
She is Yongqi's only daughter, she lost her father as soon as she was born, and Qianlong was too embarrassed to give her title!

author:Mi Tsai loves to eat small quails

Yongqi, the fifth of the Qianlong Emperor's many heirs, was born not only to mark the continuation of the imperial bloodline, but also to reflect the complex family structure and social status of the Qing dynasty at the time. In February of the sixth year of Qianlong, this little life was born in the depths of the Forbidden City, with the glory of the royal family and the infinite possibilities of the future.

Yongqi's mother, Concubine Yu Coriette, was originally a concubine of Emperor Qianlong. Her background was not prominent, but with her own talent and wisdom, she gradually gained a firm foothold in the court. Corriette's path to promotion was not all smooth sailing, and she faced not only power struggles in the court, but also jealousy and exclusion from other concubines in the harem. However, with her tenacity and loyalty to Emperor Qianlong, she was eventually promoted to Concubine Yu, and although she was not favored, her status was enough for her son Yongqi to have a place in the royal family.

Yongqi's life can be said to be a process of continuous growth and struggle in the court. He not only excelled in literary talent and martial arts, but also won the appreciation of Emperor Qianlong in terms of political wisdom and personality charm. During his reign, Emperor Qianlong attached great importance to the education and training of his princes, and he hoped to select the best successors from among his many heirs to ensure the prosperity and stability of the Qing Dynasty.

Yongqi's civil and military skills are an important reason why he won the attention of Emperor Qianlong. In terms of literature, Yongqi is not only proficient in Confucian classics, but also has a profound knowledge of poetry and songs. His literary brilliance was flying, and his poems were often praised by Emperor Qianlong, and even in court literary exchanges, Yongqi's works were often praised. In terms of martial arts, Yongqi also performed well, whether it was mounted archery or the art of war, he was proficient, showing extraordinary military talent.

However, Yongqi's favor did not happen overnight. Among the many heirs of Emperor Qianlong, Yongqi was inconspicuous at first. Emperor Qianlong's son-in-law, the son born to the empress, was originally the natural candidate for succession to the throne. But unfortunately, this concubine died at a young age, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Emperor Qianlong. The untimely death of his son-in-law complicated the issue of succession to the throne, and Emperor Qianlong had to reconsider the choice of heir.

At this critical moment, Yongqi gradually entered the sight of Emperor Qianlong with his talent and hard work. Emperor Qianlong began to notice this son, who was both civil and military, and had high hopes for him. Yongqi's decisiveness and wisdom in handling government affairs, as well as his bravery and wisdom in military affairs, satisfied Emperor Qianlong. He began to give Yongqi more attention and training, hoping that he could become a pillar of the Qing Dynasty.

As time passed, Yongqi's status gradually rose among the royal family. He not only gained more voice in the court, but also played an important role in the government. Emperor Qianlong began to involve Yongqi in more government decisions, and even on some major state affairs, he would also consult Yongqi. Yongqi's advice was often adopted by the Qianlong Emperor, which further strengthened his influence in the imperial family.

She is Yongqi's only daughter, she lost her father as soon as she was born, and Qianlong was too embarrassed to give her title!

Yongqi's favor also caused jealousy and dissatisfaction among other princes. On the issue of succession to the throne, each prince hoped to gain the favor of Emperor Qianlong and become the next emperor. The rise of Yongqi has undoubtedly brought them tremendous pressure. However, Yongqi did not become complacent because of this, he always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, and worked hard to improve his abilities and qualities in order to win more trust from Emperor Qianlong.

In the later years of Emperor Qianlong, the question of succession to the throne became more and more urgent. Yongqi, as the best candidate for the succession to the throne, his every move has attracted the attention of the government and the opposition. He had to face not only competition from his brothers, but also trials from his courtiers. At this critical juncture, Yongqi showed outstanding political wisdom and leadership skills, not only handling various relations in the court, but also playing an important role in the government and contributing to the stability and development of the Qing Dynasty.

