
The older the cat, the quieter and older the cat is, what does the years bring to the cat?

author:Pet connoisseurs

Have you noticed an interesting phenomenon that as the cat grows up, it becomes more and more stable?

  • Toys that used to be very fond of playing with are now just looking at them and walking away from them without hesitation;
  • When I was a child, I liked crazy parkour, but when I reached a certain age, I didn't run much, and every day at home was a "big man's walk", leisurely;
  • When I was a child, I was full of curiosity about everything, but when I grew up, I seemed to be surprised by many things, and I was calm and terrible;

So, do cats really become mature and steady as they get older?

If so, when did it start to get old?

The older the cat, the quieter and older the cat is, what does the years bring to the cat?

Do cats become stable?

The answer to this question is yes!

That's right, cats do become more stable as they get older, they live more calmly, and they show an old-fashioned appearance.

Although different breeds of cats have different times to enter the maturity period, they will eventually enter such a stage, fade from the childishness of last year, and face life with a more insipid mentality.

At what age do cats start to calm down?

For most cats, they usually reach maturity around the age of one, which is what we call the transition from a kitten to a mature cat.

Some of the more "precocious" cats even have an "old" appearance at about 7~8 months old.

At the latest, around two years of age, the vast majority of cats will reach maturity.

In the past it may be a "troublemaker", but after the age of two you will find that it will become more sensible and less and less likely to cause you trouble.

And the process from immaturity to maturity is actually the life stage that cats must go through.

So, what are the necessary stages that cats go through in their lives? What else will happen as cats get older?

The older the cat, the quieter and older the cat is, what does the years bring to the cat?

Stages of cat development

(1) Neonatal stage

  • Time period: from birth to 9 days after birth

At this stage, kittens are almost dependent on their mother cat for survival.

They can't keep their eyes open or move freely, and rely entirely on their sense of smell and touch to get their mother's milk.

(2) Transition phase

  • Time period: between 9 days and 15 days after birth

At this stage, the kitten's eyes begin to open, their ears begin to hear, and they have the sense of sight and hearing.

And with the ability to see their surroundings, the kitten's activity also increases. But since they are still too small, we will find that they stumble when they walk.

The older the cat, the quieter and older the cat is, what does the years bring to the cat?

(3) Early socialization stage

  • Time range: 2 weeks old ~ 8 weeks old

The cat begins to socialize during this period, and the mother cat will teach the kitten some skills necessary for life, and will also tell the kitten what to do and what not to do.

During this period, it is best for you to keep the kitten and the cat mother together, which will help you feed the kitten in the later period of the province and a lot of trouble.

For example, the use of cat litter box, do you think cats will use cat litter boxes when they are born?

No, many kittens use the litter box at this stage when they learn from their mothers.

(4) Adolescence

  • Time range: 8 weeks old ~ 5 months old

When a cat reaches adolescence, it becomes less and less like a kitten, it can move freely and live on its own.

Kittens of this period love to play games and are full of curiosity about many things.

Playing and exploring the "world" takes up a large portion of their waking hours.

The older the cat, the quieter and older the cat is, what does the years bring to the cat?

(5) Youth

  • Time range: 5 months old ~ 8 months old

Male cats will start puberty at the age of 6~7 months, while female cats will start puberty slightly earlier, at the age of 5 months.

At this stage, it may engage in some rebellious behavior, which is due to the effects of reproductive hormones.

It may become slightly aggressive and will do things that you can't tolerate.

During this period, it is very important to set rules for it and teach it what to do and what not to do.

The habits developed by cats during this period can basically follow cats for a lifetime.

In order to reduce the impact of sexual maturity on cats, this period is also a stage of neutering cats.

(6) Maturity stage

  • Time period: 1 year old

As mentioned above, cats enter maturity at about one year old, that is, they become adult cats.

  1. When it is 1~2 years old, it will become more independent and will start to find its own suitable place in the home. It can learn how to live a self-consistent life in this home and how to get along with others.
  2. At the age of 3~6 years old, cats will basically carry out daily activities according to a familiar set of "schedules". It habitually does a lot of things, such as eating at the same time and going to the toilet at the same time. And if something external interferes with its daily activities, it will feel upset.
  3. At the age of 7~10 years, it is the stage of transition from mature age to old age. Cats at this stage will be more sensitive and care more about how you feel about it.

(7) Old age

Cats over the age of 10 enter old age, and after that, as they slowly increase in age, they will become more and more old and less active. And the character will also be much gentler.

Of course, at this stage, the cat's body will also slowly age, so you need to pay more attention to it.

The older the cat, the quieter and older the cat is, what does the years bring to the cat?

As the cat grows older, it will get rid of its childishness and put on a mature and stable coat. Is this true of your master?

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