
Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

author:Smile Alpine RLL

Oops, it's really hateful, a 16-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by an online car-hailing driver, and the judiciary gave a fluttering 3-year verdict, isn't this an obvious punishment that doesn't hurt or itch! As soon as this news spread, the entire Internet exploded, and the discussion was more lively than dumplings.

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

Having said that, this girl is also worrying, at the age of 16, she is sensible, and she is a little naïve; It's not sensible, and it's not a lost little lamb. I just believed the driver's words, which one is the hotel invitation? This can't help but remind people of the story of "the wolf came", underestimating the deep malice of society and overestimating one's ability to withstand the wind and waves.

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

But here's the problem, if you put the blame on the girl, it will be a bit of a "bullying honest man". To be honest, there are so many natural bastards in the world, it is the driver's behavior that is despised, and the judgment of the judicial organ is chilling.

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

Look at those rumors, some people actually accuse the girl of sending it to the door, isn't this putting the cart before the horse? The victim has become the target of public criticism, but the perpetrator may go unpunished, and this social atmosphere must be changed, and it must be drastically changed!

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

Speaking of the judiciary, it is really disappointing. The three-year verdict is light, as if it was only a violation of traffic rules. How much deterrent does this have to be? Criminals are not bigger than people, don't they understand the place of lawlessness, and only severe punishment can make them afraid of crime?

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

The pot of family education must also be taken out to dry, and children are not deeply involved in the world, so parents should guide them more and teach them to say no in the face of temptation and be good at avoiding danger in the face of danger. This is not only a problem for the children themselves, but also a manifestation of parental responsibility.

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

Speaking of this, I have to say that the online platform is also a big dye vat, where it is difficult to distinguish between true and false information, and security risks are rampant everywhere. Parents and schools need to take a firm grip and give children more safety education, so that they know how to identify online traps and know how to protect themselves.

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

At the end of the day, we can't just sit silent and turn a blind eye to this kind of event. As a member of society, everyone must stand up and speak out, support the victims, and give unhealthy trends a deterrent. We must speak out, let the law, society, and people's hearts be moved, give strength to the weak, and punish injustice.

Burst! The online hailing driver raped a 16-year-old female passenger after inviting her to eat a barbecue, and the whole process was exposed

There is an old saying in our family, "The heart of defense is indispensable, and the heart of harm is indispensable", girls must understand, parents must teach, society must advocate, and the law must be severely punished. This incident is a wake-up call for us, don't let the result of "the wolf come" really play out, and don't let the tears of the victims become proof of our indifference. Only in this way can our society be safer and more harmonious, and every child's smile can be unrestrained.

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