
The ninety old lady lived in a shack, and her levy was given to her eldest grandson, who threw her out of the house

author:Emotional Whispers


tells the story of a family conflict of four generations in Xiayi County, Henan. Yang Bin and his daughter-in-law Zhang Li had a disagreement over maintenance, which led to the old father and the younger brother of the Wubao household being kicked out of the house and living in a difficult shack. Changes in family relationships have led to a series of disputes. Want to know how this family conflict will play out? Read on!

The ninety old lady lived in a shack, and her levy was given to her eldest grandson, who threw her out of the house

The intensification of family conflicts

Yang Bin and his daughter-in-law Zhang Li have a disagreement on the issue of maintenance, Yang Bin is only willing to support his younger brother, while Yang Guihua wants him to support his elderly mother.

Yang Guihua, who lives in Wenmiao Village, Liji Township, Xiayi County, Henan Province, is a well-known local land-expropriating farmer, and after getting nearly 700,000 yuan of money due to expropriation last year, he handed it over to his eldest son Yang Bin. At that time, Yang Bin was quite filial, and after receiving the money, he bought his father a car of about 150,000 yuan, and also paid him a salary of tens of thousands of yuan for his retirement. This made Yang Guihua, who had been looking for a daughter-in-law, very satisfied.

Yang Bin, who has a wealthy family, lives in a new house in Xiayi County, treats his biological brother generously and takes him to live at home. Yang Guihua was also relieved, after all, it had been a few years since his wife died, and it was quite good for a septuagenarian man to live with his son and daughter-in-law.

This year's 70-year-old Zhang Li met Yang Bin when he was renting a house, and the two got married not long after their relationship was good. When he first got married, Yang Bin was also very good to his mother-in-law and trusted her very much. Zhang Li felt that the old man didn't understand fashion, so she changed her father-in-law and mother-in-law into new clothes. The old couple also likes this daughter-in-law.

The septuagenarian has four generations in the same family, with an elderly mother and a clever grandson, and the family gets along harmoniously. But one day in March this year, there was a conflict at home.

The ninety old lady lived in a shack, and her levy was given to her eldest grandson, who threw her out of the house

After the expropriation, his son's temperament changed greatly

The house in front of Yang Guihua's house was expropriated, and the old man built a shack in place to live. In the few days after moving into the shack, Yang Bin said to the old man many times: Give me this money, don't worry! I will arrange your life with the brother of the five guarantees.

But one afternoon at the end of March, Yang Bin suddenly changed his attitude, and he took his son and a few people to drive away his old mother and the younger brother of Wubaohu.

"Find your own place to live!" After speaking, Yang Bin's family left the scene.

The old man was so anxious that his wife shouted a few times in the back to no avail. The old man had no choice but to ask the younger brother of the Wubao household, who was walking slowly, to lead the way and live in the shack he had built.

The ninety old lady lived in a shack, and her levy was given to her eldest grandson, who threw her out of the house

The family drove away the old man and the younger brother of the five guarantees

The old man's family of five was crammed into a shack, and their life was extremely difficult. It is surrounded by thorns and weeds, and there are many mosquitoes. At night, the temperature difference is large, and the old man and the younger brother of Wubaohu can only light a fire to keep warm.

Now that it is summer, the indoor temperature is too high, and the old man and the younger brother of the Wubao household can only go out to escape the heat.

Soon after, his wife came to visit the old man and left his grandson behind to take care of the old man and the younger brother of the five-guarantee household. The old lady said that when the old man was renting a house, he learned that he was going to his son's house to take care of his two grandchildren, but he didn't expect that now her husband and grandson are also coming.

The ninety old lady lived in a shack, and her levy was given to her eldest grandson, who threw her out of the house


This story of family conflict is embarrassing. The interweaving of family affection and interests has plunged the family that should have lived in harmony into strife. It is hoped that family members can resolve conflicts, re-find a balance of mutual understanding and tolerance, and face difficulties in life together. Every family will encounter various problems, and the key is how to communicate and compromise to make the family relationship more harmonious and warm.