
Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

author:Porridge porridge chat entertainment


In this fast-paced era, when we look up at the night sky, can we still fantasize about flying away like the ancients? Today, China's aerospace industry is turning those ancient dreams into reality little by little at an unprecedented speed.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

Recently, the legendary journey of Chang'e-6 is like a loud "space treble C", which has made the ears of the whole world pricked up, and they have exclaimed: "It turns out that the mystery of the far side of the moon has been gently unveiled by the wisdom of the East!" ”

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

The glorious achievements of the Chang'e-6 mission

(1) The first sampling of the far side of the Moon was successful

If the moon is the loneliest dancer in the night sky, then Chang'e-6 is the brave explorer.

In this mission, it not only set foot on the far side of the moon, a pure land that has never been set foot by humans, but also staged a big drama of "precise treasure digging".

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

Imagine billions of years of secrets hidden in the sand grains on the far side of the moon, and Chang'e-6 uses an ultra-precise robotic arm like a careful archaeologist to collect every gram of precious soil sample in the lunar dust.

This is not only the ultimate challenge of technology, but also a great satisfaction of human curiosity.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(2) Key areas of technological breakthroughs

Lunar retrograde orbit design and control technology

The reason why Chang'e-6 was able to successfully land on the far side of the moon is all due to this "orbital magician" - retrograde orbit design.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

It's like driving on the highway, not only driving in the opposite direction, but also reaching the destination accurately, and the difficulty coefficient is directly off the charts.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

Scientists have carefully calculated every orbital parameter to ensure that Chang'e-6 can navigate the "labyrinth" of the moon's gravity, which is not only the art of mathematics, but also a brave exploration of the unknown.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

Intelligent sampling technology on the back of the moon

Intelligent sampling technology is like equipping Chang'e-6 with a pair of "see-through eyes" and a pair of "skillful hands".

Faced with the potholed terrain on the back of the moon, it can automatically identify the best sampling points, operate precisely, and do not waste every excavation.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

This is the same as cleaning every corner with a robot vacuum cleaner at home, except that this time it is "sweeping" on the moon, which is exciting to think about!

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

Lunar take-off ascent technique

The Moon's gravity is only one-sixth that of the Earth, but it is much more difficult than you think to complete a takeoff in such an environment.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

The Chang'e-6 ascent is like a dancer in heavy armor who needs to complete an elegant "space jump" on the "low-gravity stage" of the moon.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

Behind this, countless scientific researchers have worked hard day and night to finally overcome problems such as energy supply and attitude control, so that the "take-off show" on the far side of the moon can be perfectly staged.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

The strong reaction and heated discussion of foreigners

(1) The shock of American netizens

"Wow, is China 'mining' on the far side of the moon?" The exclamations of American netizens came and went.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

On social media, #ChinaOnTheMoonBack#迅速成为热门话题, some people even joked: "Next time you go on vacation to the moon, do you have to bring a Chinese travel guide?" ”

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(2) Humorous responses from Indian netizens

The comment section of Indian netizens is full of "curry-flavored" humor: "Oops, we have to practice yoga quickly, maybe one day we can also pose 'moon yoga' on the moon!" Although there is ridicule, there is no lack of yearning for aerospace science and technology and optimism for the future.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(3) The views of Spanish netizens

"China is no longer just a country that makes porcelain.

This comment of the Spanish netizen is full of a new understanding of China.

They began to realize that China's aerospace achievements are a powerful proof of China's comprehensive national strength and an extension of the "Silk Road" in the sea of stars.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(4) The attitude of other countries

All over the world, science enthusiasts in Europe and children in Africa are discussing the story of Chang'e-6.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

Space agencies of many countries have expressed their willingness to cooperate with China to jointly explore the mysteries of the universe.

It seems that the dream of aerospace is a dream shared by all mankind.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

The impact and significance of China's aerospace development

(1) Changes to the global space landscape

In the past, the aerospace field was like a "private club" of a few countries, but now, the rise of China's aerospace industry has forced this membership list to be rewritten.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

In its own way, China has proved that space exploration is not the patent of a superpower, but a common cause of all mankind.

This has undoubtedly opened a new window for global space cooperation and made it possible for more countries to participate in it.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(2) Stimulate global enthusiasm for exploration

The success of Chang'e-6 is like a shot in the arm, which has rekindled the enthusiasm of many countries for space exploration.

Some countries have announced an increase in their space budgets and the launch of new exploration programs, as if the entire global village is saying: "Look, the far side of the moon is gone, and we can't be left behind!" ”

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(3) Scientific and technological progress and application

From deep space communication technology to the application of remote sensing satellites, every progress in space technology has quietly changed our daily life.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

In the future, these technologies may allow us to have stronger mobile phone signals, more accurate weather forecasts, and even buy us valuable warning time when disaster strikes.

Aerospace is no longer far away, it is quietly integrating into our daily life.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

The future prospect of win-win cooperation

(1) China's aerospace openness

Adhering to the concept of openness and cooperation, China Aerospace has invited global partners to board the "Noah's Ark" of aerospace.

Whether it is jointly developing a new rocket or jointly building a lunar scientific research base, China's aerospace industry welcomes like-minded friends with open arms.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(2) Possibility of future cooperation

Imagine that in the near future, the rovers of China and the United States will explore side by side on the Red Planet, and the flags of different countries will fly on the lunar base jointly built by China and Europe, which is not only the integration of science and technology, but also the exchange of culture and wisdom.

The residents of the global village are working hand in hand to move towards a broader cosmic stage.

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!

(3) A beautiful vision of jointly exploring the universe

In this journey of the sea of stars, every country is a member of the exploration team.

The story of China's aerospace industry is a microcosm of mankind's exploration of the unknown, which tells us that no matter how big the challenge is, as long as we go hand in hand, there is no far place that cannot be reached.

One day in the future, when we look up at the starry sky, we may be more confident and say, "Look, there are our footprints there." ”

Perfect ending! China's aerospace cliff-like breakthrough, foreigners are crazy: the East is the future of the world!


Every step of China's aerospace industry has stepped on the drumbeat of human exploration of the unknown, and played the strongest note of the times.

The success of Chang'e-6 is just one wonderful movement in this cosmic symphony.

In the future, when more "Chang'e" and "Tianwen" soar among the stars, we believe that it will not only be the victory of science and technology, but also the bloom of the common dream of mankind.

In this vast universe, although the earth is small, but the dreams of human beings are infinitely big, let us look forward to the day when the light of the east illuminates every corner of the universe, all the "impossible" will become "possible".

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