
After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

author:Yuxuan Literary Society
After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

In 2018, there was a storm in the entertainment industry, and the once radiant actress Ma Su fell into the whirlpool of the "doing hair" incident. , the former goddess of the screen, has now become the focus of public discussion, and her image has plummeted.

It's hard to imagine that just 11 years ago, she was still a peerless beauty who fell in love with table tennis star Kong Linghui, and her future was bright. However, time flies, and the two have long since parted ways.

Today's Kong Linghui is still making contributions in the sports world, while Ma Su has fallen into a low point in his career. What caused the trajectory of Ma Su's life to change so dramatically? Let's take a look back at this story and explore its mysteries.

In 2004, an ordinary gathering became a turning point in the lives of Ma Su and Kong Linghui. At that time, Ma Su was still a rookie in the entertainment industry, but he was a fledgling but had already shown his prominence; And Kong Linghui is already a leader in the international table tennis arena and has won countless glory for the country.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

The two talked happily because of their common sports hobby, and found each other's charm in the exchange.

Kong Linghui was attracted by Ma Su's atmosphere and sincerity, especially when he found out that the two were both fellow villagers in the north, and he felt that the fate was not shallow. He began to pay attention to Ma Su silently, and slowly touched the heart of this beauty with his carefulness and thoughtfulness.

From accidental encounters to frequent contact, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up, and finally fell in love.

During the relationship, Kong Linghui showed the perseverance and gentleness unique to athletes. Even though training and competition take up most of his time, he still has a surprise for Masu in his busy schedule.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

On Masu's birthday, he always shows up with carefully selected cakes and gifts. These warm little details made Ma Su deeply feel the happiness of being cherished.

Ma Su also devoted himself to this relationship, and even came up with the idea of starting a family. Her career has gained more attention because of this relationship, and her popularity continues to rise.

However, with that comes more stress and constraints, and she needs to find a balance between love and career.

The love affair between this beautiful couple soon became the focus of the entertainment industry. They often appear on the streets of Beijing hand in hand, becoming a beautiful landscape.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

The paparazzi's footage captured their sweet moments, and the photos were widely circulated online, sparking public attention and envy.

This relationship gave Ma Su great exposure and popularity, but at the same time, it also brought her a lot of pressure. The attention and expectations of the outside world have forced her to handle her public image more carefully.

Despite this, Ma Su at that time was still immersed in the sweetness of love and looked forward to a bright future with Kong Linghui.

Just when the outside world was expecting Ma Su and Kong Linghui, the golden boy and girl, to enter the marriage hall, a breakup news was like a bolt from the blue, shocking both inside and outside the entertainment industry.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

Everyone has speculated, is there a "third party" involved? However, the truth is that the two have irreconcilable differences in the direction of their careers.

Ma Su is determined to show her strength in the entertainment industry, and she is eager to challenge more roles, improve her acting skills, and become a first-line star. Kong Linghui, on the other hand, has dedicated his life to the cause of national sports, and his goal is to continue to win glory for the country and train the next generation of table tennis players.

The two drifted apart in their lives and eventually had to make the painful decision to break up.

This decision was particularly devastating to Masu. After the breakup, she fell into a trough for a while, feeling lost and confused about her own efforts. What was once a sweet memory became bitter in her heart, and she needed time to adjust to her state.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

However, Ma Su did not sink and chose to devote his energy to a new cause.

During this difficult period of adjustment, Ma Su began to think about the direction of his life. She realized that acting alone might not be able to realize her full value.

So, she took the plunge and began to get involved in the field of behind-the-scenes investment. The decision came as a surprise to many, but Masu showed amazing business acumen.

She founded a people-friendly hot pot restaurant, a choice that is closely tied to her Northeast identity. As a native of Northeast China, Ma Su understands the importance of food in people's lives.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

She adheres to the business philosophy of "good quality and low price", which is in stark contrast to the high-priced restaurants opened by other celebrities.

Ma Su's hot pot restaurant quickly became popular and became a local Internet celebrity check-in place. Customers are not only attracted by the delicious hot pot, but also by the affordable price.

The success of the store has not only brought considerable financial benefits to Masu, but more importantly, it has rebuilt her self-confidence.

This experience allowed Ma Su to rediscover his worth. Although her acting career has been put on hold for the time being, her success in the business world is a testament to her ability to diversify.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

Ma Su seems to have found a new position in life and began to transform his career.

However, life is always full of unknowns. Just when Ma Su thought she had found a new direction in life, fate once again prepared a huge challenge for her. This challenge will not only test her wisdom and courage, but also completely change her image in the public eye.

In 2018, a sudden turmoil once again pushed Ma Su to the forefront of public opinion. The protagonist of this incident is her friend Li Xiaolu, an actor who has also attracted much attention.

At that time, there were hot discussions inside and outside the entertainment industry about the "intimacy" rumors of Li Xiaolu and a "man surnamed Wan", and this topic was like a bombshell, which detonated the public's curiosity.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

As a close friend of Li Xiaolu, Ma Su could have chosen to remain silent and wait and see what happened. However, she made a decision that surprised many people: to publicly defend Li Xiaolu.

