as saying "I love you", but they can also convey affection and warmth.

At the same time, society should be more understanding and tolerant, so that everyone can freely express their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. This is important not only for men, but also for women. Only when everyone is free to express their emotions will we be able to build a more harmonious, healthy and happy society.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

Overall, the impact of traditional ideas on men's emotional expression is a complex issue. It involves many aspects such as culture, education, and social concepts. However, with the progress of society and the renewal of people's concepts, we have reason to believe that this problem will gradually improve. Everyone should be encouraged to express their feelings, whether male or female, and should have the right to express love.

When it comes to marriage, we all know that it's not just as simple as two people living together. In marriage, emotional expression is a big thing, it is related to whether two people can go on for a long time and whether they can live happily. Why, you may ask? Don't worry, let's talk slowly.

First of all, we have to understand that marriage is not static. When two people are together, after a long time, it is inevitable that they will be a little boring, and at this time, emotional expression is particularly important. It's like injecting fresh blood into a marriage and keeping the relationship alive and not becoming lifeless.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

You may think, isn't it just to say "I love you", what's so difficult about that? In fact, emotional expression is more than just these three words. It includes recognition, praise, gratitude, and even a small apology. These are all part of the emotional expression that can bring two people closer together.

For example, when your partner cooks a table of good dishes, and you praise "it's delicious", isn't that an expression of emotion? Or, when you make a small mistake, take the initiative to say "I'm sorry", which is also an expression of emotion. Don't look at these little things, they can play a big role in marriage.

Moreover, emotional expression can also help resolve conflicts between couples. You think, when two people are together, there will inevitably be bumps and bumps. At this time, if you can express your feelings in time and let the other party know what you think, many problems can be easily solved. On the contrary, if both people hold back and don't say anything, the contradictions will only accumulate more and more, and in the end they may be out of control.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

In addition, emotional expression can also enhance the intimacy between couples. When two people are together, if they can often express their love and concern, then this relationship will become deeper and deeper. This intimacy is an integral part of marriage and an important factor in maintaining it.

Of course, emotional expression doesn't happen overnight. It takes two people to work together and cultivate it slowly. Some people may be introverted by nature and are not good at expressing their emotions, so they need the understanding and guidance of their other half. Through constant communication and exchanges, two people can gradually find a way of expression that suits them, and make emotional expression the norm in marriage.

In conclusion, the role of emotional expression in marriage cannot be ignored. Not only does it keep your marriage fresh and vibrant, but it also helps resolve conflicts and enhance intimacy. So, whether you are a newlywed Yan'er or an old husband and wife, don't forget to express your emotions more and let love flow in your marriage.

The love story of Zhang Yunying and Qu Xianhe can be said to be a legend. Their story is not only a private matter of two people, but also a model of emotional expression, showing the whole process from childhood sweethearts to growing old together.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

Let's start with their acquaintance. Zhang Yunying and Qu Xianhe have been neighbors since childhood, and the two grew up together, so they can be said to be real childhood sweethearts. When they were young, they played together, studied together, and formed a deep friendship with each other. Over time, this friendship slowly fermented and turned into a deep love.

When it comes to falling in love, their story is also full of romance. Qu Xianhe is an introverted person who is not good at expressing his emotions, but his love for Zhang Yunying is deep and firm. The process of their love for each other, although there is no vigorous confession, there is a long-term warmth. They express their love for each other through the bits and pieces of their daily lives.

Of course, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. There will always be difficulties and challenges in life, but they can always face them together. I remember that once, Zhang Yunying was seriously ill, Qu Xianhe never gave up, stayed in front of her bed day and night, and used his love and care to help her overcome the disease. There are many such stories in their married life, and every difficulty makes their feelings deeper.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

In terms of maintaining a long-term marriage relationship, Zhang Yunying and Qu Xianhe also have their own secrets. They understand that marriage is not set in stone and requires both parties to work together and constantly inject new vitality. They regularly prepare small surprises for each other, such as a well-prepared dinner or a trip on the go. These small gestures are their way of expressing their emotions, and they are also the secret of their marriage.

Moreover, they all attach great importance to communication. In their opinion, communication is the most important thing in a marriage. No matter what the problem is, they will sit down and calmly exchange their thoughts and feelings. This kind of open and honest communication makes their relationship more transparent and avoids unnecessary misunderstandings and contradictions.

