
Dong Mingzhu said that the first Xiaomi air conditioner was untrue; Heavenly Soldier Technology responds to the rocket falling and disintegrating on fire

author:i dark horse
Dong Mingzhu said that the first Xiaomi air conditioner was untrue; Heavenly Soldier Technology responds to the rocket falling and disintegrating on fire

Today's headlines

The newly amended Company Law came into force today

The newly revised Company Law of the People's Republic of China will come into force on July 1, 2024. The reporter learned from the Supreme People's Court on June 30 that in order to solve the problem of the convergence and application of the old and new laws after the implementation of the Company Law, the Supreme People's Court formulated the "Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Temporal Effect of the Application of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China", which will come into force on July 1, 2024.

The "Provisions" make specific provisions on the circumstances under which it is necessary to clarify the temporal effect in the current trial work of the people's courts. While adhering to the principle of non-retroactivity of the law, in order to better play the role of the Company Law in regulating and guiding economic life, the Provisions distinguish between substantive amendments, new provisions and specific detailed provisions according to the revision of the provisions of the Company Law, and list the specific provisions applicable retroactively. There are eight articles in the full text, the main contents of which include: the general provisions and favorable retroactivity rules of the Company Law, the favorable retroactivity rules on the validity of civil juristic acts, the favorable retroactivity rules for contract performance, the blank retrospective rules of the newly added provisions, the retroactive application rules of the detailed provisions, the legal application of liquidation liability, the rules on res judicata over retroactivity, and the effective time. (CCTV News)

Beijing: Self-driving car companies are not allowed to illegally process personal information

On June 30, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology solicited public comments on the "Beijing Autonomous Vehicle Regulations (Draft for Comments)". In terms of security assurance, the Consultation Paper proposes that autonomous vehicle companies should establish and improve data security and personal information protection management systems in accordance with the law, carry out classified and hierarchical data protection and data security risk assessment, and focus on strengthening the security management of important data and personal user data. Personal information shall not be illegally processed, information unrelated to the driving and traffic safety of the vehicle shall not be collected, and information related to national security shall not be illegally collected.

Tianbing Technology reported the fall of the Tianlong-3 rocket: the evacuation of surrounding personnel was organized in advance, and there were no casualties

According to the statement released by the WeChat official account of Tianbing Technology, at 3:43 pm on June 30, 2024, the Tianlong-3 liquid launch vehicle independently developed by Tianbing Technology carried out a hot test run of a sub-stage nine-machine parallel power system at the Comprehensive Test Center of Gongyi City, Henan Province. During the test run, a sub-stage rocket ignited normally, the engine thrust reached 820 tons, due to the failure of the structure of the connection between the rocket body and the test bench, a sub-stage rocket detached from the launch pad, after liftoff, the rocket computer actively shut down, the rocket fell into the deep mountains 1.5 kilometers southwest of the test bench, and the rocket body fell into the mountains and disintegrated. The test site is far away from Gongyi City, and before the test, we jointly improved safety and security measures with the local government and organized the evacuation of surrounding personnel in advance.

Dong Mingzhu said that the first Xiaomi air conditioner was untrue; Heavenly Soldier Technology responds to the rocket falling and disintegrating on fire

Tianlong-3 is a large-scale liquid launch vehicle tailored by Tianbing Technology for the construction of the mainland satellite Internet constellation, and its product performance is comparable to SpaceX's Falcon 9, with a diameter of 3.8 meters, a take-off mass of 590 tons, a low earth orbit (LEO) capacity of 17 tons, and a sun-synchronous orbit (SSO) capacity of 14 tons. The test run of the power system of the Tianlong-3 launch vehicle is the simultaneous ignition of nine TH-12 (Tianhuo 12) engines of a sub-stage, which is the largest thrust test of the launch vehicle in the development process of the mainland at this stage, and an increase of two times compared with the previous maximum thrust test of China's aerospace space. Thanks to friends from all walks of life and superior authorities for their attention to Tianbing Technology, Tianbing Technology will complete the fault zeroing as soon as possible and organize the production and testing of new products.

