
124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

author:Irelia watches the ball
124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

On June 30, Beijing time, the second match day of the 2024 U17 Men's Basketball World Cup, the United States once again showed their dominance, especially against Guinea. As soon as the game began, the U.S. team quickly established a lead with a thunderous momentum. The situation on the court was simply one-sided, and they quickly pulled away the score with accurate three-pointers and fast breaks. Before the halfway point of the first quarter, the Guinean team was already in trouble, and it was difficult to cope with the offensive rhythm of the American team for a while.

Online, the game naturally sparked a wide range of discussion and commentary. Many fans joked: "It seems that the real opponent of the U17 Men's Basketball World Cup is the statistics of the United States team!" As soon as these words came out, they caused a burst of laughter. Another fan left a message: "The three-point shot of the American team is like an unsolvable code, and Guinea can't prevent it at all!" Such comments fully reflect the unrivaled momentum of the American team in the game.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

As the game entered garbage time, the U.S. team did not relax and remained productive. The scene on the field began to be a little funny, and some netizens joked: "Is the American team entertaining itself now?" This point difference makes people wonder if Guinea is used for practice! This ridicule immediately resonated with everyone, after all, the gap between the games is too big.

Although the suspense of the game was clearly lost, the performance of the American team was still impressive. One fan posted on social media: "Seeing the performance of the U.S. team, I decided to send my kids to learn basketball in the future!" These words can't help but make people sigh at the strong influence of American basketball, especially in the development of young players.

At the same time, the Chinese team showed a tenacious confrontation posture against the strong French team. At the beginning of the game, there was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, but the Chinese team did not show weakness, and they quickly entered the state with the stable offensive and defensive performance of the players. The atmosphere on the field was tense, and every offensive round was particularly precious, and the wonderful performance of the Chinese team won the appreciation of many netizens.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

Some netizens posted on social media: "The boys of the Chinese team are so powerful that they can maintain the lead in front of a strong team like France!" Come on! These words immediately sparked heated discussions among other fans, and many people left messages in support of the Chinese team. One fan commented: "These youngsters have shown great basketball talent, and I hope they can continue to maintain their form and bring glory to their country!" ”

As the game entered the second quarter, the French team gradually found their offensive rhythm and launched an offensive and defensive transition. They used quick transition offense and solid defense to quickly pull away the difference. The changes on the field disappointed many Chinese fans, with some netizens commenting on Weibo: "The pace of the French team is really fast, and our defense is a bit out of pace." This honest assessment resonated with other fans, who expressed their hope that the Chinese team could find their form in the second half.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

At the end of the first half, France led 42-32, a margin that worried many Chinese fans, but at the same time, many people called on social platforms for the players to strengthen their adjustments. A netizen posted: "Come on and adjust in the second half, don't let the French team open up the score difference again!" Believe in the strength of the Chinese team! These encouraging words were immediately widely liked and retweeted, showing the fans' support and confidence in the Chinese team.

Entering the second half, the Chinese team launched a fierce counterattack, and the third quarter of the game became a key moment for their reversal. On the field, the players of the Chinese team showed tenacious will and excellent technical performance, and they gradually narrowed the score gap with the French team. Zhang Boyuan and Shen Wudi were the key figures in the game, and their brilliant performances helped the Chinese team to complete a remarkable comeback.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

On social media, the Chinese team's victory sparked a wave of jubilation and congratulations. Some netizens posted on Weibo: "The Chinese team is fantastic! During the third quarter, it was a feast for basketball! This enthusiastic expression was immediately liked and forwarded by everyone. Another fan also excitedly left a message: "Shen Wudi's layup is really exciting! The performance in key moments is comparable to that of a professional player! These sincere compliments fully demonstrated the enthusiastic support of the fans for the victory of the Chinese team.

The final moments of the game were particularly exciting, as the Chinese team remained calm and decisive in a tense situation. A netizen commented: "The French team's last ultra-long three-point shot almost stopped my heartbeat!" Luckily we didn't make it, otherwise we would have gone to extra time! The nervous statement immediately struck a chord with other fans, who were delighted with the Chinese team's victory.

In other matches, Germany lost to Australia, Canada beat Egypt, the Philippines beat Lebanon and Samoa beat Iran, and the teams showed different levels of form and strength.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

On the second match day of the U17 Men's Basketball World Cup, the performances of Germany, Australia, Canada and Egypt were the focus of attention. Each team exhibited a different style of play and mentality, which sparked a wide range of discussions and comments.

The Germans are known for their rigor and unity, and they showed great defensive ability and tactical execution during the game. Some fans praised: "The German team's defense is really reassuring, every player is giving it their all!" "This praise for Germany's defensive performance reflects the fans' recognition of their technical execution and teamwork.

The Australians, on the other hand, are widely recognised for their quick and agile attacking style. One fan commented: "The speed and coordination of the Australian team is simply unstoppable, they are like a fast charging force on the field!" Such an assessment shows the tactical flexibility and fast-attacking ability that the Australian team has shown in the game.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

The Canadian team has won the hearts of the fans with its teamwork and collaborative spirit. A netizen left a message on social media: "Although each player in the Canadian team has a different style, their tacit understanding and cooperation on the field are impressive! "This affirmation of the teamwork of the Canadian team is indicative of the fans' perception of the unity and trust they showed during the game.

Egypt showed a tenacious attitude and unyielding spirit, and despite facing strong opponents, they maintained patience in attack and resoluteness in defence. Some fans commented: "Although the Egyptian team's performance in the game did not win the game, their hard work and spirit cannot be underestimated!" "This recognition of the Egyptian team's perseverance and hard work shows the respect and support that the fans have for them.

The U17 Men's Basketball World Cup not only showcased the technical strength and competitive level of young players from all over the world, but also brought a passionate and exciting matchup to basketball fans around the world. Fans took to social media to share their views and expectations for each team's performance, showing their enthusiasm and interest in the game.

This U17 Men's Basketball World Cup not only showed the talent and fighting spirit of young players from all over the world, but also brought a wonderful matchup to basketball fans around the world.

124-49! Men's Basketball World Cup upset: the United States won wildly, China beat France! Germany lost 2 in a row

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