
Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

author:Fengwen is often published

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was shockingly revealed, and the national table tennis was suppressed to force Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

Oh, table tennis fans, you know? The former president of the ITTF, Shalala, who once stood at the pinnacle of power, has a more thrilling story than any other match! His name was once synonymous with the world of table tennis, a symbol of authority and dignity. But who would have thought that this former sports leader would hide such darkness and greed in his heart? Now, the corruption case involving $20 million has been revealed, and I can't help but sigh: Retribution is still here after all!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

Shalala, this name is like thunder in the table tennis world, a well-known figure! He holds a lot of power, he is the master of the ITTF. However, the once glamorous sports leader has gradually lost himself under the temptation of power. He began to use the power in his hands for his own personal gain, even at the expense of the fairness and justice of table tennis. It all started with his restrictions on the Chinese table tennis team.

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

The Chinese table tennis team is known as the "champion division"! They have repeatedly achieved great results in the international arena, won glory for the country, and are true heroes. However, Shalala was so jealous of the success of the Chinese table tennis team that she began to take a series of measures to restrict the development of the Chinese table tennis team. It's like digging your own grave!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

The restrictions in Shalala can be described as varied, ranging from technical reforms to regulatory changes. He tried to weaken the Chinese table tennis team by changing the size of the ball used in the game and adjusting the game scoring system. Oh, that's laughable! Shalala even openly interfered in the internal affairs of the Chinese table tennis team, trying to force some top players to retire early. Among them, there are the well-known Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui, the two national table tennis twin stars!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui, these two are legends of Chinese table tennis! They have created countless brilliance in the international arena, with superb ball skills and flexible tactics, and are the mainstay of the Chinese table tennis team. However, under the pressure of Shalala, they had to end their careers early. This is undoubtedly a big loss for the table tennis world and a heavy blow to the Chinese table tennis team. Netizens said: "Shalala is really too much! How can he treat our national table tennis hero like this? "It's infuriating! What Shalala did was simply unbearable! ”

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

Shalala's greed and selfishness have caused strong dissatisfaction among fans and the media. People have accused him of greed and selfishness, demanding that he take responsibility for the losses of the Chinese table tennis team. However, Shalala turned a deaf ear and continued to act recklessly on the road to power. He thought he was in a position where he could exercise power as he pleased. Unexpectedly, retribution was already quietly approaching.

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

Not long ago, a $20 million corruption case was exposed. The report exposes in detail Shalala's wrongdoing during her tenure as ITTF president. His crimes of abusing public funds, accepting bribes, and operating in the dark were exposed one by one. This report is like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the international table tennis world. Netizens have condemned Shalala's crime and demanded that he pay for it. Someone said: "Shalala has finally been debunked!" He should have been punished a long time ago! Someone else said: "What a joy! Shalala's actions have finally been duly rewarded! ”

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

In the face of such accusations and the pressure of public opinion, Shalala finally lowered her head. He pleaded guilty to his crimes and was willing to accept the law. At this moment, his former power and status were all in vain. He went from being a glamorous sports leader to a corrupt man that everyone shouted at. Such a change makes people sigh: retribution, sure enough, is still coming!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

Shalala's fall is not only a personal punishment for him, but also a warning to table tennis! It reminds us that in the world of sports, power and interest are often a double-edged sword. If you can't exercise your power correctly, you can't contribute to the cause of sports, but indulge in the pursuit of power and interests, then you will only end up in the abyss of destruction! This is best exemplified by the sallala.

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

At the same time, the fall of Shalala also showed us the tenacity and perseverance of the Chinese table tennis team! Under the pressure of Shalala, the Chinese table tennis team did not give in, but worked harder to train and compete, and proved its value with strength! They were not crushed by Shalala's suppression, but strengthened their beliefs and goals. Now when Shalala's retribution comes, the Chinese table tennis team has already stood at the pinnacle of the world table tennis and has become a real champion!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

This process is not only an affirmation of the strength of the Chinese table tennis team, but also the best interpretation of the spirit of perseverance! They have proved with their own actions: no matter how great the difficulties and challenges encountered, as long as they persevere and work hard, they will definitely be able to achieve the final victory! Netizens also praised the Chinese table tennis team: "The Chinese table tennis team is amazing! They have proved their worth with their strength! "It's really admirable! The spirit of the Chinese table tennis team is worth learning from! ”

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

So, table tennis fans, let's cheer for the Chinese table tennis team! They are the heroes in our hearts! No matter how big the challenges and difficulties are, they will persevere and work hard! And we must also be like them, no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we must maintain our perseverance! Because only in this way can we achieve the final victory!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

Finally, I would like to say that the fall of Shalala is not only a personal punishment for him, but also a warning to the entire sports world! It tells us that in the world of sports, power and profit are double-edged swords! If you can't exercise your power correctly, you can't contribute to the cause of sports, but indulge in the pursuit of power and profit, then you will only end up in the abyss of destruction!

Table tennis shock! The shady curtain of corruption of 20 million US dollars was revealed, and the suppression of national table tennis forced Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to retire

So, let's take this lesson to heart! At the same time, let's cheer for the Chinese table tennis team! They are the pride of our hearts! They have proved their worth with their own strength! They are the heroes in our hearts!

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