Company figures

Yu Minhong was furious

On June 30, Yu Minhong reprinted the statement released by Dongfang Selection on his personal Douyin account, with the text "We accept criticism, but we do not accept rumors and slander!" ”

Previously, the Oriental Selection statement responded to questions related to "asking for and collecting pit fees and publicity fees", saying, "In the past year or so, we have never asked the government for publicity fees, and we have insisted on not charging so-called pit fees to any enterprises and businesses." However, there have been many organized rumors and smears on the Internet recently, which has touched our bottom line. We solemnly declare that we will report to the police as soon as possible to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Dongfang Selection for any lawbreakers who attempt to slander us through malicious slander, slander and concocting rumors. ”

Dong Mingzhu "opened" Xiaomi air conditioning at the shareholders' meeting, saying that Xiaomi's "air conditioning first" was untrue

On June 30th, Dong Mingzhu asked, Xiaomi said that it (air conditioner) ranked first, and it all relied on other manufacturers to make products, what is your technology? "Who is the first, consumers have rods and scales in their hearts". In addition, Dong Mingzhu responded to Gree's dividends and said, "Our determination to strive for annual dividends will not waver, which is also the commitment and 'reassurance' that Gree gives to every shareholder", "At least I won't let you cry", but you should also bring an umbrella and dry food, and you can't earn as much as you want. (Fast Technology)

Yu Chengdong returned to his alma mater to deliver a speech: Positioning determines status, and vision determines the realm

On June 30, according to the official account of Northwestern Polytechnical University, on June 29, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, chairman of the terminal BG, and chairman of the intelligent vehicle solution BU, delivered a speech as an alumni representative. Yu Chengdong put forward four life insights and suggestions to the graduates and younger students. The first is to aspire. Positioning determines status, vision determines realm. The second is to insist on lifelong learning. The third is to pioneer and innovate. Fourth, the work should be down-to-earth and the style of work should be simple.

The anchor of Oriental Selection obviously apologized for the controversy of "broken mountains and rivers": he chose it smoothly and failed to correct it in time

According to Jiemian News, Ming Ming (Shi Ming), the anchor of Oriental Selection under New Oriental, responded on Weibo on June 29 to the controversy caused by the description of the terrain of Guizhou with "broken mountains and rivers" in a live broadcast a few days ago.

He said that when preparing the materials, he did read some of the same expressions, without thinking too much about its other meaning, and when talking about the terrain in the live broadcast, he chose this word casually, without thinking much about it at all, let alone "ulterior motives" or "deliberately"; At that time, I was walking and talking, and I couldn't see the feedback in the comment area, so I couldn't correct the explanation in time, and the more rigorous expression here should be "the surface is broken", or other more appropriate words.

He said he apologized to the public for the distress caused to many people by the inappropriate use of words and the lack of precision.

Warren Buffett's latest will: After his death, he will no longer donate to the Gates Foundation, and $130 billion in assets will be left to his children to take care of

On June 28, local time, Buffett revealed the latest estate arrangement, in which Buffett donated all the remaining wealth after his death to a newly established charitable trust, which was jointly managed by his daughter Susan Buffett, two sons Howard Buffett and Peter Buffett. The three of them must unanimously decide what to do with the money in this foundation. Warren Buffett revealed that he currently holds about $130 billion worth of Berkshire Hathaway shares. Warren Buffett also made it clear: "When I die, I will not have any more money to go to the Gates Foundation." (Interface)

"Hard" Honey Snow Ice City, freshly made tea is staging a new round of price war

Recently, the price of many new products of Shuyi Burning Fairy Grass is below 10 yuan, of which the price of kumquat lemonade is 6 yuan, and the original price of 12 yuan/cup of grape series is 9.9 yuan/cup after a limited-time discount. At the same time, Gu Ming launched a three-month discount on lemonade in Guangdong, from 10 yuan per cup to 4 yuan per cup, comparable to Mixue Bingcheng.

On group buying platforms, the discounts are even stronger. The purchase price of the signature lemonade group in Changsha area is 6.9 yuan / cup; Shuyi kumquat lemonade is discounted at 4.9 yuan/cup; Tea Baidao returns to taste green plum green tea in the current season, and after superimposing 3 yuan platform coupons, it only costs 6.9 yuan / cup; The original price of lemonade is 4 yuan/cup, and after superimposing a 3 yuan platform coupon, it only costs 0.68 yuan/cup.

