
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

author:Old iron love
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

w-2479# Original creator: Sun Jianmin Railway Soldier Comrades-in-Arms Network 2024-06-30

(Note: Audio omitted)

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

Dear Families of the Second Generation Friendship Center: Good evening, everyone!

For a person, living to be 103 years old is a long life and happiness; For a party, 103 years since its establishment is a long-lasting prosperity! Tomorrow, coinciding with the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, tonight, let us gather together, play, sing, sing and dance, sing and praise the great Communist Party of China with full enthusiasm, praise the strong motherland with joy, and welcome the party's birthday with sincere feelings!

1. First of all, let us use warm applause to invite the Military Star Art Troupe of the Iron Soldier Compound to perform a wonderful program for us, singing and dancing "Embroidering the Red Flag" performers: Sha Wei, Jiang Suping, Chai Lingfen, etc.

In the dark cell, Sister Jiang and her comrades-in-arms were full of yearning for New China, and embroidered a five-star red flag with tears in their eyes, but they died heroically at the birth of New China. Let us pay tribute to the martyrs, let us strive to realize their will and embroider a new world.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

2. Next, please enjoy the poem recitation "Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall Expression", let us trace the glorious footprints of the railway soldiers in the passionate poems. Author: Li Wangyuan, Reciter: Members of the Center participating in the "Iron Journey": Zheng Jianping, Chen Chaokai, Peng Likun, Sha Wei, Song Yanxia, Li Yajun, Qiu Yanling, Li Xuhong, Sun Yali, etc

Recitation: Luo Yi Sun Jianmin

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

3. The female chorus "Red Song Chorus" brought by the children's military stars/choir in the railway soldiers' courtyard let us relive the years of burning passion in the familiar melody.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

4. Please listen to Wang Jun's poem recitation of "The Oath", let us listen to the Zheng Zheng oath and feel the firm belief and strength of the Communist Party members.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

5. Please enjoy: Yu Jie played "My Motherland and Me" with a guzheng, and listened to her melodious melody to pour out her love for the motherland.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

6. Please enjoy Chen Chaokai's "Looking at Beijing with Affection", let us appreciate the deep yearning together.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

7. Please enjoy: Du Aimin's female solo "My Motherland and Me" makes this patriotic feeling stir in my heart for a long time.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

8, Yan Yuepei The "Wild Goose Flying South" played by the electric blowwind is about to sound, let us feel the deep affection in the beautiful music.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

  9. With infinite admiration and emotion for the glorious course of the railway soldiers, Peng Likun illustrated the display of "No Communist Party, No New China" to express her unique feelings in her heart, please enjoy.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China


- Visit the "Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall"

The song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" is here

When I was a child, I used to listen to my mother humming, familiar

The melody has long been deeply ingrained in my heart and accompanies it


On the afternoon of April 8 this year, I came to Beijing Yuquan for an entertainer

So, participate in the "Iron Journey" activity of the military network and explore

The footprints of the railroad soldiers.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

On April 9, according to the plan of the Beijing reception station, he visited the "Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall" in Beijing in the morning and the Military Museum in the afternoon. At 9 o'clock in the morning, everyone entered the hall of the Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall in an orderly manner, and the first thing that caught their eyes was the words "Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall"! He seemed to tell us that this is a history museum that records the glorious history and great achievements of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, a special branch of the armed forces. Before entering the exhibition hall, it brought a huge shock to our hearts.

When I visited the memorial hall this time, I was pleasantly surprised to see the historical photos of my father repairing the railway in the Korean battlefield in the exhibition hall, and I was very excited!

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

In the Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall, I stand in front of my father's photo

His father, Peng Naijiu, joined the Fourth Company of the Seventh Regiment of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army in Qiqihar in February 1947, and joined the Communist Party of China in August of the same year.

My father was born as a poor child, and he learned to strike iron for a living since he was a child, and he suffered a lot of hardships and sins. I know very well that only by following the Communist Party to make a revolution can the poor live a good life.

My father volunteered to join the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, a team led by the Communist Party of China, and made meritorious contributions to the founding of New China and the cause of socialism along the way.

(The railway soldiers were born in the Northeast Battlefield during the Liberation War, and were formerly known as the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army Road Guard)

Visiting the "Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall" makes us deeply feel the rich historical information and strong red nostalgia. This is a valuable opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the revolutionary history of the railway soldiers of my father's generation. Everyone cherished and was very excited.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

In the exhibition hall, Chen Chaokai conducted the chorus "Railway Soldiers Ambition in the Quartet"

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

Collective recitation of "Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall Expression"

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

In the memorial hall, the hand-held relief is very exciting

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

I was deeply attracted and moved by the content of the explanation in the museum

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

The explanation and scene of the confrontation with US aid Korea were deeply shocking

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

Listen carefully to the narrator's talk about the great achievements of the railway soldiers

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

In front of the exhibition hall, he took a group photo with Li Wubing, Feng Fujia, Yuanfang, Zheng Jianping and others.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

