
Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

author:Beijing Dongcheng District Federation of Trade Unions

Sing red songs and praise the pride of the times; Ode to the prosperous era and show the demeanor of the workers. 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Beijing Trade Union, lead the employees to unswervingly follow the party, enhance the love of the party and patriotism, enrich the spare time life of employees, and promote the construction of corporate culture, on the afternoon of June 25, the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions launched a May flower mass literary and artistic activity with the theme of "Workers Show Their Style and Build the Future Together" in the South Gate Theater.

The "cultural feast" was given to front-line workers

Nearly 100 employees from various enterprise trade unions and community joint trade unions in the jurisdiction gathered together. Li Qiang, deputy secretary of the Tiantan Street Working Committee and chairman of the Street Federation of Trade Unions, delivered an opening speech: "I would like to express my gratitude to the strong support of all enterprises and the hard work of the actors, and hope that all entrepreneurs can continue to help the development of the Temple of Heaven area." ”

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

This performance celebrates the new era, praises the new China, sings a new journey, and expresses the love for the party and the motherland in a variety of ways, such as dance, recitation, Peking opera, Hanfu show, chorus, duet, etc.

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions


He Shuxin Selection unit: Beijing Tiantan Industrial Corporation Trade Union

Shi Kun Selection unit: Beijing Nacheng Law Firm Trade Union

Sing the song of the laborers' progress

The performance kicked off with the lively dance "Mountains and Seas Love", and the sonorous recitation and dancing yoga showed the high-spirited spirit of the employees of the Temple of Heaven in the new era. The ethnic style "Mrs. Luxury" and the Han and Tang Dynasty costume show "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" allowed the audience to travel through time and appreciate the unique charm of traditional culture; Familiar songs such as "Chinese", "Great China" and "Night of the Military Port" resonated with the audience, and also sang the love of the Tiantan people in the new era for the motherland and the praise of the prosperous world. The Peking Opera "Ode to Pear Blossoms" is full of charm and charm, which once again makes everyone feel the charm of China's quintessence and the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture; In particular, the dance "Wanjiang" danced the vitality and demeanor of the young workers of the Temple of Heaven Trade Union, danced their determination and confidence to set sail and strive for a new journey, and conveyed the infinite love of the Temple of Heaven workers for a better life. Wonderful programs were staged in turn, winning applause from the audience.

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ Opening Dance "Mountains and Seas Love"

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ Beijing Chenyuan Property Management Co., Ltd. Labor Union selected to send the recitation of "Colorful China"

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ Beijing Bijie Hehe Hotel Management Co., Ltd. Labor Union selected female solo "Mrs. Luxury"

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ Beijing Zhonghe Zhenbei Technology Co., Ltd. trade union selected yoga dance rhyme "beautiful myth"

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ CBC (Beijing) Credit Management Co., Ltd. Labor Union selected male and female duet "Only Feel for You"

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ The Hanfu show "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" selected by the Zhaoheng Community United Trade Union

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ Dance "Wanjiang" selected by the Goldfish Pond Community United Trade Union

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ Beijing Zhongxin Antai Investment Co., Ltd. labor union selected male solo "Chinese"

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ Peking Opera "Ode to Pear Blossoms" selected by the Beijing Siberia Leather Group Trade Union

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△ The small chorus "The Night of the Military Port" and "Great China" selected by the Community Workers United Union

This art show is not only a display of employees' talents, but also an exchange of corporate culture, and a bond between trade unions and employees. The whole performance not only showed the enterprising spirit of the majority of staff and cadres in the jurisdiction, but also conveyed the firm belief of "forging ahead on a new journey and making contributions to a new era" and a high praise for the development achievements of various work. In the next step, the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions will further condense the positive energy of unity and forge ahead, create a positive, healthy and progressive cultural atmosphere, and make greater contributions to the creation of a "good atmosphere of the Temple of Heaven".

Grassroots dynamics丨Staff show their style and build the future together - a documentary of the "May Flowers" mass singing activity of the Temple of Heaven Street Federation of Trade Unions

△Group photo of the leaders and cast and crew attending the event

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