AutoNavi's "congestion delay index" was improperly captured, and it was compensated 12.5 million yuan in the first instance

On July 1, it was reported that a case of unfair competition dispute involving the data rights and interests of the navigation electronic map "congestion delay index" was recently tried in public court in the Chaoyang District People's Court of Beijing. The Chaoyang People's Court found in the first instance that the defendant Information Technology Co., Ltd. constituted unfair competition, and ordered the company to stop the infringement, eliminate the impact, and compensate the plaintiffs Beijing Technology Co., Ltd. and a software Co., Ltd. for various losses totaling 12.5 million yuan.

According to the Chaoyang Court, the second plaintiff was the operator of an electronic map. The company relies on the original data collected by the electronic map, user travel data and real-time traffic information, through specific algorithms and analysis and processing to form a data product - "congestion delay index".

It was learned from people familiar with the matter that the plaintiff in this case is the operator of AutoNavi Map, and the defendant is Wind, a financial information service company. In the case, AutoNavi claimed that Wind used improper means to capture the data of the "congestion delay index" and used the above data for the purpose of commercialization on the payment software of the financial terminal operated by Wind, which constituted unfair competition, so it demanded that the defendant stop the infringement, eliminate the impact and compensate for losses of more than 4,800 yuan.

Starbucks has denied canceling outlets in stores

According to "Consumer Reports", following the "implementation of consumption seating", Starbucks once again reported the operation of sealing sockets. Recently, on social platforms, a netizen from Zhejiang posted that Starbucks, which frequented Starbucks, found that the outlet of the store was sealed. In response to netizens' posts, some consumers wondered whether Starbucks would continue to promote the cancellation of power outlets nationwide.

In this regard, a relevant person from Starbucks told reporters that the cancellation of the socket was a misunderstanding, and the socket in the store can be used normally. In response to the posts of netizens, the above-mentioned person said that "it is just an example", "maybe it is the adjustment of the shopping mall line, or the adjustment of the store socket layout". And reminded consumers, "If you encounter a problem with the use of the socket, you can tell the clerk partner, and it will be recorded and repaired." (Consumer Reports)

The total box office in the first half of 2024 will be 23.895 billion, and "Hot and Hot" will become the box office champion in the first half of the year

On June 30, it was reported that according to the data of Maoyan Professional Edition, as of 21 o'clock on June 30, the cumulative total box office in the first half of 2024 (January 1-June 30, 2024) was reported to be 23.895 billion, the number of moviegoers was 550 million, the number of screenings was 71.173 million, the average ticket price was 43.4 yuan, and 5 films exceeded 1 billion. The top 5 box office in the first half of 2024 are: "Hot and Hot" with an annual box office of 3.460 billion, "Flying Life 2" with an annual box office of 3.398 billion, "Article 20" with an annual box office of 2.454 billion, "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space" with an annual box office of 2.006 billion, and "The Annual Meeting Can't Be Stopped!" The annual box office is 1.061 billion.

Kweichow Moutai: The basic attributes of Moutai have not changed, and the basic demand side has not changed

On June 30, according to the WeChat official account of "Kweichow Moutai", Wang Li, deputy secretary of the Party committee and general manager of Moutai Group, led a team to Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Beijing, etc. to carry out market research, and on June 28 and 30, in Nanjing and Beijing, Beijing organized a market work meeting in the three provinces and regions of Jiangsu, Shanghai and Anhui and the seven provinces and regions of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Menghei, Jiliao and Liaoning.

The meeting pointed out that the basic attributes of Moutai have not changed, and the basic demand side has not changed. In the past few decades, the liquor industry has undergone several rounds of adjustments, and each time Moutai has smoothly passed through the cycle with strong determination and strength, and has achieved better development. Compared with the past, although the current situation is more complex, the current Moutai has stronger core competitiveness, better market channel ecology and more resilience in risk prevention, and has the confidence, strength and ability to go through this cycle.

