
"Service can't pull down a person"

author:Luwang Weifang

Jingle Bell ......

A phone call came into the Weifang Ganghua hotline.

"Hello, Towngas China. Please speak. ”

"How do you use this new watch...... "On the phone, the uncle who called repeatedly consulted about how to recharge and pay for the Internet of Things meter, how to operate and use it. Because he didn't understand, the old man was obviously a little anxious during the call.

While calming the emotions of the elderly, the hotline staff immediately transferred the situation to the Weifang Ganghua "Silver Age" care group, and the team members immediately inquired about the customer's gas consumption, and found that it was in a state of arrears and gas outage, and had not been checked for more than three years, so they quickly called to remind.

After digging deeper, it was learned that the old man was double-blind and couldn't see the button to open at all, and he was embarrassed to trouble the neighbors, so he could only wait for his nephew to help operate it on the weekend. In order to allow the elderly to use gas as soon as possible, the "Silver Age" care team informed the elderly that door-to-door services would be provided. On the same day, the members of the "Silver Age" care team came to Weiwan Community, Kuiwen District, where the elderly lived, to provide the elderly with door-to-door services to pay gas bills and operate and turn on the Internet of Things meter. At the same time, the security inspector did a comprehensive safety inspection of the gas facilities in the uncle's home, and cleaned the stove and indoor sanitation in the home.

"Service can't pull down a person"

In the process of chatting with the uncle, the "Silver Age" care team members found that the elderly could not go to the business hall to pay due to visual impairment, and they could not operate, and they kept worrying that they would be in arrears again, and comforted him: "We can always pay attention to your gas consumption, and the balance will be less than 30 yuan after the door-to-door payment will be made to you, and there will be no more arrears and gas stops." The team members also introduced the newly replaced Internet of Things meter and the installed alarm to the uncle, which can effectively link with the Internet of Things meter when the gas leaks, timely alarm and cut off the gas source, and effectively protect the safety of customers. The uncle's worries are gone, and he can't stop thanking Weifang Ganghua for his meticulous and thoughtful service, "Thank you, I've caused you trouble!" ”

"Service can't pull down a person"

Cheng Xiaoyan (middle) communicates with customers

In recent years, the problem of population aging has become more and more prominent. New things and new technologies are constantly emerging, and elderly users have weak ability to accept and adapt to new things, and "helpless" situations occur from time to time.

"Since last year, we have carried out a free campaign to install alarms and replace IoT meters in the homes of users who have overdue meters. With the convenient, intelligent and safe Internet of Things meter into the homes of residents, it has been recognized and praised by most customers. Weifang Ganghua Gas Co., Ltd. Customer Service Party Branch Secretary, Customer Service Manager, Vice Chairman of the Labor Union, Weifang Ganghua Comfortable Home Life Service Co., Ltd. General Manager Cheng Xiaoyan said that in the process of service, they also found that some elderly customer groups have difficulties in mobile phone payment, meter can not be operated, will not inquire and other problems. After discussion, they decided to set up a special attention group - the "Silver Age" care group, with the help of hotline, security and other service channels to obtain elderly customers in need of help, register the elderly customers who are particularly concerned about it, establish a service account, and form a long-term mechanism of point-to-point assistance. Up to now, it has provided door-to-door service for 84 elderly customers, which truly solves the problem of inconvenient gas consumption caused by various reasons such as living alone, disability, and advanced age, and solves the problem of urgent and difficult expectations for elderly customers.

"Service can't pull down a person"

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood. They always adhere to the position of the masses as the fundamental starting point and foothold of the work, the satisfaction of the masses as the value orientation and fundamental standard of the effectiveness of the work, give full play to the "customer-oriented, five-heart service" party building brand, service forward, the use of off-duty time, for the newly opened gas supply and relatively remote communities, door-to-door centralized contract signing, gas opening, improve customer information and other business, a total of 35 times to carry out activities, benefiting more than 500000 customers.

In recent years, with the full rollout of a number of gas livelihood projects, the number of service demands of the public has remained high, and the service work has also shown an upward trend year by year. As a traditional industry, gas service has been discussing and trying how to make good use of "Internet +" to keep up with the government's work requirements and meet the needs of the masses.

In November 2021, Towngas China launched an AI intelligent voice system (AI staff), which improves multiple business answer scenarios through continuous training, uses artificial intelligence technology to achieve accurate classification of service needs, and answers or records online, effectively reducing customer waiting time and improving the timely response rate and response rate of the hotline. At present, the voice system of the call center receives about 22,000 times a month, and the one-time online settlement rate exceeds 40%.

The service demand is solved, and the control of service quality is also very important, and only relying on manual return visits and sampling inspections can no longer meet the service needs. They use the platform + manual work mode, through the existing service system platform, to achieve 100% SMS service return visit to the system service to complete the work order, and then by a special person to follow up the feedback "general" and "dissatisfied" feedback in the platform, and form a service analysis to improve the existing problems. In 2023, nearly 300,000 service evaluation text messages will be sent, and more than 500 questions will be received from customers, all of which will be rectified. 37 suggestions for improvement were put forward, all of which were adopted.

"Service can't pull down a person"

Engaged in service work for more than 20 years, the team led by Cheng Xiaoyan has been awarded the "National Customer Satisfaction Service Star Team" by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions; It was awarded the "Excellent Party Branch", "38 Red Flag Collective" and "Women's Civilization Service Window" twice by Weifang City; It was awarded the five-star party branch and excellent party branch brand by the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. He was awarded the Labor Medal of "Enriching the People and Rejuvenating Wei" and the "Provincial 38 Red Flag Bearer", and was recently honored as the province's "Good Secretary (Good Cadre)".

"Customer service is the "window" to serve the public, and service cannot pull down a person. In the face of honor, Cheng Xiaoyan said lightly, "Do everything well and solve customers' problems in a down-to-earth manner, this is what we should do." (Reporter Wang Yulong)

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