
Jointly with 20 colleges and universities including Tsinghua University, the creation competition was held, and "Egg Boy Party" innovatively led the digital education pattern

The UGC creation track is playing an important role in the wave of practical education. In order to further promote the goal of education diversification and digitalization, "Egg Boy Party" has joined forces with more than 20 well-known universities in China, such as Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, and Tongji University, to launch the "Egg Code College Creation Competition" for all college students, promote UGC to empower the vitality of education, help college students grasp digital opportunities, and share the dividends of the digital era.

For a long time, how to strike a balance between theory and practice has puzzled many learners. Based on the powerful workshop editor function, "Egg Boy Party" has built a UGC+ education model, which can meet the needs of learners from entertainment, practice to growth. On this basis, focusing on the empowerment of UGC creation by the "Egg Code" function, the "Egg Code Creative Competition" has built a stage for all college students to practice digital creation, and invited experts and scholars in the field of education to form a jury to comprehensively enhance the professionalism and authority of the event, and also provide generous bonuses to further release personal value.

It is worth noting that through the close combination of "Egg Boy Party", UGC ecology and university industry-university-research ecology, this competition was launched together with more than 20 universities across the country, including Tsinghua University and Tongji University, to explore potential digital creators in colleges and universities and jointly explore the innovation and incubation of university talents. With the strong support of world-class universities such as Tsinghua University and Tongji University, the two sides will select a number of awards in the future, in addition to generous cash prizes, they will also have the opportunity to get an internship offer from NetEase, enter an Internet company to reserve employment skills, expand the diversity of career development, better promote the inclusive sharing of digital dividends, and inject new opportunities into the cultivation of digital talents.

Jointly with 20 colleges and universities including Tsinghua University, the creation competition was held, and "Egg Boy Party" innovatively led the digital education pattern

(List of cooperation in the Egg Code College Competition)

By extending the tentacles of UGC+ education, "Egg Boy Party" is in line with the trend of the times and highlights the unique educational value of its UGC ecosystem. Rooted in the ecological closed loop of "creation-experience-sharing", and giving full play to the characteristics of edutainment, the UGC ecological development of "Egg Boy Party" has involved multiple issues such as society, culture, and environmental protection, and has emerged highly praised maps such as "Old Beijing Shadow Puppetry", "Miao Yin", "About Stray Dogs", "Love in Dolphin Bay", and "The End of the Radiating Sea", forming a dual guidance from educational practicality and innovative spirit.

Committed to the rejuvenation of traditional teaching from form, goal to vitality, "Egg Boy Party" has expanded a broader educational application scenario, and has been frequently favored by university education cooperation. Relying on the breakthrough of the "Egg Code" function on creative extension and UGC creation, "Egg Boy Party" promotes the integration of digital teaching scenarios and university ecology, and builds a new pattern of digital education.

During the "Egg Code College Creation Competition", the "Egg Boy Party" and the "3 Competitions and 2 Lessons" Egg Boy Workshop course jointly launched by the Guochao Art Research Institute of the China Academy of Art are also in full swing. The first course invited the head authors in the UGC ecology of Egg Boy "Decadent Guy", "How Can There Be a Male Model Model", and "Kitten's Stupid Shark" to teach students in the Gome course, and undertake the theoretical teaching results and competitions to form a complete teaching closed loop.

Jointly with 20 colleges and universities including Tsinghua University, the creation competition was held, and "Egg Boy Party" innovatively led the digital education pattern

(China Academy of Art Students)

With the help of the school-enterprise communication bridge and the UGC teaching practice, "Egg Boy Party" continues to expand the breadth of cooperation. In the cooperation with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, the two parties and the project team developers, high-quality creators "Bai Heyi", jointly launched a wealth of online open courses, covering the practical teaching of the egg code function from the introduction of the editor, advanced to the depth, to assist students to establish UGC creation cognition and lay a solid foundation for creation. Previously, it also launched the "Egg Boy Party" Game Map Design Open Course with Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, which was well received by the outside world.

Jointly with 20 colleges and universities including Tsinghua University, the creation competition was held, and "Egg Boy Party" innovatively led the digital education pattern

(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Open Course)

From diversified competition initiatives to university curriculum cooperation, "Egg Boy Party" continues to expand the boundaries of UGC education, which is not only in line with the pursuit of traditional education to use theory and practice to convey positive values, but also maintains a high degree of consistency with its original intention of entering the field of education. Based on the "Egg Code" function to open up the path from theory to practice, "Egg Boy Party" has earlier launched the original park editor platform "Learn Programming with Egg Boy", advocating the concept of "happy teaching + easy practice + immersive experience", and jointly launched the first wave of free programming courses with the youth programming training brand CodeKing, promoting the in-depth integration of digital scenes and education scenarios represented by UGC, and together with its expanding college education ecology, it will jointly form a system for all ages, all regions, An all-in-one digital platform for programming education for all.

From the closed-loop of theory and practice, the realization of personal value to the related career planning, the UGC+ education model of "Egg Boy Party" helps students grow from skills to spiritual thinking through the establishment of diversified university cooperation and the construction of rich digital teaching scenarios. With the continuous and widespread application of this model, it is believed that "Egg Boy Party" will continue to play a role in the field of education in the future, and contribute more to promoting the digital transformation of education and the cultivation of digital talents.

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