Another day, the god car "broke a bone": less than 150,000 to buy Accord

On June 30, Guangqi Honda's official Weibo account released a message to launch the 628 Carnival Car Buying Festival, with a guide price of 197,800 yuan and a maximum drop of 50,000 yuan (including replacement subsidies), and 147,800 yuan after the discount. It is reported that the event lasted from June 28 to June 30. Guangqi Honda sold 31,931 vehicles in May, a year-on-year decrease of 41.31%; From January to May, Guangqi Honda sold 173,580 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 24.30%.

Dong Mingzhu said that the first Xiaomi air conditioner was untrue; Heavenly Soldier Technology responds to the rocket falling and disintegrating on fire

Polestar, which is on the verge of delisting, lost 150,000 yuan per car sold last year

According to Jiemian News, since the spin-off from Volvo Cars two years ago and listed on the U.S. stock market, Polestar has lost nearly 95% of its value. The seven-year-old start-up electric vehicle company is on the verge of delisting, and its financial performance is deteriorating.

According to the financial report data, Polestar's car sales in 2023 will increase by 6% to 54,600 units, but revenue will fall by $67.3 million. The announcement said that the decline in performance was affected by the increase in discounts and the decline in sales of carbon emission allowances.

In 2023, Polestar's gross profit margin on sales turned from positive to negative, falling to -17.44%, and its net loss increased from 481 million yuan in 2022 to 1.173 billion yuan. Based on this calculation, Polestar lost $21,500 per car sold last year, or about 150,000 yuan.

Lexus wants to be domestically produced? It was revealed that Toyota was building a wholly-owned factory in Shanghai, and the official responded

According to a report by Bloomberg on June 29, quoted by Bloomberg as a daily economic news, Toyota is seeking to set up a wholly-owned Lexus plant in Shanghai, which is positioned to produce high-end electric vehicles. According to the report, Toyota is seeking similar treatment to Tesla, including tax breaks, policy support, land grants, and conditions for direct operation without the need for a local joint venture partner, and the plant will produce electric vehicles for its Lexus brand.

According to Bloomberg, citing a person familiar with the matter, Shanghai is willing to attract more foreign investment, but it may require higher-level approval, which means that the negotiations between the two sides are far from complete and may even change.

In response to the above news, the reporter asked the relevant person in charge of Toyota China for verification, and the other party said: "(We) do not comment on the rumors. ”

Amazon's Kindle China service has been officially discontinued

On June 30, according to the official website of Amazon China, from June 30, 2024, the Kindle China e-book store will stop the cloud download service, and the e-books that have not been downloaded after this will not be able to be downloaded and read. At the same time, Kindle customer service will also be discontinued. The Kindle China e-book store has ceased operations on June 30, 2023.

Due to a rearview camera failure, Volkswagen recalled 84,400 vehicles in the United States

On June 30, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Volkswagen will recall some 2022-2024 Golf R, Golf GTI, 2024 Atlas and 2024 Atlas Cross Sport cars, a total of 84,432 units. The reason for the recall is that the rearview camera image may be delayed or invalid after shifting into reverse gear. Dealers will update the infotainment system software free of charge.

According to the news, Toyota may face tens of millions of yen in compensation costs

On June 30, it was reported that Toyota Motor Corp. A subsidiary in Japan could face tens of millions of yen in damages, and regulators will warn the company to compensate subcontractors who have stored car production equipment for free for decades. According to the report, the company asked about 50 subcontractors to store metal molds used for mass production of auto parts for up to 30 years free of charge to cut costs. The Japan Fair Trade Commission will issue a warning requiring it to fully reimburse subcontractors for the cost of storage equipment, which could be tens of millions of yen.

Samsung Display plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, and the chip and mobile phone team has taken the lead in implementing it

According to Jiemian News, Taiwanese media "Electronic Times" reported, according to industry insiders, in the face of increasingly fierce competition from competitors in the OLED business, Samsung Display (SDC) is transferring internal technical personnel (about 50 people) to small and medium-sized OLED development departments. According to the report, the company also plans to apply for extended working hours, and recently submitted a special request to the Ministry of Employment and Labor of South Korea to extend the working hours of IT, artificial intelligence development, Micro project teams and other departments, raising the upper limit to 64 hours per week, far exceeding the 52-hour limit stipulated by South Korea's labor regulations.