Overall, the love story of Zhang Yunying and Qu Xianhe is a journey full of emotional expression. From acquaintance to love, to overcoming difficulties together, every step is inseparable from the expression of emotions. Their stories tell us that emotional expression is not just the "I love you" that is spoken, but also the bits and pieces of daily life, the wisdom and courage of two people to manage their marriage together.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

The story of Qu Xianhe and Zhang Yunying is a journey full of love and wisdom. Qu Xianhe used his actions and words to constantly express his love for Zhang Yunying, and these expressions were like lubricants in their marriage, making the relationship between the two more harmonious and happier.

First of all, let's talk about Qu Xianhe's verbal expression. Although he is not the kind of person who says "I love you" every day, he can always express the deepest love with the most simple words at critical moments. For example, on Zhang Yunying's birthday, he will not simply give a gift, but will write a handwritten letter, which is full of gratitude and love for her. This kind of heartfelt expression made Zhang Yunying feel very warm and moved.

In addition to words, Qu Xianhe's behavior and expression are also touching. He is a man of action, always expressing his love with tangible actions. For example, he will silently prepare a cup of hot tea for Zhang Yunying after a busy day, or give her a warm hug when she is tired. These small gestures, although seemingly insignificant, are the best proof of his love for Zhang Yunying.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

Moreover, Qu Xianhe also knows how to surprise Zhang Yunying at the right time. He knows that married life needs freshness and constant surprises to sustain it. So, every now and then, he arranges some small trips or hosts a small candlelit dinner at home. These surprises not only made Zhang Yunying feel happy, but also made the relationship between the two deeper.

What's more, Qu Xianhe attaches great importance to the communication between the two. He knows that only through honest communication can he truly understand the thoughts and needs of the other party. Therefore, no matter how busy he is, he will find time to sit down with Zhang Yunying and share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. This kind of communication makes their relationship more transparent and avoids a lot of misunderstandings and contradictions.

Through these specific emotional expressions, Qu Xianhe and Zhang Yunying's married life is full of love and happiness. Their stories show us that emotional expression is not a difficult thing, it just needs to be done with our hearts and proven with actions. Whether it is a simple word or a small gesture, as long as we express it with our hearts, we can make the other person feel our love.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

Moreover, emotional expression can also bring many positive effects. It not only enhances the relationship between husband and wife, but also enhances the happiness of marriage. When we express our love with our hearts, our relationships become more harmonious and our lives become happier. So, don't be stingy with your love, be brave enough to express it, and let your love be the most beautiful scenery in your marriage.

In modern society, the expression of men's emotions seems to have become a topic that requires special attention. Many men may be not very good at expressing their emotions due to the influence of traditional ideas or their own personality. But times are changing, people's ideas are also being updated, and modern men also need to learn to express their emotions better.

First of all, let's talk about whether emotional expression is not a difficult task, the key is whether you are willing to try it or not. Just like Qu Xianhe, he is not a person who is naturally good at expressing emotions, but through continuous learning and attempts, he eventually became a sweet-mouthed person with a warm heart. His words and actions are full of love and care for Zhang Yunying, and this expression not only makes Zhang Yunying feel happy, but also makes the people around him envious.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

Therefore, modern men should learn Qu Xianhe and become a sweet-mouthed and warm-hearted person. This doesn't mean you need to be flamboyant, but learn to express your emotions with your heart. Whether it's a simple greeting or a small gesture, as long as you do it with your heart, you can make the other person feel your love.

But at the same time, we also want to emphasize that this expression of emotion should be exclusive to your spouse. In a marital relationship, single-mindedness is very important. Your love and care should be given to your partner first and not to others casually. Not only will this avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, but it will also make your partner feel respected and valued.

Specifically, modern men can start from the following aspects to improve their emotional expression skills:

In short, modern men need to learn to be more open about their emotions, which can not only improve their interpersonal skills, but also make your marriage more harmonious and happy. But at the same time, keep in mind that this expression should be specific and exclusive to your spouse to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles. Let's work together to be a sweethearted person who warms and brightens our lives with love.

75-year-old Zhang Yunying Qu Xianhe, from childhood sweethearts to couples, a man with a sweet mouth is the best

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