
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

author:Old iron love
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

w-2481# Original creator: Zhuzhu Railway Soldier Comrades Network 2024-06-30

(Note: Audio omitted)

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

Dear old comrades-in-arms, military wives, and iron second generation,

Good evening, everyone!

When the red boat in Nanhu set sail, when the pilot pioneer on the ship pointed out the direction of moving forward, the great Communist Party of China rode the wind and waves all the way, braved difficulties and dangers, went through ups and downs, and overcame obstacles to today!

Although the course of the Communist Party of China has been tortuous and difficult, it has finally achieved a brilliant course. The magnificent epic written by the Communist Party of China must be magnificent and immortal poems.

Today, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the birth of our party and in the new stage of the party's historical development, all of us veteran soldiers and veteran party members of the railway soldiers will, as always, bear in mind the purpose of the party and dedicate themselves to their modest efforts in the afterglow of the sunset. Our comrades-in-arms of the Railway Soldier Network Art Troupe carefully prepared this online evening to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. Use our singing, dancing and music performances to show our loyalty and love to the party.

Today's party will be hosted by Yang Li, Wang Jun, Qiu Yanling, Yu Jie, and Li Lin.

First of all, the political commissar Hou Wei delivered an enthusiastic commemorative speech on July 1st, and then invited the comrades-in-arms to enjoy the rich and wonderful artistic performances of the art troupe.

(Opening Speech / Li Suqing)

I now give the floor to Political Commissar Hou Wei

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe


Political Commissar of the Art Troupe: Hou Wei

Dear comrades-in-arms of the Bingwang Art Troupe,

In the bright sea of stars in July, we ushered in the birthday of the party. Tonight, the old comrades-in-arms of our art troupe gathered together to present the most affectionate and noble praise to the great party with romantic and colorful songs and dances.

In the past years, the party's brilliance was like an infinite star, shining brightly. The railway soldiers of that year also shouldered the sacred mission and fought hard for the country's railway construction. And the comrades-in-arms of our art troupe have also added a colorful stroke to this great mission with selfless dedication and tenacity.

In those years, we cast railway legends among the splendid mountains and rivers, and conveyed the great spirit of the party with wonderful artistic interpretation.

Tonight's singing and dancing party is our dedication to the party. Every note is poured into our love for the party; Every dance step carries our hard work.

Let us feel our deep affection for the party in the melodious melody; Praise the greatness of the party in the graceful dance.

Let us sing and dance with joy to present the brightest and most sincere blessings for the party's birthday.

Finally, I sincerely thank every comrade-in-arms for their selfless dedication, let us work together to make the party bloom with more dazzling brilliance!

Thank you!

1. In that dark cell, Sister Jiang and her comrades-in-arms were full of yearning for New China, and embroidered a bright five-star red flag with tears, but they died heroically at the birth of New China. Let us pay tribute to the martyrs! Let's strive to fulfill their legacy and embroider a new world. Please enjoy the song and dance "Embroidered Red Flag" below, performed by: Sha Wei, Jiang Suping, Chai Lingfen, etc

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

2. "The last bowl of rice is used to make military rations; The last flesh and blood, send him to the battlefield", the villagers of the world, dedicate everything to the revolution, they are the iron wall of the revolution. Please enjoy the female solo "Folks in the World", singer: Yan Jing, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

3. The reason why the revolutionary martyrs regard death as their home is because they have lofty ideals in their hearts, and this ideal is to realize the beautiful communism. Next, please continue to enjoy an excerpt from the female solo opera "Sister Jiang": "I contribute my youth to communism". Singer: Zhang Li, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

4, "Playing the Tambourine and Singing the Song", this is a song of joy, a song of happiness, for decades, the tambourine is still beating, the song is still singing, because it sings the love and belief of hundreds of millions of people in the party. Let's listen to the male solo "Playing the Tambourine and Singing the Song", sung by: Mao Songyun.

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

5. "The Great Power and the Big Party Create Glory Again", written by comrade-in-arms Zhao Hou and composed by Yu Xianwen, is an ode to the hearts of soldiers. It will surely inspire us to create new brilliance! Please enjoy the male and female vocal duet "The Great Power and the Big Party Create Glory Again".

