
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

author:Fansi Entertainment

Recently, He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming suddenly released a video admitting the fact of remarriage.

In fact, long before this official announcement, many netizens knew about his remarriage.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

Because he has posted some of his married life, he can see that his wife and his relationship are very good, but it is the first time that he has admitted it in person.

For this remarriage, He Ziming mainly expressed these two points.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

First, the current wife is an ordinary person, so I hope you don't bother.

The second point is that he loves his current wife very much, because his wife helped him a lot during his depression, so that he could get out of depression, and even deliberately quit his job to take care of him.

This behavior seems to be a bit of a love brain, but it also makes He Ziming moved.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

Regarding his official announcement of remarriage this time, many netizens are also discussing.

Some netizens think that compared with him, He Jie is indeed not so dedicated and affectionate.

He Ziming officially announced his remarriage two years after the divorce, but He Jie had already had a child with his new love.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

Some netizens also believe that He Ziming doesn't necessarily love his current incumbent much, but just needs a newcomer to provide emotional value for himself.

Judging from the current social platform dynamics of He Ziming, he often exercises in his ordinary life and cooks by himself.

The interaction with his wife is very warm, some of them are very interesting, and there is a kind of "old husband and wife" mode of getting along, and he has become the envy of many people, but he has almost disappeared in the entertainment industry.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

It was also after looking at He Ziming's current life dynamics that everyone found out that he and He Jie had embarked on different paths after all.

He Jie, as a singer from the talent show, her sweet appearance and exquisite voice have gained a lot of attention for her, and many netizens voted for her, making her the fourth place in the fast girl program that year.

But then she gradually deviated from the normal track, and her love brain overcame her ambition, and she fell in love with He Ziming.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

A celebrity happened to encounter the famous scene of He Ziming's marriage proposal to He Jie, and broke the news of her marriage on the Internet, He Ziming's marriage proposal was also very grand, which was also a big surprise for He Jie.

He Jie agreed to the marriage proposal without hesitation and lived a married life.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

After getting married, He Jie's career ran aground, rarely came out to participate in activities again, and gave birth to children.

But after that, she inevitably fell into the crisis of gaining weight, and the sweetness of the former Supergirl period no longer exists.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

In 2016, the relationship between He Jie and He Ziming also came to an end, and the divorce was very unbearable, and the once beautiful feelings came to naught.

The two not only had a quarrel on the Internet, but also went to court, and once rumors of domestic violence were reported, and after that, He Jie was with her current husband Diao Lei again.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

Some netizens lamented that although He Jie has some love brains, fortunately, all the people she met were good people, but He Jie did not cherish them.

But now she has also come out, and with the recent "Sister Lang" program, people have re-witnessed her strength.

On the show, she became the captain and led the Superstar team to create multiple stages, each stage was very courageous, and now the list of the group is officially announced, and she has also successfully entered the list.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming officially announced his remarriage, and he and He Jie have embarked on different "roads" after all!

I have to say that feelings are always warm and cold, and they are not something that can be forced.

Now it can be seen that whether it is He Ziming or He Jie, they are looking for another lover after the divorce, maybe this is a happy thing, and I hope they can keep this happiness. #头条创作挑战赛#

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