
Going to a prestigious university is talent? Economic experts: The "involution" of education has lost the "volume" of talents, and Tsinghua University and Peking University may also be "stupid" [with analysis of the development status of the higher education industry]

author:Elegant Starry Sky KJ4
Going to a prestigious university is talent? Economic experts: The "involution" of education has lost the "volume" of talents, and Tsinghua University and Peking University may also be "stupid" [with analysis of the development status of the higher education industry]

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Recently, the incident of "17-year-old Jiang Ping, a student from Jiangsu secondary school", has attracted widespread attention, and in the process of the development of this incident, various public opinions are different. The "Jiang Ping incident" must reflect from the side that the source of talents is not necessarily from a famous university, as the so-called "heroes don't ask where they come from", and "striking iron still needs its own hardness".

Recently, in the special program "Summer of Speculation" at the 2024 NetEase Economist Annual Conference Summer Forum, economist Xiang Songzuo talked about the Jiang Ping incident and pointed out that the involution of education is not conducive to success, and diplomas should not be equated with talents. I started rolling in elementary school, junior high school, and high school, and most of the rolls out were "stupid". What's with? A person already has such talent, and in the process of this "volume", the original talent is also "stifled". Even if you go to a famous school such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, you are not necessarily a talent, on the contrary, even if you enter a famous school, the environment of involution is more likely to create "stupid talents", not a joke.

Xiang Songzuo said that this actually involves our most essential view of talents, a good social education system, which can allow all kinds of geniuses, geniuses, and weirdos to have the opportunity to emerge, not that you all have to walk this single-plank bridge.

Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, once said that if we pin our hopes on going to a prestigious university, 99% of people will have no future, and whether they live a wonderful life or not has nothing to do with the half of the money you go to school. He said: "The children who can go to prestigious universities are estimated to be about 5% of China, so 95% of them have no hope?"

Zhang Chaoyang, the founder of Sohu, once said that there is no need to be nervous about the college entrance examination, and it is not difficult to be admitted to university now. He also said that the difference between going to a prestigious university and going to an ordinary university is not so big, and it has little impact on a person's life.

Looking back at the development of the mainland's higher education industry from "experts talk about 'diplomas are not the same as talents'":

-- Funding for higher education

With the development of the mainland, it has become a major power in the world. Compared with other developed countries, the shortage of talent in the mainland is an obvious disadvantage, especially in the field of high-precision technology. In order to strengthen investment in the training of high-end talents, the mainland has gradually increased its efforts. According to the 2020 National Education Funding Implementation Statistical Express released by the Ministry of Education, in 2020, the total investment in national education funding was 5,301.4 billion yuan, an increase of 5.65% over the previous year. Among them, the state financial expenditure on education was 4,289.1 billion yuan, an increase of 7.10 percent over the previous year. The total investment in higher education was 1,399.9 billion yuan, an increase of 3.99 percent over the previous year. Among them, the total investment in general higher vocational education was 275.8 billion yuan, an increase of 14.73% over 2019.

Going to a prestigious university is talent? Economic experts: The "involution" of education has lost the "volume" of talents, and Tsinghua University and Peking University may also be "stupid" [with analysis of the development status of the higher education industry]

-- Construction of higher education

Since 2004, the number of ordinary universities and postgraduate training institutions in mainland China has increased steadily year by year, while the number of adult institutions of higher learning has been declining year by year. In 2019, there were 2,688 regular colleges and universities, 828 postgraduate training units, and a total of 3,784 institutions of higher education in various forms. In 2020, there were 537,100 schools of all levels and types in the country, and 2,738 ordinary colleges and universities in the country. Among them, there are 1,270 undergraduate colleges and universities (including 21 vocational schools at the undergraduate level); There are 1,468 higher vocational (junior college) colleges.

Going to a prestigious university is talent? Economic experts: The "involution" of education has lost the "volume" of talents, and Tsinghua University and Peking University may also be "stupid" [with analysis of the development status of the higher education industry]

In 2020, the total number of students enrolled in various forms of higher education was 41.83 million, and the gross enrollment rate of higher education was 54.4%.

Going to a prestigious university is talent? Economic experts: The "involution" of education has lost the "volume" of talents, and Tsinghua University and Peking University may also be "stupid" [with analysis of the development status of the higher education industry]

-- The 14th Five-Year Plan to improve the quality of higher education

According to the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the mainland will promote the classified management of higher education and the comprehensive reform of higher education institutions, build a more diversified higher education system, and focus on improving the quality of higher education.

Going to a prestigious university is talent? Economic experts: The "involution" of education has lost the "volume" of talents, and Tsinghua University and Peking University may also be "stupid" [with analysis of the development status of the higher education industry]

Zhou Haitao, dean of the Institute of Higher Education of Beijing Normal University, believes that the current identification of top-notch innovative talents in China has problems such as it is easy to ignore students who are too early or too late, and it is easy to ignore the differences in the performance characteristics of different talents. It is necessary to establish a multi-dimensional identification system, continuously deepen the grasp of the growth law of top-notch innovative talents, and constantly summarize the performance, needs and characteristics of top-notch innovative talents in different stages and different modes.

In the view of Chu Hongqi, the former president of Beijing Open University, this kind of repeated identification and multiple rounds of selection of talents reflects the importance of students' learning ability and subject cognition level, as well as non-intellectual factors such as interest, motivation and cooperation, which can realize the comprehensive quality of students in an all-round and multi-angle way, which is a more scientific identification method.

Peng Qinghui, a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Government of Peking University, suggested that the whole chain of basic education, higher education, employers and internationalization should be opened up, and a new talent concept should be established from a coherent top-level perspective. The party, government, families, schools, society and enterprises should form a consensus, clarify the roles and functional positioning of each link, build a multi-subject collaborative cultivation mechanism, and jointly cultivate top-notch innovative talents who meet the needs of national development and society.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, please refer to the "Analysis Report on Market Prospect and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Higher Education Industry" by Qianzhan Industry Research Institute.

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