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

6. Dear comrades-in-arms, let us walk into the vast and picturesque prairie to enjoy the "Furong Song Society" led by Yang Ming's comrades-in-arms singing "Beautiful Prairie My Home", let us feel the beauty of the prairie in the melodious singing. Everyone's applause welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

7. A red light illuminates the journey forward; A legend stirred in the hearts of the Chinese. The modern Peking Opera "Red Lantern Notes" helps us remember the history of resisting Japan and saving the country, and feel the greatness and tenacity of the Chinese. Please enjoy the excerpt from "Red Lantern" below, "Learn from your father's heart and ambition like steel", singer: Dong Yurong, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

8. Our motherland stands in the east of the world, and it carries the hope of mankind and the strength of our progress. Next, please enjoy the female solo "Motherland, I'm Proud of You", lyricist: Du Xiaoyan

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

9. Sing a song to the party, I compare the party to my mother. This song was first released from the heart of the communist fighter Lei Feng, singing the voice of the people of the whole country. Next, I invite Li Songtao's comrades-in-arms to play for us with a hair pipe, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

10. "The East is red, the sun is rising, China has a Mao Zedong ......", this song is inspiring, and it has followed the satellite into space. Now when I sing it, it is still intimate and touching. Next, please listen to the chorus "Dongfang Hong", led by Chai Lingfen, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

11. Next, please enjoy the original song "You Bring Spring to China", which enthusiastically praises our great party and the pioneers who brought spring to the motherland, who changed the fate of China. Lyrics: Jian Yunbin, Composer: Liu Weihua, Chen Jiaquan, Wheat Field Choir singing

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

12. The "August 1st" military flag is red, the soldiers sing loudly, they are brave and loyal to protect the motherland, and the people's army is loyal to the party. Next, please listen to the trumpet playing "The People's Army is Loyal to the Party", the high-pitched trumpet sound will inspire our confidence in victory and infinite strength. Performer: Zhang Yingjian, welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

13. The country is the people, and the people are the country, and the Communist Party of China always cares about the people in its heart and takes serving the people wholeheartedly as a guide to action. Please enjoy the female solo "Jiangshan" below, singer: Jia Jinying, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

14, "For Whom", this is a song about the soldiers fighting floods for the people, which is touching and tear-jerking. Let's listen to the erhu solo "For Whom". Performer: Xiang Minggui, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

15. On the vast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Gesang flowers bloom to the fullest, like the children of the Tibetan people growing up happily under the sunshine of the party. Accordionist Zhao Huanwen played a group of "Tibetan Song Ensemble" with melodious piano sounds, which made us listen to it with great affection. Everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

16. "Red River Valley" is a famous Canadian folk song with a beautiful melody and enthusiasm. Next, I will invite my old comrades-in-arms Yuan Zhibin to play "Red River Valley" for us with a saxophone and Zhang Yingjian with a trumpet, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

17. We follow the picture scroll of history to look back at the difficulties of the revolution and pursue the loyalty of our ancestors. In order to revisit the original intention and keep the mission in mind. Below, our singer Yi Ming sings the theme song "Pursuit" for the great cause of the founding of the People's Republic of China to everyone, which will make our blood boil, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

18. The sons and daughters of the grassland are hearted to the party, they stand in the spring, sow hope and compose the sand and seaweed waves with a passion for eternal singing. Below, please listen to the female solo "Forever Singing", and the song Zhao Lingli sang by Shi Yuxuan.

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

19. Comrades-in-arms, we have endless words and songs to sing about the party. Below, we will also enjoy the male solo "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", which shows that we have a deep affection for the party. Singer: Cui Xiaozhong, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

20. In the vast frontier, the war horses are galloping, and it is our cavalry defending the territory of the motherland, and the mission is sacred and glorious. The song "Horse Gallop to Protect the Frontier" praises the mighty and heroic of the people's army, please enjoy the suona solo "Horse Gallop to Protect the Frontier", performer: An Guogui

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

21. People say that Shanxi has good scenery, fertile land and beautiful grains. Since the new railway, the mountains and rivers have been renewed. Today, Yang Jianqiang's comrades-in-arms used a whistle to play "People Say Shanxi is a Good Scenery", which will surely arouse the yearning of many comrades-in-arms for their second hometown.