Yongqi's favor and the possibility of succession to the throne were the result of his personal efforts, as well as Emperor Qianlong's recognition and trust in him. However, the question of succession to the throne is far more complicated than it seems. Yongqi needs to keep a clear head in the power struggle of the court, while also constantly improving her abilities to meet the various challenges that may arise in the future. His life is destined to continue to move forward in this war without gunpowder, for his own beliefs and ideals, and for the future of the Qing Dynasty.

Yongqi, the talented prince who was favored by Emperor Qianlong, should have had a brilliant and hopeful life. However, fate played a cruel joke on him. At the age of 24, Yongqi unfortunately suffered from epiosteosis, a disease that was prevalent in the royal family at the time, with symptoms similar to modern bone tuberculosis, which caused great damage to the patient's body.

Episteopathy was a difficult disease to cure under the medical conditions of the time. It not only erodes the patient's bones, but also ruthlessly consumes the patient's vitality. Yongqi's condition deteriorated rapidly, his originally strong body began to become weak, and the heroic figure that once galloped on the battlefield can now only endure the pain silently on the sickbed.

When Emperor Qianlong learned of Yongqi's illness, his heart was filled with worry and grief. He ordered the nation's top doctors to be summoned in the hope of finding a cure for Yongqi. The imperial physicians in the court offered advice and tried various herbs and remedies, but Yongqi's condition did not seem to be effectively controlled. At that time, when medicine was still not developed, epiosteosis was almost equivalent to a terminal illness, and even members of the royal family could not escape the invasion of the disease.

Yongqi's early death is not only a personal tragedy for him, but also a huge loss for the entire royal family. As one of the most valued princes of the Qianlong Emperor, Yongqi's talent and potential could have brought more glory to the Qing Dynasty. However, the ruthlessness of the disease deprived him of the opportunity to continue to serve the country, and also deprived the Qianlong Emperor of an ideal heir.

During Yongqi's illness, his family and friends gave him great care and support. Concubine Yu Keriette, as Yongqi's mother, is even more in front of her son's sickbed day and night, bringing a trace of warmth to Yongqi with her love and care. However, no amount of love and effort can stop the disease. Yongqi's life came to an abrupt end at the age of 25, and he left this world forever with his unfinished business and dreams.

She is Yongqi's only daughter, she lost her father as soon as she was born, and Qianlong was too embarrassed to give her title!

Yongqi's early death brought a heavy blow to Emperor Qianlong and the entire imperial family. In addition to grief, Emperor Qianlong also had to reconsider the issue of succession to the throne. Yongqi's death meant that the Qing Dynasty had lost a possible outstanding leader, which was undoubtedly a great loss for the future development of the country. At the same time, it also brought new opportunities for competition among other princes, and the question of succession to the throne became more complex and delicate.

Yongqi's life, although short, is full of glory and legend. His talent, courage and wisdom have profoundly influenced those around him. Even at the end of his life, he remained optimistic and strong, showing the demeanor and bearing of a prince. The story of Yongqi has become an embarrassing story in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and his untimely death has also become the object of remembrance and remembrance for future generations.

Although Yongqi's life was short, his descendants were quite rich. In the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty, the reproduction of offspring was regarded as an important symbol of family glory and blood inheritance. Despite Yongqi's early death, his descendants continued his bloodline and became a continuation of his glory during his lifetime.

In Yongqi's harem, there are three wives and concubines by his side. Among these wives and concubines, the concubine Suo Sui Luo was the most favored by Yongqi because of her beauty and talent. Suo Xue Luo not only won Yongqi's heart, but also showed extraordinary ability in fertility. She gave birth to four sons for Yongqi, which was quite rare in the royal family at the time. Among these four sons, Mianyi is the most well-known one and the only one who survived. The birth of Mianyi undoubtedly brought new hope and vitality to Yongqi's family.

The growth of Mianyi has been highly valued by the royal family. As Yongqi's only son, he was expected to be rigorously educated and nurtured since he was a child. Mianyi inherited his father's intelligence and the characteristics of both civil and military, and soon showed extraordinary talent. He has outstanding performances in literature, martial arts, and government affairs, and is regarded as the future and hope of the Yongqi family.