Samsung Display has transferred more than 500 R&D personnel from large OLED divisions to small and medium-sized departments earlier this year to further enhance its workforce. Employees of the above-mentioned Samsung Electronics division have signed contracts agreeing to extended working hours and currently work 64 hours a week. According to industry insiders, the 64-hour policy currently applies to two teams: the R&D team responsible for the Device Solutions (DS) division of Samsung's chip business, and some teams from MobileExperience, the mobile business unit.

AI Alerts

Ultraman: AI has crossed a critical threshold

News on June 30, Ultraman: Artificial intelligence has crossed the key threshold and is rapidly integrating into daily life, and all walks of life are using AI to innovate and optimize.

Expert: AI-assisted filling in volunteers, convenience and limitations coexist

On June 29, experts said that when volunteering to fill in, these AI volunteer products can save candidates and parents the time to collect information, reduce repetitive and data-based labor, and improve the convenience and efficiency of voluntary filling. However, the limitations of AI volunteering are also obvious. AI decision-making depends on the integrity and accuracy of the data and the scientific nature of the algorithm.

In addition, AI products cannot make a comprehensive evaluation of the specific characteristics of each candidate, such as the candidate's personality traits, interests and hobbies. (CCTV News)

The European Union's antitrust authority said it was learning about AI deals between Microsoft and OpenAI and Google and Samsung

On June 28, local time, Margaret Vestager, executive vice president and head of competition affairs of the European Commission, said that Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI may face an EU antitrust investigation. "We have reviewed the responses and are now sending a follow-up request for information about the agreement between Microsoft and OpenAI. to understand whether certain exclusivity clauses will negatively impact competitors. She said at a conference. Vestager said that Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI will not be subject to EU merger rules due to a lack of control. (Interface)

SK hynix plans to invest 103 trillion won by 2028 in the field of AI and chips

On June 30, SK Group, the parent company of South Korea's SK hynix, said that by 2028, SK hynix will invest 103 trillion won ($74.6 billion) to strengthen its chip business and focus on artificial intelligence. SK Group also said it plans to secure 80 trillion won by 2026 to invest in the AI and semiconductor fields, as well as fund shareholder returns, and streamline more than 175 subsidiaries.

Solos发布全球首款支持GPT-4o的智能眼镜AirGo Vision

Recently, Solos, an American smart glasses company, launched a new AirGo Vision smart glasses with its own camera, claiming that it is the world's first smart glasses that support GPT-4o, which will be released later this year to compete with Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses. Embedded in the corner of the frame, this innovative product is similar to the popular Ray-Ban design, and is designed to provide an AI-powered visual search and interactive experience anytime, anywhere.

According to reports, AirGo Vision shows the infinite possibilities given by the camera, which can conduct in-depth visual search, and can also provide information summaries for shopping, navigation, cooking and other life scenes. In addition, users can use the GPT-4o AI model's ability to identify the object seen by the camera and have it answer questions about that object. At the same time, the product's open architecture allows users to switch to Google Gemini and Anthropic Claude's AI models to meet individual needs. (Jiwei Network)

Beijing's first large-scale model service platform in the field of government affairs was launched

On June 30, it was reported that at the Beijing Yizhuang Global Artificial Intelligence City Innovation Conference held on June 29, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone officially launched the "Yizhi Government Affairs Large Model Service Platform", becoming the city's first large model service platform in the field of government affairs. The platform will support the application of large-scale model technology to achieve digital transformation by various departments in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and pilot applications in the fields of departmental collaboration and scientific decision-making. (Xinhua News Agency)

Capital Insights

A well-known male star founded a company to go public

Recently, Caoji Group Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as Caoji Group) submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. According to the prospectus, the gross profit margin of Caoji Group exceeds 70%. Marketing is extremely important to the success of the company, with sales and distribution costs accounting for more than 40% of revenue from fiscal 2021 to fiscal 2023, and more than 80% of the company's employees are engaged in marketing and sales.