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

22. In our hearts, July is no longer a season, but a fiery flag, which reflects the sky and the earth, creating happiness and miracles for the Chinese nation! Below, please enjoy the poem recitation "July Sky", reciter: Qiu Yanling

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

23. The party has given us everything, we must dedicate everything to the party, we must sing and dance, and sing for the party forever. Next, please listen to the male solo "Dedicate Everything to the Party", sung by: Zhang Zhongyi

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

24. We deeply love the land of China, even if we go thousands of miles, travel thousands of miles, or in the embrace of the motherland, please use his beautiful baritone to sing "The Land of China" for us, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

25. "July 1st" is a day of special significance, it pushes the Nanhu Red Boat to the voyage of victory, it writes the myth of the Oriental giant with a hundred years of glory, and today Li Lin's comrades-in-arms recited "July 1st Caprice" to help us review the party's love again!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

26. Sing mountain songs to the party again, the more you sing, the sweeter your heart becomes, and the more you sing, the stronger your ambition becomes. Next, I will invite mezzo-soprano singer Julie to sing "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again" for us, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

27. My mother taught me a song, without the Communist Party, there would be no New China. This is not an ordinary song, but a great truth that has been proven by Chinese history. Let us sing this song and win a greater victory in the new era and new journey! Next, please continue to enjoy the male solo "Mom Taught Me a Song", singer: Teng Hongchao, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

28, "My Motherland and Me", this is a hymn to love the motherland, the old comrade-in-arms Zhang Qingsong and his Harbin Iron Wind Band team carefully created this work, as if to narrate our infinite attachment to the motherland. Next, please listen to the wind ensemble "My Motherland and Me" by Zhang Qingsong and his wind ensemble.

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

29. Under the wise leadership of the party, our motherland has entered a new era of development, and people who enjoy a happy life have all sang the motherland and the party. Please enjoy the male vocal quartet "Singing the Motherland and Singing the Party", singer: Qian Weihong, etc., everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

30. Beijing is the heart of the great motherland and the place that hundreds of millions of people yearn for. Please listen to the female solo "Ode to Beijing", singer: Cui Jingchun, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

31. The heart of the party is to seek liberation and happiness for the people; The heart of a soldier is to protect the motherland and the people. Two hearts are connected and inseparable! Let's listen to the male solo "The Heart of the Party, the Heart of the Warrior", sung by: Zhao Zuolian

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

32. Comrades-in-arms, next our singer Shen Li will change her performance method for the first time, and today she will perform a poem and recite "Ode to the Heart" for everyone, she is full of affection, recalling the glorious history of the party for us, and helping us relive the great truth that there would be no New China without the Communist Party! Next, please ask Shen Li to recite "Ode to the Heart", everyone is welcome.

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

33, the song "Party, Dear Mother", sung by singer Yin Xiumei, spread to thousands of households. Today, Ye Tianqin, an old comrade-in-arms, plays this song with an electric blowpipe, and the sound of the piano is melodious, which is worth appreciating. Everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

34, the song "We the People", this song with simple language and beautiful melody, sung in the north and south of the river, the people are the parents of food and clothing, the people are the foundation of victory, we will always sing. Please listen to the male solo "We People", singer: Zhao Yan, everyone is welcome!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

35. "The sun came out to shine in all directions, and Chairman Mao's thoughts flashed golden light...... "This is an episode from the movie "Tunnel War", and it is very popular with the people. Today, comrade-in-arms Gong Jing used the flute to play this classic song for us, which will stir up waves of our feelings. Next, please enjoy Gong Jing's performance of "Chairman Mao's Words in Mind".

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

36. Comrades-in-arms, at this moment of passion, we will usher in the finale of the party: the dance "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again", which is a combination of song and dance, and a picture of people and scenery. Our comrade-in-arms Sun Lin will lead her dance team to give us a wonderful performance and express our respect and gratitude to the party. Thank you!