He took a group photo with Luo Yi and Sun Jianmin, the second generation of iron, in front of the memorial hall.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

and the second generation of iron Chen Chaokai in front of the sculpture of the railway soldiers

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

In the museum, he took a group photo with Li Youzhen, a beautiful female soldier who aided Vietnam and resisted the epidemic

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

Take a group photo in front of a large painting in the Railway Soldiers Memorial Hall

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

On April 8, the second generation of iron in Beijing Sculpture Park took a group photo

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

On April 8, he took a group photo at the Beijing Sculpture Park

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

On the evening of April 8, the four group managers of Quanjude in Beijing took a group photo

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

On the evening of April 8, the second generation of Deutsche Bahn gathered for a photo in Quanju

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

On the afternoon of April 9, under the leadership of Chen Chaokai, he visited the Military Museum.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

10. Dong Jianguo played "No Communist Party, No New China" with his small snare drum, showing his incomparable loyalty and love for the Communist Party in the passionate melody, please enjoy:

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

11. Next, please enjoy the female solo "Bitter Cauliflower Blooming Golden Light", singer: Cui Jingchun, let's feel her unique charm together.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

12. Please enjoy the female solo "Yingshan Red", we will recall that unforgettable history together in the song. Singer: Cao Suilin

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

13. Everyone must still remember the episode "Chairman Mao's Flowers in My Heart" in the movie "Tunnel War", today my comrade-in-arms Hou Wei will dedicate this sweet and beautiful song to everyone, let us applaud and welcome.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

14. Please enjoy: "Prairie Night" brought to us by Cuckoo Shen Li, let us appreciate the tranquility and beauty of the prairie in song.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

15. Li Lin's poetry recitation is high-pitched and passionate, and her voice is loud. "Centennial Symphony" will take us to look back on the centennial journey and feel the grandeur of history.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

16. Please enjoy: Hou Aihua's female solo "Song for Grandma", she uses her singing voice to convey warmth and affection. Let us applaud and welcome.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

17. Remember the heroes and inherit the spirit. Please enjoy the small chorus "War Song of the Volunteers to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" Singers: Pei Xuekun and others

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

18. Please enjoy: Zheng Jihui sang the classic old song "The Reddest Fire in the Revolutionary Furnace" for us, let us relive the enthusiasm of the revolution in the passionate melody.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

19 Please enjoy: The song "That's Me" sung by Mu Jianjing will take us to find the deep belonging of our hearts. Everyone is welcome!

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

20. Please enjoy: The female solo "Don't Forget the Original Heart" tells us to stick to the original intention and forge ahead. Sang by Tao Ling for everyone.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

21. Please enjoy: Zhang Zhongyi's "Serving the People" sang the spirit of Communist Party members dedicating themselves to the people. Let's welcome with a round of applause!

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

22. Please enjoy: Zhang Li sang "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" for us, the melodious melody is our deep affection to the party, applause welcome!

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

23. Please appreciate what Zhang Yumei brought to us

The picture display of "Feeling the Party's Kindness and Walking with the Party" makes us grateful, always follow the footsteps of the party, and always follow the party!

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

This year is the 39th anniversary of my joining the party, and this commemorative medal for joining the party is awarded to all party members by the party committee of our unit.

As a member of the Communist Party of China, we must not forget our original intention, keep our mission in mind, and always follow the party!

Zhang Yumei

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

24. Please enjoy: The female solo "Sing Liuyang River Again" takes us to appreciate the scenery of Liuyang River and feel the emotions and moods of Chairman Mao's hometown. Singer: Song Yanxia

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

25. Please enjoy: The poem "Ode to the Railway Soldiers" that praises the bravery and dedication of the railway soldiers Author: He Jiakun

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

Please open the link to watch:

26 Finally, please enjoy the chorus "Eternal Iron and Blood Army Song", sung by the choir of the Beijing Railway Soldiers-in-arms Art Troupe, and the members of the center, Chen Chaokai, Zhao Yan, Yang Qing, Zhu Hong, Kong Lingjun. Xu Meng, Song Jihong, Sun Jianmin, etc., drew a successful end to the party.

Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party
Welcome the "July 1st" ode to the party's grace, railway soldiers, comrades-in-arms, network railway, second-generation friendship center gala party

Recalling the past, the sparks of the stars came from the red boat, and the land of China blew all over the smoke. Under the correct leadership of the great Communist Party of China, we expelled the Japanese invaders, defeated the internal enemy, and established a new country in the East. So that people live a happy life! Nowadays, we advocate honesty, anti-corruption, and the people's aspirations, get rich and help the poor, and make triumphant songs. Towering on top of the world. In the future, I believe that under the leadership of the great Communist Party, we will continue our original intention, inherit the tradition, and become more prosperous and prosperous!

This is the end of the July 1st party, thank you for your active participation and active participation. Good night everyone! Good bye!

(Editor: Caiyun Chasing the Moon)

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