
The 17-year-old badminton player was on the phone with his family before his death, and tried to raise his head to save himself after falling

author:Little entertainment
The 17-year-old badminton player was on the phone with his family before his death, and tried to raise his head to save himself after falling

On July 1, 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships. This tragedy has sparked grief and mourning for countless people, and once again deprived the world of a young and promising athlete.

The 17-year-old badminton player was on the phone with his family before his death, and tried to raise his head to save himself after falling

Once again, dear readers, our sports world has suffered a heartbreaking tragedy. In the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships, 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted and unfortunately passed away after being rescued by medical staff. After this news came out, it made people sigh, and countless people mourned in silence for this young life who had passed away.

The 17-year-old badminton player was on the phone with his family before his death, and tried to raise his head to save himself after falling

On the day of the game, the Chinese and Japanese teams were facing off fiercely, and a heartbreaking scene came from the live broadcast. Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted shortly after the start of the match and had brief convulsions. Despite his physical abnormality, he struggled to lift his head, hoping to stand up. However, his body was completely immobile, and he finally experienced several convulsions before stopping all movement.

The 17-year-old badminton player was on the phone with his family before his death, and tried to raise his head to save himself after falling

This sudden accident left the fans, coaches and teammates at the scene in silence and regret. Everyone was hoping it was just a nightmare, but the truth is inexorably telling us that we have lost a young athlete with full energy and potential.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Zhijie's sister published an emotional text, pouring out her thoughts and grief for her younger brother: "How can the family accept such a sensible brother who is suddenly gone? Her words were full of endless sadness and helplessness, and they also expressed the inner feelings of every family member. There is no doubt that this is an unbearable blow to Zhang Zhijie's family, and the pain of losing a loved one cannot be expressed in words.

The 17-year-old badminton player was on the phone with his family before his death, and tried to raise his head to save himself after falling

Zhang Zhijie's untimely death is a sigh of relief, he was a positive and talented young man who injected new hope into Chinese badminton with his hard work and talent. However, his passing reminds us of the fragility and preciousness of life.

The 17-year-old badminton player was on the phone with his family before his death, and tried to raise his head to save himself after falling

For Zhang Zhijie's family, friends and colleagues in the badminton world, this is undoubtedly an unbearable blow and a huge pain. We should give them our most sincere condolences and support, and pray together for Zhang Zhijie, hoping that he can rest in peace.

Although we have lost such an excellent young man, the mark and spirit he left behind will always be etched in our hearts. Let us remember his perseverance and hard work on the badminton court and pay deep tribute to him.

Let us miss Zhang Zhijie, and at the same time, we hope that the sports world can provide more comprehensive protection and care for young athletes. May the departed rest in peace and the living move on.

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