(Lyrics of the party's literary and artistic program: Sun Jianmin)

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe
Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

Dear old comrades-in-arms, the second generation of iron, and military wives,

In order to celebrate the party's birthday, the comrades-in-arms of the whole regiment gathered again tonight, everyone was full of pride, singing and dancing, playing and singing, and expressing their loyalty and love for the party, which was an unforgettable night. The 35 programs on display tonight were splendid and interactive, fully embodying our firm belief in loving the party, loving the country, and following the party. Let us, as always, forge ahead and continue to cheer for the party, the motherland and the people; Singing and dancing for the times, for happiness, for happiness; Let our sunset afterglow bloom more brilliantly on the stage of contributing to society and serving comrades-in-arms!

(Concluding remarks: Text/Zhao Houfa)

This is the end of the party, I wish you all a good night!

Documentary of the "July 1st" party of the Bingwang Art Troupe

Speech at the party

Text/Pan Shoujun

The two joined hands to play a good show

The festivities were varied

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the July 1st Gala was held on the evening of June 28 as scheduled and was a complete success, planned by Mao Songyun, head of the Art Troupe of the Railway Soldiers-in-Arms Network Art Troupe, coordinated by Hou Wei, executive deputy general coordinator of the Soldier Network and political commissar of the Art Troupe, and the creation department and host department of the Art Troupe. The party was co-hosted by five comrades-in-arms, including Li Lin, Wang Jun, Yang Li, Yu Hao, and Qiu Yanling.

On May 20 this year, in order to give better play to its unique advantages of gathering talents and intensive intelligence, break the stereotypes and keep pace with the times, the Bingwang Art Troupe established a creative department headed by comrade-in-arms Xie Jinshan and a presiding department headed by comrade-in-arms Zhang Li. Among the members of these "two departments" are not only well-known figures in the cultural and artistic circles of the military network system, but also literary and artistic leaders in the second generation of iron who have emerged in recent years. Although their experiences, specialties and environments are different, they all have one thing in common, that is, their love for literature and art, the courage to reform and innovate, and their selfless dedication to serving their comrades-in-arms wholeheartedly.

Since the establishment of the "two departments", it has stimulated unprecedented new energy, which is in the ascendant and has been on the stage. There is a clear division of labor and close cooperation; Not only each has its own responsibilities, but also complements each other, just like the vibrant, open and harmonious lotus, each other, hand in hand, highlighting the best effect of the Zhulian wall and the brilliance of each other.

During the gala, 36 programs performed by many artists such as Mao Songyun, head of the art troupe, were brilliant and colorful, and each program was so touching and inspiring, fully expressing the infinite affection of the vast number of railway comrades-in-arms who love the party, the motherland and the people's army, and made all the participants dizzy and amazed. It won many warm applause and cheers from all the participants.

During the third anniversary of the establishment of the Bingwang Art Troupe, Liu Zhenghu, the stationmaster of the Railway Soldiers' Comrades-in-Arms Network, once wrote a commentary entitled "Gathering is a Fire and Scattering is a Sky Full of Stars", which was full of heartfelt praise for the exquisite art of the artists of the art troupe. Stationmaster Liu said in the comment: "The art troupe is a special existence in our military network. It is composed of a group of special personnel - the artistic elite of the former railway soldiers; They produce special products – show performances; They use their special products to provide special services for the military network - participate in the network activities of the military network. Looking at it, in the post-railway soldier era, they play a unique role in inheriting and carrying forward the cultural spirit of the railway soldiers. ”

On the occasion of the establishment of the "two departments" of the Bingwang Art Troupe, Liu Zhenghu, the stationmaster, said in his congratulatory message: "The establishment of the two departments means the further refinement of the division of labor of the art troupe, and the vitality and prosperity of the art troupe. This will be more conducive to giving birth to more and better artistic masterpieces, comprehensively improving the quality of the art troupe's programs, and better serving the cultural propaganda of the railway soldiers and comrades-in-arms. He also put forward requirements and clarified the direction of how the art troupe should carry out its work in the next step, so that all members of the art troupe were deeply inspired and encouraged.

While the "1 July" gala was successfully held, the party to celebrate the "1 August" Army Day was being actively prepared. Let us look forward to the new era and new journey of the Bingwang Art Troupe, continue to make new achievements and climb new heights.

(Editor: Caiyun Chasing the Moon)

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