In addition to Suo Xue Luo, Yongqi's other concubine, Hu Shi, also gave birth to a daughter for him. The birth of this daughter, although not as valued as a son in the royal family, her presence also enriched Yongqi's family bloodline. When Hu's daughter was growing up, she also received a good education and learned court etiquette and the talents that women should have. Her growth, although not as eye-catching as Mianyi, is also an indispensable part of the Yongqi family.

Yongqi's descendants are a microcosm of the Qing Dynasty's royal bloodline. In those days, the fertility of royalty was often closely linked to the politics of the country and the glory of the family. Yongqi's three wives and concubines, as well as the children they born, all carry Yongqi's hopes and dreams before his death. Although Yongqi himself did not see his children grow up with his own eyes, his descendants continued to flourish in the royal family and became a continuation of his former glory.

She is Yongqi's only daughter, she lost her father as soon as she was born, and Qianlong was too embarrassed to give her title!

Among Yongqi's descendants, Mianyi is undoubtedly the most critical figure. As Yongqi's only son, he not only carries the hope of the family, but also shoulders the heavy responsibility of inheriting his father's legacy. The growth and performance of Mianyi will directly affect the status and influence of the Yongqi family in the royal family. And the daughter of the Hu family, although her status in the family is not as good as Mianyi, her existence also adds a gentleness and delicacy to Yongqi's family.

Yongqi's descendants, whether they are Mianyi or Hu's daughters, are all witnesses of his glory during his lifetime. Their performance and achievements in the royal family will bring new honor and glory to Yongqi's family. Although Yongqi himself was not able to witness all this, his descendants will continue his legacy and make their own contributions to the prosperity and development of the Qing Dynasty.

Yongqi's daughter, as his only daughter, has carried the family's expectations and attention since birth. However, the cruelty of fate lies in the fact that her father, Yongqi, died of illness shortly after she was born, leaving behind a young daughter and deep regret. Despite losing her father's protection, as the granddaughter of Emperor Qianlong, her fate was still valued by the imperial family.

When she was a child, her grandfather, Emperor Qianlong, gave her a special title - County Jun. This title is not only a recognition of her identity, but also an expectation for her future. In the Qing Dynasty, Xianjun was an honorific title for female members of the imperial family, and usually only the emperor's granddaughter or great-granddaughter could receive such a title. The gift of this title reflects Emperor Qianlong's love for this granddaughter and his expectations for her future.

As time passed, Yongqi's daughter gradually grew up. She received a traditional education in the court, learning etiquette, music, calligraphy and painting, and other talents. When she was growing up, although she was not accompanied by her father, under the care and education of the royal family, she still showed a noble temperament and elegant demeanor.

In the forty-ninth year of Qianlong, Yongqi's daughter ushered in an important turning point in her life - marriage. She was arranged to marry the Mongolian Wangqin Banbalr. This marriage was not only the union of two young men, but also part of the political marriage between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongols. Through this marriage, the Qing Dynasty strengthened its ties with Mongolia and consolidated the stability of the frontier.

After Yongqi's daughter married into Mongolia, there is little record of her life. In the social context of the time, women's marriage often meant that they would leave their families and start a new life. As a county magistrate, her life in Mongolia should be respected and courteous. However, due to the lack of historical information, we do not know what her life was like in Mongolia, nor can we know her role and status in the new family.

Although Yongqi's daughter is gradually blurred in historical records, her existence is still part of the bloodline of Yongqi's family. Although her fate was limited to some extent by the background of the times and the social environment, her life choices and experiences also reflected the status and role of women in the family and society at that time.

She is Yongqi's only daughter, she lost her father as soon as she was born, and Qianlong was too embarrassed to give her title!

Yongqi's daughter, as a member of the Qing Dynasty royal family, although her life briefly appeared on the stage of history, her story and experience are a testimony of the Qing Dynasty royal family's blood inheritance and political marriage. Although her fate has gradually faded in the long river of history, her identity as Yongqi's only daughter will always be remembered in the family's memory.

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