At the same time, the prospectus did not disclose the company's R&D expenses and expenses. Compared with the health care products and beauty and skin care products business, what is more eye-catching is the identity of Guo Jinan, the founder of Caoji Group, who is a well-known actor in Hong Kong TVB, and has participated in many works such as the TV series "Genesis", "Hanfu Jackie Chan", "Gu Ling Jing Detective", "Ngawang New Biography", etc., and has won TVB TV Emperor three times. It is worth noting that just last month, Guo Jinan just announced his divorce.

Santa Bella submitted an IPO with a confinement of 160,000 yuan

Santa Bella recently officially submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to be listed on the main board. The core business of Santa Bella is the confinement center business, and the institution has a total of 59 high-end confinement centers, with three major confinement center brands: "Santa Bella", "Little Bella" and "Bella Isla". Among them, the "Santa Bella" brand is positioned as ultra-high-end, with a 28-day package price starting at 168,800 yuan. Based on the 28-day stay, the monthly packages of "Bella Isla" and "Little Bella" start at 98,800 yuan and 68,000 yuan respectively.

BlackRock is close to acquiring data provider Preqin

On July 1, according to people familiar with the matter, BlackRock is about to reach a deal worth 2 billion pounds ($2.5 billion) to acquire Preqin, a private capital database provider. BlackRock has emerged as a possible buyer for London-based Preqin after outbidding its rivals, people familiar with the matter said. The two companies are finalizing details of a deal, which could be announced as early as Monday.

Hongxin Gases completed tens of millions of yuan in A++ round of financing

According to Hongxin Gases, Hongxin Gases (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. recently announced the completion of tens of millions of yuan in A++ round of financing, which was exclusively invested by Shenzhen Capital Capital. Founded in 2019 and headquartered in Zhangjiang, Shanghai, Hongxin Gases is an enterprise focusing on investment services for a package of electronic bulk gas stations.

Xingyao Semiconductor completed a 1 billion yuan Series B financing led by China Mobile Industry Chain Development Fund

It is reported that Zhejiang Xingyao Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a leading domestic TF-SAW RF filter company, announced the official completion of a total of 1 billion yuan in Series B financing. This round of financing is jointly invested by China Mobile Industry Chain Development Fund and Wenzhou Bay New Area Industrial Investment Platform. This time, China Mobile jointly invested in the company through its Beijing China Mobile Digital New Economy Industry Fund and Shanghai China Mobile Digital Transformation Industry Fund, and Xingyao Semiconductor officially became the first filter company to be heavily invested by China Mobile's system, and also officially became a filter company jointly supported by the state-owned assets platform of Zhejiang Province and Wenzhou City. (Investment Community)

Chuanqixia is about to submit an IPO application and go public at the end of October at the earliest

Japanese memory chip maker Kioxia, with the support of Bain Capital, plans to submit a preliminary application for listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the next few days, with a formal application in August and expected to go public by the end of October, according to two people familiar with the matter, although the listing may also be delayed to December.

Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (MUMSS) and Nomura Securities are providing advisory services for the listing, people familiar with the matter said. Kioxia said it had no update on the initial public offering (IPO) plan and declined to comment on the rumors. (Xinzhixun)

Technology forward-looking

The mainland's first commercial space launch site has launch capabilities

On the morning of June 30, the reporter learned from the Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site "Salute to July 1 and the Pledge Conference for the First Mobilization and Deployment of Double-station Stations" that the first commercial space launch site in the mainland, the Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site, was completed on schedule, and the double-station has the launch capacity. At present, the launch site has completed the installation and commissioning of equipment and facilities, and has entered the stage of joint training of the whole system of the first launch arrow, making every effort to prepare for the first mission in the third quarter of this year. (CCTV News)

Weighing 1,246 kg and charging time of 10~80% in 4 minutes and 37 seconds, the Nyobolt EV concept electric sports car is on the road

British battery technology start-up Nyobolt's concept electric sports car is now ready for action after 12 months of its launch. According to reports, the shape of the Nyobolt EV was designed by Julian Thomson, designer of the Lotus Elise S1 sports car, with 470 horsepower and a weight of only 1,246kg. The prototype is equipped with a 35kWh battery with 350kW fast charging, which can be charged from 10% to 80% in 4 minutes and 37 seconds. (IT House)

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