
"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

author:Smile Alpine RLL

It is said that life is like a play, and drama is like life, so let's talk about this multiple-choice question that is not light or heavy - 7 million in cash and 700 points in the college entrance examination, the trade-off between this is more difficult than picking cabbage and choosing apples.

"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

Let's talk about this wave of surveys first, 85% of young people said they would do it and chose the money bag, this is not a greedy puzzle game we play, this is a bloody reality! Why do you think these young people value money so much? Hey, needless to say, mortgages, car loans, children's tuition... When these mountains are pressed down, the pace of life is as slow as a stone in the water, and it is impossible to move.

"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

But this is not simply a matter of "valuing money over learning". Young people, who have just come out of the campus, are empty-handed in the face of this hotly competitive market, and they are worried. Dreams have always been easily discounted by reality.

"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

What about a score of 700 in the college entrance examination? Hey, this score is not so bland as a simple number, it refers to the threshold of Tsinghua University and Peking University and other famous schools, which is a high-end academic baptism, a social field for famous teachers, and young people of the times. But what is the difference between this and the real firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, and electronic bills?

"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

Middle-aged people may have more experience when they look at this problem. We have tasted the sweetness and the bitterness, and we know that people's needs are like a basket of gourds, and they can bubble when they press the gourd. In this case, choose wisely. Some people may think, hey, adult adult, what is going to school?

"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

There are so many lives to experience, and 7 million can make the family live without worry, which is real happiness. Or some people say that knowledge changes fate, this is not false at all, 700 points in the college entrance examination is a pass to a leap in life, and the future career will be more prosperous than you think.

"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

But the point is, this life is not a multiple-choice question, but a multiple-choice question. The key is to find your inner balance. What we want is not only the satisfaction of the material foundation, but also the pursuit of spiritual prosperity, the combination of the two is good, and the life is really happy.

"7 million in cash" or "700 points in the college entrance examination", which one do you choose? The students' answers are surprisingly uniform!

In short, on the road of life, there is no need to go through a sieve to find the only answer. The wisdom of middle-aged people lies in choice and responsibility. Whether you pick up the money bag or choose the ladder of the legendary academic giant, it is your own life choice after all.

To ask true wisdom? That is, on the road of life, give yourself some sweetness, but also give yourself some saltiness, dare to ask where the road is, the road is under your feet, isn't it just a tone of heat, everything is ripe.

Finally, let's talk about it, when 7 million in cash meets 700 points in the college entrance examination, this is not who can play better, but who can bear the burden of life better. The road is long, I will go up and down and seek. We middle-aged people should make this choice, use a little balance, find ourselves, and live our lives as we like.

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