The move sparked an immediate public backlash, with many questioning Masu's motives and wisdom in the move.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Ma Su chose to respond positively. She issued a sincere statement, admitting that she had a close personal relationship with Li Xiaolu and his wife, and tried her best to protect Li Xiaolu's innocence.

In the statement, Ma Su even did not hesitate to sacrifice his own image, saying that the "man surnamed Wan" who caused the controversy was just his "younger brother". Her remarks, while demonstrating her loyalty to her friends, led her into even greater controversy.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

Ma Su's defense caused an uproar on the Internet. Some people praised her for her love and righteousness, but many more were skeptical of her claims. People began to question Masu's integrity, and some even thought she was covering up misconduct.

This turmoil spread rapidly, extending from the entertainment industry to the entire society, and became a hot topic after dinner.

This turmoil dealt a devastating blow to Ma Su's acting career. For a long time to come, the audience could hardly see her on the screen.

Ma Su, who once frequently appeared in major variety shows and TV series, seems to have been abandoned by the entire industry overnight. Her endorsement contract was terminated, and the film and television projects that had been signed were also changed, and Ma Su's career fell into an unprecedented trough.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

Faced with such a predicament, Ma Su had to endure huge psychological pressure alone. Not only did she have to face public skepticism and accusations, but she also had to endure the financial pressure of a stagnant career.

During this period, Ma Su's psychological state can be imagined, and she must face these difficulties alone and re-examine her life choices.

This turmoil not only affected Ma Su's career, but also profoundly changed her life. Her once glamorous lifestyle had to change, and she began to live a low-key life away from the spotlight.

However, even so, she still can't escape the public's attention and discussion. Every time you appear in public, it triggers a new round of discussion and speculation.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

The "do your hair" incident became an important turning point in Ma Su's career. Not only did it change her public image, but it also made her rethink the meaning of camaraderie, integrity, and work ethic.

This incident brought a huge setback to Masu, but it also gave her the opportunity to re-examine her life values.

As time passed, the heat of the "hair done" incident gradually cooled, and Ma Su began to cautiously try to return to the public eye. In October last year, the news of a chance encounter on the street caused widespread attention on the Internet.

Some netizens happened to meet Ma Su on the street and found that her image was very different from the past, slightly plump. This unexpected exposure has brought renewed attention to the former film and television star.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

What's even more surprising is that not long after, another netizen uploaded a video, saying that he saw Ma Su patronizing an ordinary instant noodle stall on the side of the road. This civilian move sparked heated discussions among netizens.

In the video, Ma Su behaved approachable, interacted cordially with fans, and showed a different affinity from the past. Many people stepped forward to take photos with her, and the scene was very lively for a while.

In 2024, Ma Su finally ushered in the opportunity to make a comeback. She appeared in the hit film "Flame", challenging the new genre of costume drama. This is undoubtedly a bold attempt to show Ma Su's determination to return to the entertainment industry.

However, there is still a lot of controversy about her performance and styling from the audience. In this work that brings together many traffic stars, Ma Su's appearance looks a little out of place.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

Some viewers criticized Ma Su's appearance as "greasy" and "dirty", thinking that her image did not match the character setting. These comments plunged Ma Su into the whirlpool of public opinion again.

However, some viewers recognized her acting skills and thought that she had made a new breakthrough in the interpretation of the role.

Despite the controversy, Masu did not give up. She continues to work hard in the hope of regaining the audience's recognition through her performance. The comeback road was full of hardships, but Masu's persistence also showed her indomitable spirit.

She seems to understand that rebuilding her public image and career is a long process that takes time and patience.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

Ma Su's comeback road is not only her personal history of struggle, but also reflects the cruel reality of the entertainment industry. It shows how a former star can rediscover himself in the trough and try to return to the stage.

Looking back on Masu's entire career, we can't help but wonder: what led to such a dramatic transformation for her? From the darling of the entertainment industry in the past to the controversial role today, Ma Su's experience is embarrassing.

The public has mixed reviews of Masu. Some people questioned her acting skills and image management skills, believing that she failed to keep pace with the times and could not keep up with the aesthetic changes of the audience.

There are also people who sympathize with her predicament and think that she is a victim of complicated relationships in the entertainment industry. But it is undeniable that the impact of the "do your hair" incident on her has not faded to this day, and has become a lingering shadow in her career.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

Now looking at the breakup between Ma Su and Kong Linghui, it seems that Kong Linghui's original choice can be better understood. He adhered to the post of national sports, continued to win glory for the country, and his career developed steadily.

Ma Su, on the other hand, has experienced the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, and his life trajectory is full of drama. This may confirm the old saying: there is a specialization in the art industry. Everyone should find the path in life that suits them best.

Ma Su's story leaves us with a lot to think about: how to maintain the original intention in the process of pursuing a career? How to grasp yourself in the complex entertainment industry? How should camaraderie and work ethic be balanced? These are questions worth pondering for everyone.

Ma Su's experience also reminds us that the portrayal of public figures is a long and complex process. Momentary success does not mean eternal brilliance, and momentary mistakes should not become eternal stains.

After 11 years of breaking up, looking at the current Ma Su, I realized how correct Kong Linghui's choice was back then!

When it comes to public figures, we need to maintain a rational critical attitude and give them a chance to prove themselves again.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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